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<br /> ��:`°ti':.;,s : ..�.�°, . paymeats may no tonger 6e required,at the optian of t.ender.if mortgage tnsurance wve age ti�the���for the geriad =
<br /> , ,. r �` that LeaQer requ�nes)Provided by an insurer approvad by Leader asain becomes availabte und is o�minod.Boirowet shail pay r
<br /> tde prem[ums cequirr�ta m�aintaIn mortgage uuuraace ia effo�x.or to pruvtde a loss reservc.until the reguirement for raortgage _
<br /> ` insvrance e�ids in acootdau�tvith nny written agteement betw�n Bornswer und l,ender or upplica6tc iaw. -
<br /> ' � 9. Insp2ctioa. l�ender or its agent may make reusoaa6te entries upon aad inspesxions of the P�opecty. l,ender shal!give -
<br /> ' ' ��` Borrower notice at the time o�'or prior to an inspection s�ecifyiag ceasonable sause for the ins�Ctioa. -
<br /> �� . 10.Cond�tto�.'[�e praceeds of any siw�d or ctaim for drimages.direct or oonser{�eatial. in c�snnectiaa with any► -
<br /> �
<br /> `�,��'`�'� oond�mnation or othet talcing of any part of the Property.or for oonveytince in lieu of oondemnatton,are he.mby asgigned and =
<br /> � shatl be pald to LNnder. ' _:
<br /> In the event of a mtal taking of the Prape►;y.the proceeds sbati 8e applied w tIIe sums secured Dy this Seauity Inswiaea� _
<br /> '�� . � whether oi not then due.wiW smy excess paid to Borrower. In the event of a partiat taicing of the Property iu which the fair �
<br /> ,,,,.
<br /> •� , market value of the Propecty imiaediately befare t3ie taicing is equal to or gr�eater than the amount of the sums secuied by this _
<br /> � :;;';` ._ `�''�,: Securiry Iastn�atent immediately before the taidng.unless Borrower au�i Lender atherwise agree in arriHng,the sums s�ured by =
<br /> �•�' � tbis Seturity Insbumeat shaU be teduced by tlie amouat of tl2e pro�eds mutdpiied by the fullowin�frection: (a)tlie tatal -
<br /> . amount of the sums secured irarnediately before the taking,divided by(b)tha fuir market vaiue of the Pr�perry Immed'iatety =
<br /> . ' 6efore the taking.lany batance sha116e paid to Bermwer.Ia the eveat of a partial taking of the Pcvperty i�wiuch the fair =
<br /> �, .:n'� �..�F; _
<br /> `Y`� , �� market value of the Pmpercy immediately before the ta�g is less than the amount of the sams secured immed3ateIy before the =
<br /> _ ;,. =
<br /> . _ . taking,untess Sorrower and Uender othenvise agree ia writiag or untess appticable!aw othera+ise provides,the pmceeds shall =
<br /> ' be applied to the sa�ns s�cure�by this Security answiment whether or nnt the swns are then dae. -
<br /> .. • ' - If tbe Property is aDanttoned by Bomower.or if.aRer pfltioe by Lendet w Bor�ower tt�at the ooademnnr offe�s to make aa =
<br /> � � , award or settIe a cla3m for dau�ages, Burrower faits to respond to Leader with)n 30 days aft�r the date the aotice is given, � =
<br /> '� Y,��, ��".�:%, Leader is ainhorized m wltect and appty the pmc�ds,at its o�nion,either w restora�on ar repair.of the P�serty or to the sums _
<br /> � `�...,: securrd by this Sewriry Instrnment,whether or aot then due. � � a
<br /> - - . ,���:�. • � . Uatess I�nder and Borrower otheiwise agtee in wripag. aaY aPPUcation of gmc�eds to priacipal strall not extead or
<br /> : �M1.,� ,� . � .��.i. postpone the due date of the monslilY P$Ymenu referred to in paiagaphs 1 aad 2 or ciiaage the a�mou�rt of such paymecrts. _
<br /> ��,;�_�,,�.:�;;�.,,:;? 11.Bormw�Not Releas�;Forhearance�ty Lead�Not a Waiver.E.xtension pf t(ie time for payment or madification =-
<br /> °, fi,• ' , � .' . of amortizatIoa of the s�ms s�ured isy this Saa�rity Inswment granted by LeQdet to any suaoessor in i�tterest of Bmrower shall , -
<br /> '' � � �,t�{ � not operate to reiease the tiability of die original Borroarer or Borrower's saccessoss in interest. I.ender shall not be requu+ed w ' _
<br /> : �. , mmmenc�e proa�3ngs against a�r suocessor ir�rnterest ar r�efvse to ext�nd wne foz payment or otherwise modify amardtatiot► -
<br /> � �'� ^ �` `� of,the sums secured b this Secori Instruarznt b reasem of demand made the osi ' &omower or�rrower's � -
<br /> '���� -
<br /> �.:,�f,�•: .> �."'<i Y tY Y �Y bY 8�
<br />- ,+;; .�• ; ',.� suocessois in interest.Any fotbr�anc�by I.ender in exet�cising onq right oi�remody shali not be a waiver of or�*�clnde the ,
<br />_ . � - `^ exenise of arry right or nemedy.
