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<br /> <br />!.,~. .":~""',<",~,' <br /> <br />'.1 , <br />"""";IIJ~~"r'::~ll~ w::,c"" <br />".', ":",""", ";)..> '.'..~','. "':"',,': ,..,:~~,,~,T~::',~:.::' .:,,, _,~ ',., " : <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />"'2016 <br /> <br /> <br />." .~:" , <br /> <br />~..":'" <br /> <br />(e) An applicable laws and regolallon~, Including, wilhoul lirriiation, !he Americans wfth DisabIliTies Act, 42 U.S.C. !3eaion 12101 el 6eq. (and an <br />r~iallOl1s prowuga!ed thereunder) and all 20nlng and boiIdng laws llIld regulallons reIatiog to :he Propeny by virtue 01 any lederaI, state or rru~ <br />llUlhorlty with jurlsdldion over the Properly, preSllnlly am and ~ IlI.l observed and COITl'lJed with In all rmterlall'8Sped', and all r1gJ1s, 1Ieern-.., <br />pem1ls. and CMllfieales 01 occupancy (lndudng b.Jt not llrri1ed to zoning Yllr\aneos, Spedaf exeepcloos for IlOI1eOI1loming uses, and f.w ~~ <br />awo>'3l~), wI1elh(/r t~ or P9m'8r1erit, whlch are rre:eriallo !he use In:l oca..tpa'lCy of the Property, JlrM8llIIy _ lVld $/D; IlI.l ~ <br />preserved am, whef'9 neeensmy,lllf1eWed; <br />(d) Grantor has the right and Is duly lIIJthorjzed to Ilxeeu!e and per\Dnn ~s ~ttoos under 1I1Is Deed 01 TIUSI and lhe$e aetIons do ~.t>l and .haR 11.J <br />conlliel with tMe provisions 01 any .laMe, ~alloo, ordIl1an(:e, rule of law. COIltrad or other ~t which rmy be blndog 00 C'.IllI11or al8ny lirTwJ; -.. <br />(0) No action or proceeding I. or shall be pending or threatened which nlgll tT1alerialJyaffllCl fhe Property; and )o.oll. <br />(I) Grootor has nol violated and sl1al1 not violale any staMe, regulallon, ordinance, rule 01 law, CCl!ltr8el or oiher lIgreernDnt l~ocIudng. an not limted 10.0 <br />lhose g(l'\I9I'T\)ng HB2ardous Malarial.s) which mghl rmto)rially a111lCl the Prtlperty or Lendo(s rights or inlerest In the PIOplll'Iy IU'lU8nt to 1hI:1 Deed at.) <br />Tru~. ' '" <br />3. PRIOR DEEDS 01= TRUST. G~anlor ropre",80ts and W8mlt1ta that ~ am no pt\or deeds 01 trusl aIIl1Cling My part of.the Prop.'i1y P.lUXIp! liS 'llll~ <br />on Seh<<fujo El a11eched 10 this Deed 01 Trust, which Grantor agree. to,pay and perfotm In a 1JlreIy 1TIll1I'1er. lIthere life any pt\or deeds .;II trust lheo <br />Grantor agroos to pay all BTmUnl. owed, and perfotm a.' obfigatJOns requtred. under such deeda oIlnJ$l and the Incff)bled'less sec:ured !henlby a"ld further <br />agrllO. that a default under any prior doed or IruS! shall be a d:)lau/t under 1hIs Deed 01 Trust and shaI anII1Ie l.encbr to d rights and rtll1'Wlc:les ecntalned <br />horelt) or In tho Obligations to which LorIdor would be enlhled IIllhe 8\IenI 01 ony other delault <br />4. TRANSFERS OF me PROPERTY OR BEJ04EFICIAL INTERESTS IN GRANTORS OR BORROWERS. In the 8'Jllnl 01 a sale. ~, lease, <br />eootracr ~or deed Of Imnsler to any person 01 9ft or 8ny ~ ollh$ rM/ propeny de!lCrlbed In Schec1tIe A. or any lmerest !henlIn, or 01 all