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<br /> <br />^." ..1'<.,. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />-" .,- ,.'.~ <br /> <br />~.t!P <br /> <br />3a. DEFEASANCE AND RECONVEYANCE BY TRUSTEE. Upon 1he p&y!!1llllt and Il8I'fonTenee In IuD of 811 of 1he ~~lde/ wi! execute and <br />deliver to 0r6Inlcr those docurrBnts that may be !'llCPJIt8d to releaM It!It Deed of Trust of I'IaII'd. GrInIor IIh8Il be 10 pay ~ COIlS of <br />tuC:IJI"diIIIo Wld InY I'IIlXlIlV8yanc lee charged by Tnntee. Upon wrlt1en ~ ollAnclw ~ hl.. UT'8 I8I:\nd ~ haw boin pllId aid ~ <br />SlIT'eOCler 01 this Deed 01 Trusl and any note 10 Trustee lot ~I and f1IIeMlon and upon p&ymel1t by LendIr of Tnn188" '-, TrusI8e II1llII <br />reconvey 10 LendGr, 01' the person 01' plII'SQIlS Iega/Iy IIIIIhIoC 1her81o, wlIhou1~. any plll1IOn of MId Jh1ri1e11h8n IlIlk:I '-n.W. The ,1'8C:bII1n <br />!>lJC:h r&cOrIIIlIyaI1C 01 any matlors 01' l~ lIh8I! tie conduIIYe proof of 1he 1lUlhlUnnl1Iwiol. Tho ~ In any NClIl'MIyIl'lCe rmr be dncrbsd _ "1hI <br />pencn Of persons IIlgally enlllled 1hereIo.. . <br /> <br />37. CON9TRUCTIClN LOAN. 0 ThIs Deed 01 TMlls a CXlOtIruc::llon rTalgag& tmer!he Uniform CoIm'8n:laI Code. 10 MC:ln an obIIgalIon Inv ~ for <br />the lXlI1SInJCtioo 01 an ~ on lend, Int:ludna 1Il4' acqulslllon ewts ofleix{ m. Ooed 01 Trust iMlC'..... . consIlUclIon loan, and h wi! be ll!~ 10 <br />1he IlImII Vlll eorrstrllc.'1on loan 8greemll11 belween rllW1lor line:' Lender. AT1y rnu.laIs, ~ Of IUpIllIe$lIsed Of In1endad IOf use In 1he eonl1rucllon. <br />~ or opDl'llIk'>l1 ollhe Property. wheIher lIored on or 011 !he Propeny, shaIllllso be subject 10 !he Ion oIlhIs Deed of Truet, and GranIor, or <br />(,rnnlor's OOI1IrlK:Ior IIIolVl pI'OOMds .. paid 10 sueh oooInletor, aI18I apply liie loan proceeds to II\e ~ of lawful t:IalIM lot labor and ITUlerillI <br />fumlllhad lor such OOO$lnx:tlo:1. <br /> <br />3e. WAIVER OF HOMESTEAD AND alliER EXEMPTIONS. Gra.'1lor hereby weIw~ lIII homeSIead and ,,!her eXlllT1llloos In 1he Property 10 whk:h <br />GtanIor would oIhelwlse be i!IIlI.~1ed under any applicable law. <br />:l9. JURY TRIAL WAIVER. GR.\NTOR HEREBY WAIVES ANY RIGHT TO TRIAl BY JURY IN ANY CML ACTION ARISINQ OUT OF, OR BASED <br />UPON., THIS DEED OF TRUST. <br /> <br />40. ADOm<:lNP.l TERMS: <br /> <br />... <br /> <br />GmmOf admawladges thaI GranlOI' has rud, ~. arr.:t &gaes 10 1he Iem1s and c:oncillons 01 b'lls Deed 01 TIt'8l, and adInowtedges recelpI 01 an <br />exacl copy 01 SMlB. <br /> <br />Dllladlhls 31st dayol Auqust, 199B <br /> <br />GRANTOR: <br /> <br />{7~J6.~ <br /> <br />BRIAN J. BRO CH <br /> <br />GRANTOR: <br /> <br />GRANTOR: <br /> <br />GRANTOR: <br /> <br />~ K. ~D LtJ.r( <br />NANCY K. BROICH <br /> <br />GRNilOA: <br /> <br />GRANTOR: <br /> <br />GRANTOR: <br /> <br />GRANTOR: <br /> <br />""OOTE RoY. '0l'i7 <br /> <br />P0Q05d8 <br /> <br />co <br />CX) <br />, <br />.. <br />...' <br />o <br />~ <br /> <br />