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<br /> ``<'%h . . TOGETH6R WITN all ihe improvemeats aow or hemsRer erected on th�pm�►e�Y• •aPP��O�•
<br /> futur� aow or heteaft�er a part a�tde property. A►j! reQlacxmenfs and a�fditions shall also be covered by this Sewrity ;,�
<br /> - _ ... . _ � Insaument.All of the foregaing is refetred co in this Se�urity Ioswment as thc°PropeRY•° _,_h_
<br /> � SORROWER COVENANTS that Borrower is lawfully sEis�d of the estate hereby wmreyed aad has the rig6t to giaat and �.��_`.
<br /> ���;`, �,' -.= comrey the Propetty and ti�at the PropenY is unencumhered.except for encumbrances of reaoN. Borrower warrai►ts a a d w i l l
<br /> ~�� . defend genetalty the titIe to t6e ProgectY a&'iinsc afi daims an�!d�s.sttbject to stnY encumbrances of record. � ,'"
<br /> � �. . THt�SECURITY INS'fRUMEN'P oambines unifoan aovenauts for national ose and non-unifoim oovenaats with limited ��:''�:,'
<br /> , . variations by jwisdictian to oonsGtute a uniform security instmment covering tea!pmperty �;^.
<br /> �."_- , . _ UMFORM COV'ENAI�i'fS.Borrower aad Lender covenaut�d agree as foltows: �=-"
<br /> �: ', �.,�
<br /> <` .,-� `-:� 1.Fayanast af Frjadgal a�Yntc�es�PtepaYffieat ancl LaLe C�arges. Bortower shall PmmpttY PaY when due the � �
<br /> < ;�.•::r; -- __
<br /> ,. , pr�l of aaa interest on the debt evidence�by the Note and anY P�PaYm�t and laue chatg�s due undcr the Note. _ .
<br /> Z.F�dg for Taaes and Iasveance.Subject to applicabl�law or to a written waiver by l.eader.Bou�wer shall pay to _.._=-
<br /> .`, - _ Lender on the day mont6lY Payments a�e due under tbe Note.until the Note is paid ia full.a sum('�unds7 for.(a)Y�Y� _--_
<br /> . � �,',,:.'`.' and assasmews wiuch may suain priority over this 5ec�uity Insuument as a liea on t6e PropertY:(b)Ye�IY teasehotd paymenta !=='
<br /> � • ar gmnad rents on the Pnaperty,if any:(c)Year11+ha7ard ar pmpecty insatauce premiums;(d)Ye�IY aood insvrance ps�s, �°:�'.
<br /> �,.�_-
<br /> . .. - if any;(e)YeasiY mortgaSe insuiance premiums,jf aay:and(fl�5+�PaY�le by Sormwer to Lender,in ascor�dsnce with • _:,�,
<br /> '� ,,,� . -'�� the pmvisions of paragrap6 8.ia lieu of the.payment of mortgage insuranse premiums.�ese items are calZed"Escrow Items.° �-�__
<br /> '�':'�`�}� I.ercder may,at any tims.colt�t aad hotd Funds in an asaoant rtot to exoeed the maximum amnunt a leader for a federatly �,�
<br /> `.�, �- �
<br /> "`_, �.: ieiated mortgage toan may mquire for Borrower's escmw a000unt wader the federal Real Fstate SeWe�ent Ptocednres Aet of �r .
<br /> ._...- <-�• 1714 as emended from time io time. IZ U.S.C.Section 2601 d seq. ("RESPA"),untess mmother taw that appttes to the Funds _
<br /> . - .`': .� � sets a tesser amoun�If so. Lender may.at aay time, collect aad hold Funds in an amount not w exceed the lesser amonat. � �_�_
<br /> � • - La.�der may estjmate the amount of Funds due on the basis of cn�ent data and masonable estimates of expeaditures of fuAue :'�,`-.
<br /> • ., " Fsctow Items or othenuise in accordance wtth appiiwble�aw. �s•_
<br /> ` :`�:; The �unds 51ia11 be he� in an institution whose deposits az+e iasured by a feder�il ageacy, instmmentalitY. ar entity -- -
<br /> --_-._._ ;�.�..,;;::,�� . (uscluding I.e�e*•if Lender is such an insritu6oa)or in any Fedecal I�Iome�l.oan Bank.I.ender shall apply the Funds�n pay the �""_'
<br /> .' , . . ,r'' . Ule.Fw�dss a�QUafly amalyung Yle eacroN/accQUmi ar
<br /> .;r,:: .,;• Bscn�iv.Items.LRndei may not charge Horrower for hotding and applying
<br /> . '. ' �verifyjag the Fscmw Items,onless Lender pays Eonower interest on the Funds and applicable law pemoits Leader w make snch __-
<br /> • """'.�.'� � a charge.However.I.ender may requiie Borrower w pay a ume-time charge for an independent real estate ta�t reportiag seivice
<br /> ....•� .�� � used by Lender in;c�,.aection witb Wis loau, anless applicxhle taw prot�.otherarise. UWess aa�agreemeat iS made at '�� --
<br /> � '� �r._•'. . , applipble law requi�es interest ta be paid.Lender shall not be required to p�Boaower aay interest c�eaminP,s on tvte Fands. �: �
<br /> .., _f;f� '.� , Borrower and Lender may agre�in writing, 6owevu,that interest stiall be paid on the�adg.l.ender sha11 glve td��Barrower,
<br /> � � .:';;�' .�:�'. without chazge. an annusl accorsnting of the Fuads,showing c�dits and debiu W the�a and the purpose for�icb e2ch �_
<br /> �,• . . ., .