or any benellclal <br />in;8l'1lIst In Bom:>wor or Grantor (II 80!T0wor or Grantor Is not a natural penal or persons b.Jt Is a eorporatlon,lini1ed IlItblBty COITlDly. j:lGr1nmshlp, trust. or <br />other legal enl~y), Lar.der fnlY, at lis optk.... dGdarll tho 0U1$!andng IlrindpGI baIanco 011h6 ~ plus acauod Interest lhoreoO Imnadate/y <tie and <br />payable. AI Lend9r', f'e(JUeSl, Grantor or Bormwer. as the ease rmy be, shall fumah 1II 0'Jr1llIe1e s1ldemon1llel11r1g fonh 8111 of hs $locld1ofdars~ rT1!lI'I'bn, or <br />partnors, as lIf'PrOpIlatll. and tho elllt:nl of thalr f'9speetlw 0WT1I:Irshlp Intlll'llSts. <br />5. ASSIGNMENT OF RENTs. In conskJoratlon of the Qll/gatlona, which In seeumd by ttQ Deed of T~ GnIrtlor abso/uteIy ass/gts 10 Lenc:ler an <br />Grnntor'~ estate, i1(1Tl, tlllo, IntGnlst, dalm and demand now owned or hereaner ~ In a8 exls!lng and "1l1n leases at the ~ (Indudng <br />extensions. renewal. and subleases), all age1lITlants lor lI:Ie M'j oc::wpaney 01100 Prcpeny (811 such Ieaa&s and IllJlllIf1WI1s whether W[Illen or oral, are <br />herea/1er relerred 10 as the "Leases"). and all guaramles olfeuees' performance tn:ler the lea$es, Iogether wllh the lrm1edate and ~ rfglt 10 <br />lXlllect and I'lla:llve all ollhe rtfIlIs, Income, recelpls. reYGnoos,lSSll!ls, pm'lls and othGt Inalrr. of any "fIlInI now or hetlIaI1er We (Inc;Utng any Ii1coin9 01 <br />any nature corring due ctJriog any ~n period) under the lease. or from or arising out of the Propeny ntJdng rmlnun rents, adtttlonat rents. <br />percentage rents. parldng or COITm:ln area rmlntenanc;e COf1l!IbutIom, tax and Insurmci eontrIbutIons, dellclency rents, ~ed danegas ~ollowlng <br />defaun In any /.lIase, an Pf'Oc;tled$ payable under any pofk:y ollnsutarr,e covering Iou 01 rents resulting from ~ caused by destruetlo.l or <br />damago to lhe Propllfly, an proeuecj. payak:le as a result 01 a lessoe'. emrdse of an opIfoo 10 purehase the Property, III JlI'OCe8ds dettved from the <br />termnallon 0( rejection 01 any Lease In a bankruptcy or other Insolvency proc:eedr1g, andal proceeds from any rlgrts and c:Ia/rm of any klnd which Gramor <br />rmy haVll agaInsl any lessae under tho /.lIases or any lX:aJpanls 01 the Property :lIIl of the above 8I'll herealtllf ~ l'8lerred 10 as the "Roms"). ThIs <br />assi.9nrrentls subjllet to the right, powet and lIIJ1hot i1y ~ 10 tho Loodor to collect and llW/Y tho Rents. This ass9t'1'len1ls recon:Iad In aecordanc;e w~ <br />appllc;able stll1a law; lho lien created by this ll$s/gJmon\ Is Infended 10 be spedllc, perfected. and dtoa1e upon the l8COrlIng 01 INs Deed 01 TruS!, all as <br />provided by appItcabla state law a. amended from tlrm to llrre, A.1one as !hero ,. no delalJl1 onder the Obllgalions or 1hIs Deed 01 Trust. Lender grants <br />Grantor a rev~lblll license to eolleet all RanIS Iron1lho LllB:Ies ~ clJe lVld to IJSlI such proc:eeds In Granior'. bualness opera\loos. However. lender <br />may al any tire., l'lKJI!re