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<br /> <br /> <br />.... .. . . \. <br />;, :<: ,',',~" '~1:<"'l':; ~.#( '; ~~','.:~ ii;"")\~i':';~:".:~, ,.';~,. ~<,.'~""i,r" 'i'. ~"''\l''. ." f/;,I/,.;t' '+ '~_'j!, ':~I"~ ,.'".-1: '..' ," I:"'~~' .? <br /> <br />..,,) <br /> <br /> <br />\' . ,<- <br />"",,.'n <br /> <br />..1~' '''::>:"., <br /> <br />...(: :".:~' <br /> <br />\'",.')''\"''' ;..;.. <br /> <br />""~-\",,:~<\," <br /> <br />" <br /> <br />".' <br /> <br />,~ <br /> <br />11. LENOER'5- RIGHT TO COMMENCE OR DEFEND LEGAL ACTlONS, Grenta- shall imnedately pItIIIJoje Lender wI!!l Wl!tlcn notk:e 01 any aetuaI a- <br />threatened lICIlon, wit, or other ~ alf8CIlng \he Property. Grantor hereby appolms lAnder as Its atlOrney...,.fad 10 ~, Inlerwne In. end <br />delend suehllCllons, suHs, or other legal JY(IaMldngs arid 10 00IJllr0rrise or MtlIe any cialm or ~ I*1Iinlng lIwIrtlIo, Lender &hall mil be liable 10 <br />Granlor lor any action. error, frislake, orrisslon or delay p!Irla/nlnQ 10 !he adIons desCtbJd In this ~ a- sry ~ nttlUIIklg lherelroot NothIng <br />cootaln&:! ~ wHJ InVerrt Lander !rom taldng the acl~ detaibed In IhI& ~ In lit own nano. CO <br /> <br />12. IN:JEMNIACATION, Lender shall nol assume or be responsltie lor h ~ I:!' III'l)' 01 Gl'amor's obIlgatIons wilh r8Spe(:l10!he Pl'nperty UI1darCO, <br />any drcurnslance-s. GrJtllor shall IfTmIdlatefy provide Lendei' wlth wril!.en,nollce 01 and IIlOfITr1Ify and hold lendBr and Its shorehoIdots, dredors, Of.lloers. <br />e/TllIoyees and agenls harme:&S lrom aN rJaims, damages, llabllI1ln (Ine!Udng 8llomeys' ,_ end legai e~). eauses of adIon. 8dIons, Ullllnd' . <br />other legal proooedings (C'~(rulallwly "Clalmt") perTalning to !he PItlptl. !1y ~ but not Ilrrlled 10,IholIe ffloMng H8Z8I'dou$ Ma1er181s). Granta-, upon ;.Il" <br />lhIllll<JJS$I of Lar.dei, shar hire legal counl4f to defend Lender from sueh CIaimI, and pay Ihe Illlomeya' lees. legal ellpenMs and Olher cost. Incurred In )a\ <br />connection thomwhh. In Ihe Mematfve, Lender $hall be entilbd to IIfl1lIoy lit own legal counsel 10 delend sucl1 am. at Grantor'. COlJI. Grwrtor'Il 0 <br />obIlgalion 10 Indermlfy Lendar undor thi. paragraph IhIlll surv!ve IIw tllfTrinalfon, m.ase or lorlldostn 0/ Ihls 0Ilfld 01 TnIIt. <br /> <br />13. TAXES AND ASSrSSMENTS. Gramor shaIJ fJQy alllaxllS and llSSe:SsInlnls relating 10 ~ When c:bJ and lnmilcIale~' provlde Landlr GYldencoE;; <br />of pn~1 of same. Upon the IllqUllsI 01 Lender, Grantor shall deposit with Lender e8d1 rronlh .one-lweIlIh (1M) 01 lip ltSlItrBIed IVlI'1l.IaIInSU'ltnetlN <br />prerrj~m, taxes and assossrnerrts petlalnlng 10 lhe Property. So long as lhere Is no delault, 1Iw1l8 sn:uns shall be apjlIIed 10 IIw p&ytnlnl of lax,", <br />assessments and l,lSurance as req;/red on lhe Proparty. In the event 01 delaull, I.eodet ahalll18Y8 !he rWrt, at hs _ opdon. to lIpp/y !he Iunc:b so h8ld 10 <br />pay any I100Is or against the ObIlgaIions. Any lur1ds llFllfied 1TIIly, at Lender's