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<br /> <br />~.... <br /> <br />20. S€CURITY INTEREST UNDER THE UNlFOFlM COMMERCIAL CODE. ThIs Dead 01 TIU1;l s/.aI be alrlSid9red and be effective as a IInanelng <br />sla!8rrOO1 and a fixture filing pursuant to theproyl!>lon; 01 the Uniform ComntrclaJ Code (as adtJ,:.ted in the Slalll wherlI the real propeny Is Iocek'd) <br />cowrlnllllxtures, chaltels, and wildes 01 per$OIl8J propGrty now owned or hareaIIe; aIlached to or 10 be l.IMd In allYl8Cllon with lhe Property logathor wIIh <br />any and all ~'" therool and adci!ions therelo (tho "Chattalt."), and GnIrltor herabv ~ lendDt a ~ IrUcnst In IUC:h Chari. The debIot Is <br />the Granlor described above. This Deed 01 Trust will be effeellw FllI allnanelng tIatllIne.rt filed lit a ftxto.n fiIng with respect to aIIllx1ures Included wllhInCO <br />said prooises and Is to be filed for rllCOl'd In the real estaIe reccn:k 01 each Clllll'IIy ~ any part of said ~ (nr:Iudlng said t!xIlns) Is ~ <br />Deed of Trust sholl .!llso be effllCtlvll as a ftnandng st3lem8nt ewerlng any oIhet p8fTiHS end rTBy be fhd In any oIIlI!lI' ~ IIIng or ':-"""'Ir"""" <br />office. A ca.'bon, photogap/llc or other repro<iJetlon orlhls Deed 01 Trust or 01 any IlI18neIng S1atemIlr.: ~'!n::I1o this Deed 01 truSt $hall be II.lltldtnI as a , <br />linandng slalemont lor any of tho purposes I'lilerred to In this PtIl'lIgaph, "The Mand party Is the t.encIur dnalbed tlIxwe. Upon demlnd, GnwItor WIll <br />maka, "xecute and deliver such security llg/'llemllrrts (as IUl;h tlllm Is dellned In MId Uniform Comn8rdaI Code) aa l.endiIf at any IiT10 rmy deem ... <br />necessary or proper or required to IJ'B!lllo Lender a perfected S8aJrity Interest In the Chat!BIt. wid upon G."8f1Ior's IaIk.n to do so, Lender Is 8UIhorIted to '-.\ <br />slgo any such agreement as the agent of Granlor, Grantor hemby authorl1:es LeodBr to lIle flrdndng 1lal8mll'rls (as wch lem11s deftned In said Unllorm ~ <br />CorrrMrc:ial CoCa) with resped to the Chat1e1s, (1\ any ttrre, without the slglaIure 01 Grantor, Gramor will, howeVer, at any lkne upon /'eqJest ollsnder, ~ <br />sign sud1 fir;anelng slaterrents. Grantor IVla pay all fIlirlg IIlM for the /lllng of suc:h IlJ:!tn;lnp aa1emiJl'J\s and 'or h rvlIIng thereof at the IItres reqtked, In c.J <br />the opinion or lender, by saJd Uniform Co1rrneri:laJ Code. II tho lien ..f thIs Deed 01 Trust ~ subject to any I8alfIly ll\JMl,...d 0llYeI1ng the ChaIteIs, then en <br />In the event 01 any default under this Deed or Trus1, aQ the riln, '7~ and IntGt8l\ of ~antl)r In lInd to any and aI 01 the Chane/s Is henIby ass/gIed to ..., <br />lender, together with the benem 01 any depodts or payll1llnts 11<.'1'1 or hereaIler rrm. lhereolll!f Grantor or the ~ or JOl:CiIhsOrI In lIlle 01 ... V <br />Grarrlor In the Propet1y. <br />21. REIMBURSEMENT OF AMOUNTS EXPENDI:D BY lENDI:R. Lender, at Lender's option, may expeod fIn:ls (ilaudng alfomeys' Ie:Js and Iega/ <br />expetlses)10 perform any act ~ired to be lakEm Il!f Grantor or to exerclse any rI{IIt or ram,dy of l..8nder under this Deed 01 TN.". Upoo dernInd, /3nInk1r <br />shall inTmdlately relrrbursa Lender kr. all such 8mI:!unls expanded Il!f Lender together with Interest thereon althe Iow\,r 01 the ~ l'llIe dlIsaibed In any <br />ewgatlon or th!l h~1 <ale allowed by law from the date of paymem u;ltlllhe date of l'8irrb:nenWlI. Thes;! ImlS shl1tl be lncIuded In the defln/lfon 0' <br />ObIIgallons herefn and sh:dl be secured by the ~liciaIlnIeresI granted herein. If the Wga!loos are paid &her the ~ 01 pub/IeatIon 01 notic:>.l 01 <br />sale, as heroln provided, or In the even! Lender shalf, al hs sole option, pem'jt Grantor to pay any pllI1 01 the OblIgations aher 1hIi bGgimJng of pubIeatJon 01 <br />nollce 01 sale, as hemin provided, then, Grantor shall pay on derrsnd aU "xpllOI8$ incurred by the Trustee and I...eoder In COI108dlon whh said publlc:at!on, <br />Including reasonable anorneys' lees to the anornilys lor the Trustee and rCf the Lender, and a reasonable lee to the TI'USlee, and this Deed 01 Trust shall be <br />oeall'iry for all wch expens..s and lees. <br />\ <br />22. APPUCATION OF PAYMENTS. The Trustee shaD 8PI:lv the ~ tIthe trustee's sale, first, to the costs and expenses olexerclslpg the power or <br />SIlla and 01 the sale, Including the payment of the Trustee's laft aetuaJly Inamed not to exoeed the 8m:llIll which may be provlded for In lh8 Deed 01 Trust, <br />$8COOd, t.o plIym&nt of the obligation secured by tf?e Deed of Trust. thWd, to the p&yrTWlI or ~ ~ ,)~ ll'Usl, lTD't~ or Olhat- 1mhoIders, and the <br />balanee, if any, to the pe!'Sorl or ~s IegQny entitled thoreto. . <br />23. POWER OF ATTORNEY. Granlor h!rebY appojnts Lender as hs anomey-in-faet to endorse GrJl1lor's nat'Il!l on allnstn.ments ..'Id othor c:oa.rems <br />penalnlng 10 the i.tAlgalion! or Deed 01 Trust. In adcitlon. Lender shaJJ be llllli1Ied, bot not l'8QJired. to perform any aelion or elC8QJ\e any doaarent <br />roqJired 10 be Iakb, I or eX~ed by Granlcr under this Deed 01 Trust. lIloder's P8rlorTTElnC8 of such ac:Iion or eX8O.Jtlon 01 such docomerits $hall not <br />reileve Grantor from any ?bllgalion or cure any default l.Inder this Daed 01 Trust. AI( powen 01 attorney described In lhls Deed 01 Trust are eoupled with an <br />ln1erest and are Irre roc:able. <br />24. SUBROGATION OF LENDER. Leoder shaJI be subrogated 10 the rtglts o'lhe holder 01 any previous Hen, soaJrity Interesl or llf1aJrTUance <br />dsc/wge<f with lunds advanced by Ltlnder regardless of whether these !lens, security Interests or 0lf1er ena.rrbanoes haw beon released of record. <br />2S. COlLECTION COSTS. To the extent pomlned by law. Grantor agoe~ to pay Lsnder's I'1l8SonabIe fees and costs.lncIudng. but not IInitad to, r_ <br />and costs of anomeys and other agents Of\Cludl~ wfihout rlllYlallon PEU'8legals, clel!<s and consultants). wtJether or not suc:h ~ Of egen! Is an <br />e",*,yee 01 lender, which are lnc:urred by Lender In coIledlng any arroont due or enlorclng any ridrt or r9IT1edy under thIs Deed 01 Trust. Whether or not <br />suit is llrought, Including, but nol Hrriled 10, aQ fees and costs lnaJrred on appeal, In bankruptcy, and for 1XiSl'~'l\ coIecllon actions. <br /> <br />26, PARTIAL RELEASE. Lender lTI!ly release hs internst In a po."'l!on or the Property by ellec:otlng and IllCOI'dng 008 or IlllIll Partial Deeds or <br />MlIConveyance wllhoot affecting Its Interest In lhe rermlr,lng portion 0/ the Property. NoIhinlihei'eln shaJJ be doerred to obligate, to release any or hs <br />inteulS! In the Property (ex<:epl as requlrnd unOOr PllrlIQI'tlPti 38 or as lTI!ly be oll1etwise ~ by law). nor shaJf Lander De obIigaleti to release any part <br />01 the Property If Granlor Is In deflllJ/\ under lhls Deed 01 truS!. The Ben and security nlerest created by the Deed of Trust I1lfI'Bin In 6Ifeellll'ith rt'Spect to <br />lhat portion 01 the praperty, as defined In the Deed of Trust, that Is not the subject o'1h!s or any Partial Deed 01 R8COI'IVllyanee <br />'ZT. MOOIFlCA nON AND WAIVER. The mxffica:lon or waiver 01 any of Gtantor's OWgalJons or Lender's ri!;rts under this.. O. eed of Trust rnzst b9 <br />conta.'ned In a writing signed by Lander. L.ende; 1m)' per10nn any 01 BorrOwer's or Gtantor's CUgations, delay or fai 10 e>:ereise.