Grantor to dGposlt all Rents Into an llCCOOrl1 rreIntaJned by Gmma' or lender al Lsoder's lnsIltutlon. Upon dGlauIt In the payment <br />of, or In the P8rforrmnea 01, any 01 the O::>Ilgations, lendGr may al hs opllon lake JlOS$llsaion of the Property and haw, hold. rmnage.1eaae and Clpllfllle!he <br />Pro:>>ny on terms and lor a period 01 lime thet Lendor deems proper. lllIlder fnlY proeeecj 10 c:oIIect and racelve 811 Rents from the properly, and Leodor <br />!\hall have lull power to make aherntlons. renovation.. repairs or r&plac;ement. to the Property as LendIlr rmy deem proper. Lender ,.~~ Renle In <br />l.soder's sole discrotlon to payment 01 the OOlgatlons or to the payment 01 the cost of such a1tillnlllons, renovattoos, repe/r$ and s and any <br />..xpenses Incident 10 taJdnsj and retoJnlng possession or the Property perlodeally and the rtlIrllIgeITent llIld cperatloo of the p~. Lender rmy keep the <br />Property propmV Insured and rmy dseharge any taxe., charge., claims, assessments and other Den. which f1!IY _lK:aUe. The expense and 00111 01 tha$8 <br />aellons fnly be Paid from the Rents roc:e/ved, and any unpaid Br7D.lnts shall be added to tho prindpaI of the ObfI9atloo'ts. lhes6 armunts. logether with <br />olhor COSls, 1,ha11 become part 01 the ot:/'ogatlons socured by this Doed 01 Trus\. <br />6. USE AND MAINTENANCE OF PROPERTY. Grantor shaIIl:Wt all aetlons and IlBke any ropalrs needed 10 rmintaIn the Property 10 good COOdlllon, <br />Granlor sltaJl not eomril or f:>'Ir1111 any waste 10 be eorrmned with respect to the PfllpJrty. Granier shall use the Property so.'eIy In COfTJlllaneo whh <br />applIeabI<I/aw and Insurance poIlcie.. Grantor shall not IlBke any lII~omtlons. adcitlon. or ~OYOm:lnt$ 10 the Property wfthout /.lIl1der'a prior wrtnen <br />COf1$(!nl. WIthout IImtlng tha loregoIng, all aIleralions, addtions and ~~ ITDde 10 the Property shalf be SUbjDc;t to lhe beoaftdalln1l1l'8St belong/og <br />lo ~ender. shall nol be refT'X>Ved without Lender's;lrlor written consent, and shall be rmde at Grantor's sole expanse. . n. <br />7. LOSS OR DAMAGE. Grantor shall baN the errtira risk 01 any loss, thalt, destruetlon or darmga (ctJmJlativaly "Loss or DaniJga110 the Prllpllf1y or 8ny <br />portion thereol lrom any eaJJ$O whatSOll'Rr_ In the avent 01 a'l)' Lo.s or Dal1lllQe, G:aotor shall. at lite option 01 Loodor, repair the a11llCled Property to ~s <br />pruvlous oond1Ion or pay or cause 10 be paid to Lend JI' the damlase in the lalr market vaIuo 01 !he iiIlllCled Property. <br />8. INSURANCE. The Propeny will be kspt InSU76d for lIs fulllnsurabla vaJue (r~t oost) agaIn.t all hazards Ir1dudng "'ss or ~ caused by <br />ttood, earthquake, tornado and fire, thelt 0( other easuar.y 10 tha Olllent ~ by Lender. Grantor fnly okain irIaurane8 on the Propl!r1y from such <br />COf1llBr1ies as are !lCC(lplablll 10 Ler.der In Hs sole d'seretion. The Insuraneo poll<;las shall requlm the Insurance COrtll8I1y 10 provjdo