<br /> . � �4 .`� � debit to the Funds��s made.The Fands are�I�ed as addidonal sec�uity.for all sums sei'aired by this�rity Insuvmen� . . _...._..
<br /> . . • `f� �- If the Fnnds held by Leader exceed the a�n=�nts pemiltted to be deld by a�pplicabte taw,Lender�.aocount to Bormw� � --__-
<br /> . . for the excess Funds in accordancc�vith the n�',sremenu of applIcable law.If the aanouni of the Fua:s�zetd by Lender at auy Y..
<br /> " •• , rime is not suffictent w pay the Fscrow Items when due,Lender may so notify Bomuwer ia writing,and,irs sach��nrrowe� �
<br /> ' • shall pay to Lender the amount nxessary to arake up the defic�eacy. Borrower shaU c�?re ap tiie de&c�ency in a��azz tban
<br /> �, . � ' :,:. twelve monttilY Paymer►ts,at Lender's sole discrexioa. : � .
<br /> ,� '-'. . ;. � Upon payment in full of atl sums seauad by this Secut�ty InsUv��.. I.ender shall pmmptiy refund tq BotYO�ret anp
<br /> ' • 9
<br /> . :�;:.�%"f,��..r :,� Funds held by Lender.lf.under paragraph 21.d.ender shall acqnire or sei�tls Property,Lender.prior to the acyuisition oi sate :
<br /> �.. ,�.�ti., j
<br /> ��:'�:�'�F": ' ;' of'We Propetty,s1�a11 apply any Fa�ds hetd by Lender at the time of acquisiuop or sale as,a ct�dit agaiast the sums sa�red by —
<br /> '.:�r''^:Y'.��'. • t1�ia Security Ts�suument. ' ' — ---
<br /> .. '.�. : � 3.Appllca�Ion of FaymPmts.Unless a�►licable law p�ovides otherwrse.a11 paymeats ieceived by Lender underF"'�'gS�P� ' _-__
<br /> �,,.:,�':� 1 and 2 shall be applied:first,to anY Prepaymeut charges due nnder the i�secoIId,to amoursts payable nnder patagzaph 2:
<br /> - • third�to interest due;fourth,w principal due;�d last:to aay late charges c�ae un+der th�Note.' �
<br /> �.�,-.� .. •• d.C6arges:Lfcns.�orrower shall pay alt ta�ces.assessments,char8es,fines and imposidons amibutable w t*:PropertY
<br /> � • � • wh:c�may attain priority over th9s Security Insqument,and leasehold payments or giound reuts,if any.Borso��ahall pay _
<br /> .. these obligadons in the maaner provided in paragraph 2.or if not paid tn thaat manner,Borrower shall pay them on'�..^ie directly:
<br /> •. � to the person owed�ayrtient.Borrower sfaall prompUy famisl�to Lender�!l r�otices of emounts,to 1te paid uader t�iis P�S�P�- , —
<br /> •�' '� �:��',; . • If$orrower makes�`hese paymenis directiy.Borrower shaU promptly fumns"��Lender receipts ev�demcieg the payments. •
<br /> ,: , . . ,� _
<br /> � � Borrower shall promptly discd�suge any lien which haa pr3arity over this Security lnstiraarent anless Borrawer.(a)agcees ia _, -
<br /> � � _ �• writing to the payment of the obiigation secured by the lien in a manner aoceptabte to Lender;(b)comests in good faith the tien _-
<br /> � by. or defends against enforcement of the lien in, legat proceedinSs wtdch in the Ixnder's opinion oDerate to prevent the _
<br /> � ' enforcement of the lien:or(c)secures from the holder of the lien an agre�ment satisfactory to I,ender su6ordinadng the liea to —__
<br /> � this Security Inswment. If i.ender detennines d�at any+part of the Property is subject to a lien whic�may attain prIority over _.__
<br /> . • � 4his Security Insuumeat.lRnder may give Borrower a notice identifying the lien.Borrower shall satisfy the lien or take one or �__.
<br /> . � ' ' more of the actions set forth above within 10 days of the giving of nouce. . �%�
<br /> �`�:.
<br /> . � ro�sosa srsa ,
<br /> ��-'
<br /> : - � . • � Pape 7 ot 8
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