&ny or Its rigTts or accept <br />paymenls from Gr:mlor or anyone tllher than Grantor without eauslng a waiver of tl10se 0bI/gall0riS or rigns. A waive: on one ~Jsion shall nol constitute <br />a waiver on any other occasion. Gmntor's ~lIons under Ihls Deed of T roS'! shall not Ix> al/ected If lender arrends. c:otrpohlses, e>:dJanQes, laQs 10 <br />ellettiSoEl, irrpaJrs or rnleases any of the Obl'l9811OnS bo/onglng to any Uranlor, Borrower or thI."d party or any of Its rights ag&mst any Grantor, Sorrower or <br />:hitd party or any 01 the PrC>p9rty. Lsr.der's fallure to In$iS'! upon slrict perlonna.'lC8 01 any 01 the ObIij;)alIons shaJI not be deernad a waiver and Lender shall <br />h..."'V9 the righl at any tltnJ lMroafter to insist upon striel porlormance. <br />28. SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE; TRUSTEE UABILlTY; COMPENSATION. In case of the death. lnablllty, refusal 10 act or absence or the Trustee from the <br />slate where Ihe roal property I~ Iocaled or In ease the holder of the Obligations shall desire for any reason 10 remove the Truslee or any SI.lbstiMe trustee as <br />trustee hereunder and 10 appoint a new lrus!eo In his place and slead, the holder of the ObIigallons is hemby g-anted run power 10 appoint In Wrilfng a <br />SlJbstltllle trust.... for said Truslae, and the SUbstltUlelrusloe shall, when appointed, bec:orne successor to all rights 01 Trustee hereuncier and the same shaa <br />become V9S11ld in hlm for the purposes and objects 0: :hls Deed 01 Trust with all1he power,liIrIlls and obligations herein coolermd 00 tho Trustee. Trustee <br />shall not be liable lor any error of judgmmt or ael dam by Trustee, or be otherwise responsible ~ aOCOUrllable undeI' any drt:ulTlslancec whatsoever. <br />T rusloo shan nol be parsonally liable In case or er,:ry by It or anyone acting by virtue e: the POWers herein granted II upon lhe Deed 01 Trust for debts <br />coolractod or liability or darmges Incurred In lho ITl8I1<lll9ment or operation "r sald pr..mses. Trustee shall have the r1qh~to on any Instrument. <br />document or signature aUlhori~lng or supporting any acllon taken or proposec' to b9 taken by II here(!nder or believed by d In raJlh 10 be genuine. <br />T ru!!oe shall be 9flUI!ed 10 relrrbJrsement for oXpen~os Incurred by II In the pertonmnC9 01 its Iillies herlll.lnder and 10 rea e c:otTlJ8r1sallon for such <br />of ils services hereUnder as Man b9 rendllred. Grantor win, /rom lime to time, pay COfll:>onsallon due Trustee hareunder ar:rl fflIrrb.rie Trustee for and <br />sa"" 'Ind hold n hamiess from and against any and all loss, cos!. liabilhy. damage and expill1se whalsoever incurred by h in the perfonnanc;e 01 ns duties. <br />AJJ rmneys rec.~~ by T ruSIOO shall, until used or applied as hareln Pl'OVided. be hefd In trust lor the purpoSSt lor which they wore reca/ved, but need not <br />be sagogated In an)' manner lrom any other moneys (exeepr ',,, the ellleOt required by law) and Trtislee shall be .mder no Ilabillly lor Interest on any <br />rroneys ~od by h Mr,.under. <br /> <br />2>1. SUCCeSSORS AND ASSIGNS, Thit Deed of Tnl.l shall be bindln\! upon and Inure to lhe benellt 01 Gran,or and lender and their respecllvll <br />successors, assigns. tru~toos, racelvers, adrrinlstralors, persooa/ represenlatlV9s.legaloos And devisees. ., <br /> <br />30. NOTICES. Ellcepl as othe:wlse