<br /> . ::;,; 1Z. Sna�sats�ad Assigas Bouad.Jc�nt faad Several LiabiCfl4y;£o-stgreta. Tfie co�enants and ag�eements of this =
<br /> - - '.`..t:;� Seatrity Inst�me�ut�all bind and 6enefit tt� saccessors and assigns of Lender and Borrotver, sub;ert w the pravisioas of . _
<br />-. _ . . �': paragraph 17. �Boa.�r's rovenants and agireemeutg sball be joinE and seveial. /�ny Borxower who oo-signs �Security -
<br /> ,� .. . ��{ Inst�ument but daes not exearte the Note:(a)is co-signing tbis Sorvrity InsMiment only to mortgage,granf ahd.ooarrey that
<br />- E�. Borrower's interest in the Property uader the terms of this Security Instrumentf(b)is aot pers+onally abligated w pay ttie samg -
<br /> •� • .s.:< secured by this 3e�riry Instrumeat;and(c)agrees that Leader and any other.Borrower may ag�ree to extend.modify,forbear or =
<br /> .make any a000mmo�ations witls regard to the terms of this S�urlty Insuameat or the Note wittmut that Borrower's�cpnseat.
<br />_;'. ,: . ' .��� 13.Loaa C6atge.s.If the toan secured by this Sec�riry Insmrment is subjed W a law w(ucb sets maximacn toan chasges. _
<br /> �,. c
<br /> �;r,•„ �� ' .� ':, and that law Is finalIy interpretefl so that the interest or other loan charges cdllected or to be colle�ted ia oannec��with'ttte _
<br /> '�;.��;.: .� ., ' : '� loan excxed the peAnitted limits.t�en: (a)any such loan charge shall be reduced by the amount necessary w reduce the charge
<br /> �'.���, :
<br /> ,... � � to the permitted!i�and(b)siry sams alrea�y coltected from Bom�wer wluch excxeded permitte��afs wttl be refanded to
<br /> -. . _,?ti%� Borrawes. LendeP ar�Y chaose W maice this i�nd by reducing the princigal awed uader the H'�er t+y m�kin� a dir�t •:. _
<br /> '";��;�''� � '.", gayment to Bormwer. If a refi�d r�as�:incipal. We reduction wi11 be treated as a Partial g:�epaymeat without any,
<br /> ���.;;r;��� �. °. ` prcpayment charge under the Note. . . •. _
<br /> ���� � �14.Not[ces.�4n notice to Borrower �rded for in tlus Seaui Instrument shall be ven deliverin {t a�i�x� �
<br />_ . ... � .'�5.. Y F�'' tY & t►Y g B��g _
<br /> °• a,'i it by first class mail unless appficable law ro�z.�ms use of another method.The notice shaU be ditectec�to tiie Yropeity�Address -
<br /> � . . .�� or any otheT addc�s Borrowet deslgnates�'�adce to Lender. My nodce to Leader shall be given'by tirst.class mail ta � -
<br /> - �:�';� � i Lender's address s�:ed Rerein or any other address Leader designates by notice to Borrower. My notice prov�sled for in this =.
<br /> �`''`'';'`. :.' ° .! Seauity Inswment shal!be deemed to have been given to Bomnwer or I.ender when g�a�a as provtded iu tUis paragraPh. .=
<br /> �''t�'; , . � 15.C,overnWg Law; Severabllity. Tfus Securlty Iastrumeat shall be governad by federal !aw and the law of the • �_
<br />- � jurisdiction in whi�hh the Property is lacated.ln the event that any provisian or ctause of this Security Instrument or the Note . . _
<br /> � � " � ' ''� � . wnflicts with apgSicable law.such wnflict shall not affect other�pmvisions of tbis Security Insmime�.4:ra the Note which can 6e ' _
<br /> � ;, ._,.���`�.;. ; , given effect anthoui the conflicting provision.To this end the provisions of this Seautty Instrumr���the Note at�declared ' -
<br /> ' ' to be severable. . '
<br /> . ;
<br /> , : t 16.Borrower's Copy.Bonower sha11 be given one conformed oopy of the Note aad of this Se+c�rity Instn�.
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