opllon, be applied In nrYlIfSe Cll'deI' of IIw clIe dale Iherecif. <br /> <br />14, INSPECTION OF PROPERTY, BOOKS, RECORDS ANO REPORTS. Granlor shaI a/Iaw Let.der or lis &gents 10 eXam...e lIfld Inspect Ihe Property <br />and exarrine, inspect and lTYike copies 01 Grantor's books and records Jlllf18lrmg 10 !he PI"llI'8f1Y In:!m. Urn, 10 lime. Grantor shall provide 8ITY asslslanc:e <br />required by L6f1der for these purposee. Nt 01 lhe lilgIalutes and InlarTTllttlon eontaiood In Grantor's boo!<s and I'UCOI'ds shaI be get1U/r.e, lrue. lICaJIale and <br />~Ie In an fllspect&. Grantor shalf nole lhIl eJdstflflCll 01 Lender's benelk:l8l lntertlSl In IU books and records ~ 10 the Property. AckitJooally, <br />Gramer shall report, in a form sallsfactory to Lender. such 1n10l'TTQlJ0n as Lender lIl1ly r8CJJ&s1 regardng Grantor'e I'lnandaI concItloo or IhlI Property. The <br />Informalion ~ be for such periods, shall refl<<:! Grantor's records at sud1llme, and sI1aII be renderad wflh sud1 ~ 8l: Lender may~. All <br />Information fum/shed by Grantor to Lender shah be 1ru(I, aecuraJe and ~e In all respeas. and s/gled by Grantor It lander ~$. <br /> <br />\ <br />15. ESTOPPEL CERTIFICATES. Wllhln ten (10) days :liter any reqJesl by Lender, Grnnlor shaJJ deliver 10 Lender, or any!nlenc!ed lransftne of l.Gndllr's <br />righls whh respllCt 10 the Obligations, a signed and acknowledged SlatOO'Elnl spedfyiog (a) !he OUlslandog balance on !he ClbligatJons: and (b) whI';'mer <br />Grantor possesses lll1y claJms, defenses, set-ofts or counlerelalri1s with respact 10 the OblIgations and,lI ~. !he natura or suchdalms, delenses, sel-offs or <br />counterdaJms. Grantor wRt be oollduslv<;lly boulld by any representation thaI Lender ITl'i)' rmk& 10 tho Int5nded tmnslG189 wlth respect 10 these maners In <br />the IIV9nt that Granlor falls to P'~vJde the r~sll<d slalemen11n a IItre1y rmtln0r. <br /> <br />16. DEFAULT. Grantor ;;hall 00 ill default UIlOOr this Dead 01 Trusllll1d the Truslee's power shall becorno opetallYe In IIw 8Venl thaI Gralllor, Borrower or <br />llIl)-' QUarlll110r of the OJIIgo.:kns: <br /> <br />(a) lalls to pay lll1y Ob!;galion to Lellder when 1bl; <br />(b) fails 10 perlonn any Obligation or breaches any 'tIllITaIlty er covenant 10 Lender corrtaIned in Ws Deed of Trust or any olher present or fulure <br />agrooment; <br />(e) destroys. loses or damages the Propeny In allY rmlerial respect or subjec;ls!he Propeony 10 seizure, conOscarion. or condem1ation; <br />(d) seekJ; 10 revoke, tenrinale or olherwlse 1Ir1il hs ~ under any guaranty 10 Lendor; . <br />(e) cies, bocoo1es legally Incot!ll8tenl, Is dlS$olved Of lemlllllted. ~s IllsoMlnl, rmkes an 8$S/gnmmtlor the benellt of cred1ors, 'alls 10 pay <br />debts as they 00c0n-ll dJe, Dies a petition under tho 1ed31'l1l bankruplcy laws, has an involuntary P8lhion In banknJptcy flied In Whlch GranIer, Borrower <br />or any guaralllor Is Ilamlld, or has property laken under any wrfl or process 01 court; <br />(I) allows goods 10 be used, transported or slOl'8(j on the Pn:>peny, the possesslon, transportallon, or use 01 which, Is 1IIegaJ; <br />(g) allows any party olhor than Grantor or Borrower to assume or lJ!ldenaka any Obtigatfon Without !he wrfllen consenl 01 Lender: a- <br />(h) eauS03 LendIIr to deem Hselllnsea.rre ciJe. to aslgnlficam decline In the value 01 :he Property; or II Lender, In good faith, lor any reason, beIl&ves <br />that the prospect of payment or performance Is l"llIlfnld. <br /> <br />17. RIGHTS OF LENDER ON DEFAULT, iI there Is a default undor this Deed 0' Trusl, Lender shall be entitled 10 exercise 0Il6 or rrore of the loIloWing <br />r8fTledes whhoulllOtlce or demand (ex08pl as required by law): <br /> <br />(a) 10 declare lhe Obligations IlTmedlately due and payable III lull; <br />(b) to collect the OI.IIslandlllg ObIlgallons with or wllhout resonlll9 10 judicial prO<:ess; <br />(e) 10 require Grantor 10 deliver and make avallab/.e to Lender any persoow property C( Chanels constituting the Property al a place reasonably <br />convenient 10 Grantor and Lender; <br />(d) 10 llnter upon /.II1d take poSseSsloll otlhe Propeny without applying for or obIalnlng tho appotntment of a rec:e/ver and. at Lender's oplIon, 10 <br />appo!lll a receiver wilhoUf bond, wilhoU! first bringill9 sui! on lhe Obligations and whhout 0IheIwls.e meeting any S1atutory c:oncIIions regvdng <br />recolvers. it being Imended that lender Mall have this eonlraclual riglt 10 8ppOlr)1 a receiver; <br />(e) 10 llfT1JIoya 11lllIl8g1ng agent of the Property and lellhe lame,llIlher in Trulllee's own name, In the name 01 lender or In !he name of Grantor, and <br />recolve !he I'8IllS, lrlC:Qmas, Issues DIl(f prollts of IIle Property and eppIy the lame. aller p&)'menl 01 all necessmy charges and expenses, on a.:oount 01 <br />the Obltll8tlons: ';,; <br /> <br />(f) 10 pay any sums In any lorm or rmnner deemKl expedlem by Lender 10 protect lhe SOCUriIy 01 Ihls Deed 01 Trust or to r:ure any delau/l other than <br />paymenl of Intetesl or principal on the ObIigalions: <br />(g) to toree/O$8 this Deed of Trust jJddally or Ilonjudldally am! .0 direct the sale 01 lhe pr.r,.arty Ihrough lJXercise 011he pllWel' 01 sale as relerenced In <br />~ 20 hereol In acecordaneo whh applicable 13W: <br />(h) 10 set-off Grantor's ObIiga1lons against any amounts owed Grantor by Lander Inducing, bot nol liIriled to, rTI:lIllas, Instruments, and dllpos/1 <br />accounts tnalnlalned whh Lender or any ~rrently ex/sling or Mure affillalfJ of Lender; and <br />(I) to exerdse all ol"er rights avaliab!e 10 Leoder under any other written aQreemenl or appIlalbIe 11':'0\1. <br /> <br />Lender's rlghtr. are CUrTIJlative and may b3 exerdsed logelher. separately, 31ld In lll1y order. III the e\let11 that Lender Institutes an action seeking lhe <br />rer.overy of any ot the Property by way 01 8 pnl,oogmlllt remedy In an aellon agaInsl Grantor, GranIer waives the pos1lng 01 any bond which night <br />olherwlse be r9qJlred. Lendor or Lender's designee may P-/I'Chase the Property 01 any sale. Prooeeds ollll1y Trustee's sale herelmder shall be appIilld <br />Ilrst, 10 the (lOSle and expenses 01 exords/nglhe power of sale and 01 the sale. InetlKJng the paymenl 01 lha Trustee's fileS lIClually Incurred and not 10 <br />axceed \he amount which mal be p'OIIlded for III thIs Deed 01 Trust, second, 10 paym,1l1 01 lhe Ob/lga1lons seCUred~, thlrd. 