req;lred by law, MY MIles or olher COrTTTIJnlc:alloo 10 be Pl'O'Jided under ~Ils Dead 0' Trust shall be In wrflfng and sent <br />\0 tI1e paro,J"s at the addresses desalbed.ln this Deed 0 T:-USl or such other adchss as the par1les rml' d<y-.Jgnate In wrfllng fromllrne to ttrre. Any such <br />notJce so gven and &en! by first class mali, postage prepafQ'. shall blI deermd (jyen the earfler or three (3) days aner such l'IOllee Is sent or when mce/yed <br />. bylhe pIlrSOn 10 whom suclt notice Is belng gve". <br /> <br />31, SEVERABlLlTY. WhllflE'Vor pos!;/ble, each provision '" this Dll<!o of Trusl Ghall be Inl\!fpretod 50 as 10 be ellacllvll and valid under appllcabjo slate <br />law. If any provIsjon of this Deed of Trust vio/aleslho law or I, unenlorceable. Ihe reSI of the Deed 01 Trust shall coollnue 10 be vaKd and enlon:eab/o. <br /> <br />32. APPUCABLE LAW. this Deed of Trust shall be governed by :hlllaws of Ihe Slate where lhe reel property Is located. Unless applicable law provides <br />olhAtwlse, Grantor ""'serrts to the iuri&dcrlon and venue or any CI'.JUn selected by Lender, In hs lIOlc. dlsa-ellon.located In lhal slate. <br /> <br /> <br />33. MlSCELlANr::Ou.s, Granlor and lendor egr.... Ihotllrre is of the enenco. Grantor waives presenlment. demand 'or peyment, nolJce 01 d"'onor and <br />protest exeepr 3S """Ired by law. All relerenee'lo Granlor I" thl. Deed 01 Trusl shall Indude aU ,:.rsons sfgnlng below. "thet, Is me.. than one Grantor <br />!heir Obilgallon. shl1Jl bo IoInt llI'YJ several. Thls Deed or Tr":ll represent, the COIll'Ie"lnt8l18led underJtarIdng between Grentor llI1d ,'..endlIr .-nalnlng to <br />the lM'rl$ and condrlons hMlIOl. <br /> <br />34. NO THIRD PARTY RIGHTS. No p!lrSQn Is or ')Iall be lIthlrd party benelldary of any provision 01 W. Deed 01 Trusl. All provlsloos or IhI. Deed of <br />TruSf In b;l'o/Of a' Lender Ne Ir~ended solely lor !he ~1Il of Lender, and no thIrd j:-My shelf be entlllad to 8IIOme or ,lIpOCt thel l.8I'lder win not waive or <br />consent to Ihe modlncntlon ol 8r!y provtslori of lhlsDMd 01 Trust, In Lender'. sole cf.crel!on. <br /> <br />3S. PRESERVATlON OF lJABIUTY AND pnlORfTY, WIthout lIflectlng the IlablIty of Bonoww, Grantor, or eny ~or oItt., /.JbIaaIIonll, or tiny other <br />J)lIfSOO (except a ~ el;>r8llsly reIeasGd In writing) for the pa~ and perllll'lTlVlce 0/ the Ob/lgalJoris, Ilnd wlthoot afIeetlrlglhe ilghls or l.end8r WIth <br />respect 10 any PropIM} nol expressly tel~sed In wrfffng, and wit outlfr1;lalring In IlIlY way the prforlly 01 lhls Coed 0' Trust 0WIl. t1-Inllll9ct Ol~ <br />BCq.Jired or tnlllVldlmcet'l by rrx:orang :.ubseqJlln\ 10 the recon:lng 0' nils Oeid 01 Trusl, lendilr rmy, tither before or &her lhr/ll\1ut1y 01 the <br />end without nob or consent: re-lotase any per$On llallle ~ paymmt or per1crn'81lC8 0/ aQ or r.y part or the 9bftgmlons; lT1lIwl.ilny agi.ement ahllring hi <br />terms 0/ payment or llerfl.>rrronce 01, aD or any part of the UlCiIJBllons; exerdse or relralrt /rom e1erdsing or waive any I'fiilt or nomtlily lrl8ll.ender may Ii8ve <br />under the Deed of r rusl.; ar..cept mjdrlona/ SIleurfly of any klnd ror any 01 the O!:Mgatlons; or release or olherwlSll dG.:iI wf1h er'r.::.~or .8tllCne! property <br />IleClJting the ObIlgallon". Any peoson acqulrlng or r&cordlng evidence of any Inlerell of any nature In the Property shall be ; , ty acquIring such <br />1n10l'es1 or rocor(",,;: My evidence thereof, 10 have consenloo 10 all or any such aellons by Lerider. <br /> <br />N1;OOTD RO'<.1:l'l7 <br /> <br />POgo.or8 <br /> <br />