Lender with alleasl <br />3 0 . days' wrirlen notice before iltJCt1 polleWs are a/1ered or CBl1C:llltod in any manner. The Insurance poI/des shalt Ilarn3 Lender as a loss <br />pijyoe af,(f ProlifdO thai no act or oolsslon 01 Grantor or any other person shalt lllfectthe right or lender 10 be paid the Insuranoe procoeds portalning fa the <br />loss Of damage 01 tho Property. In tho lIV9flt Grantor lalIs to LOQUlre or rmlnlaln Insurtll1Ce. Lender (alter providng nab aa may be I'lKJIlred by law) 71l'ly <br />In hs discretion procure apprOJ:,jate Insura.~ ~ ,1tlOf~ ,ha Property and lhe Insuranco cost shall be an adIIaneo payable and bearing Interesl as <br />described In the "REIMBURSEMENT OF AMOUNTS Er~jENOED BY LENDER" paragraph and SlICOI'ed horeby. Grantor shaIllumish Lender wilh <br />evldoneo of In&Jranoo Indlcatlny the required covemge. Lender may ad as anomey.ln.faci lor Grantor In making end sottUng C\aIms undor Insurance <br />polldes, ear.eeOing 3ny policy or endorslnp Gramer's nama on any d1a~ or negotiable Inslrument chwo by any insurer. All such insurance poIldes shall be <br />Itmlllfale1y assJ\11ed, pllldgad and delivered 10 Lender as JlJI!hllr S8c;l.Irily lor the Obllgalions. In the evant of loss. Gra'ltor shaIllllT11lldatefy gve LorIdor <br />wrill"" flOllOQ and U:.ndar Is illllhorized to I'1llks prool 0110.8. Each Ir>surnnce CllrTlXUJr. Is <If'9ellld to I'1llks payments liractly 10 lender Inslead 01 to <br />LendGr and Grantor. Lender shall have the right, at hs sole opllon, 10 apply such rron as toward the CIbligatioris or toward the 00$1 of rebui/<ing and <br />Nlsf'Jf1ng the Property. . Any anlOiJrlls 71l'ly al Lender's option be applied In the inverse order of 1ho <bl dates lhereol. <br />9. ZONING AND PRIVATE COVENANTS. Grantor shall nOllnltialo or eoosentlo any change in the 2on1ng provisions or privale covenanl. affecting the <br />u~ of Ihll t'roporty without /.lIndor's prior wrinen eonS9fll. If Grantor's use ollhe Property becomes a nonoonlorrrlng use undllr any 2on1ng prWislon <br />Grantor shall nol cause Or pemit soeh use to be dlSCOO11nued or abandoned withoUl1he prior wrinen eoosenl 01 l.ender. Grantor wiD Imnedalely providG <br />lender wHh wril1en 110Il0o of any proposed changes 10 the 20ning provjsions or private eovenllf1\s affectlng tho Propeny_ <br />10. CONDEMNATION. Grantor shall Irrrmdiatllly provldG Lender w~ written notice 01 any aClual or threalened CC>ndoonalion or lIfTinent dorraln <br />proeeedng PClr1ainlnO 10 tho Propll{ly. All cronlas payable 10 Granlor from such c:ondermation lY laking ate heroby asslgJed to Londor and shall ba applied <br />1Ir"10 lhe Pllymenl 01 U:.nder'. altornGya' leel, legal expen:;es and olher COSls (lndudino lIppraisallees) In 00Mec11on with lhll eoodennatlon or eminent <br />domaln proooedlngs and thon, :lIthe option or Landor, 10 Iho payment or the Obligation. or Ihe f8ll1orallon or repair of tlte Property. <br /> <br />f;[OOl1l F:.....';!f!7 <br />