10 lhe p&)'menl 01 JJnlor <br />lrust deeds, n'()(QagIils, or oth.r '.3M'llders, lll1d the balance, If any, 10 the p8r80'1 or persons legally entltfed ther.llo. The property or any paIllhereol may <br />be l>OId k1 (lfl9 ptllCef, Of In sueh puree/s, rTl8l1ner or order as Londor In Its sole discretion rmyelect, and one or more eXen::/seli 01 ihe f)OWaf hentln gtllnled <br />IhaIl nc4 OxllngrJiIh or exhaust Ihe POWer Ullle,. the entire property Is IOId or thll obligations are paid In full, <br /> <br />-18. nWSn~E'S EXERCISE OF POWER OF S.'LE ON DEFAULT: If Lender e/ects to sell Grantor'e Interas! In the Property by exerelse 01 lhe power 01 <br />aa10 ~ U.ntll/ood. Lender shall no1lfy Truslee In the rr"lIlner 1hen required by law. <br /> <br />UpOn 01 such nollce of Lnnder andlltthe direction 01 Lender, Trustlle shall C8U$8 to be recorded, published llnd delivered SUch nOllce. 01 derBUIt <br />a/iii nolleeu of sa/e as may thell/;(j requlreo by law .!nd by this Deed of Trusl. Trustee 'hall. only at the direction 01 Lander and WIthout demand on Granlor, <br />U"I,r IIUCh 1lme as rmy then be rtqlJlred by law and all", recorda1lon 01 such notice of default and oller no1lee 01 sale havlng been given as required by law <br />,~rii tho Property lit tho time and place of sale fiXed by it In such notIce or sale, eIlher a. whole or In SGparatlllols or pattel, or Items as Lend8r shall ~ <br />llXpec:tenl, and In IIUCh order a8 it may delenrinll, at ~bil.; aUclJon 10 the highest bidder for cash In lawful nl:lroey 01 L'1e Unltlld Slalos'payable atllle lime 01 <br />18le, or llIl otherwise may lhen be required by law. Trust" lIlall deliver to Such purchaser or ~rchasars thereol Hs QOOd and sullldenl deed or deeds <br />conveying !he property so .old. bot wllhOUl any covenanl or Warrenly, express or 'lll'Iled, The recllals In such dee<J 01 any rTYlners or racts shan be <br />conclUsive p'oor ul tho tMh'ulll~ss thereof, Any person, Illdudfng, withOUlllmtellon, Granror, Trustee or Lender, rmy purchase at 'ueh sa/e. Truslee JT1ly <br />In the rT'IIIlner provided by law POSfP<X1e &/JIll 01 an or any ponlon 0' the Property. <br /> <br />1ll. REQUEST FOR NOTICES: Grantor InquIlsts thllt II (lOpy of any lloUco of def8lJ1t and a copy 0' any Ilotk.. 0' sale horel!nder be rnoJled 10 each pe""," <br />who Is a party herulo III the addrllu 0' sueh person set lorth heroin at tho same lime 8I1d In the 68rTlll rTIInner requlrvd as lhough II separale r8qu\:!sllhereor <br />had been nled by oach such Pllr~. <br /> <br />~X1TC n..... 1~~1 <br /> <br />P1lg03d~ <br />