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<br /> <br /> <br />~C,:0,.~;l,~,~);~~,~.-,~~,~~,~~,~" ,~~: ."' ~~r:~~~~? ~~;?T~t.\"::"~::;:':'~,""I~~.: ._' ~,:.",,<.., :'~'ft;. ,~~:~~!r~~.:':'~:Y'~~.~~J~~~!~._, '.". <br /> <br />.'.'."'"",,, <br /> <br />'lI.~ <br /> <br /> ~ n (") <br /> In :r: ~ ~ <br /> i ~ VI <br /> n, t ::I: .... C') ur <br /> ~ en C>~ iT1 <br /> m ~ '1 ~ c;;:) r.: :1>- ~ <br /> n ~ ~-t (00:0 <br /> ;lilt -i ..... ,.." (lO@ <br /> -: ("') I~ <br /> .~ N ~ ""Tl <br /> ) . . N I'1 Z ........ en <br /> .. ~\j ::r::1TI -.. <br /> :::-,1 <br /> ~fu 'IJ lJllo 1.J ........ g <br /> ::3 r- ;u 0 <br /> r 1-- <br /> ;) f~ ........ (;"1 C..) 3 <br /> .., ~" N ;;-:: (U <br /> 1>- Cor, a <br />-~TU!\~~ 0 '---- <br /> ........ (f) N Z <br />.1:::'LOPt. ... (f) 'P <br /> <br /> <br />(( C I. TTrlE INC. <br />pt O. lOX 1nae <br />. ST "'Aut, MN 81117 <br /> <br />NEBRASKA <br />DEED OF TRUST <br />98- 1.10352 <br /> <br />66300101718680001 <br />00483..//MLR25 '~ <br />~4~~lD~ ~ <br />%"~_'b"';"k_"""" ~ <br /> <br />~Mj~~:i~:'~~:;!~;i&~ <br /> <br />..:~: :.;{::~::::.:~; <br /> <br />::~:;~:::~::,~.~;~;:t#~:~:~~~~;~\~F:\V~~?~:. '~<~~;~i( (~, :h~iWi1ft~~~m&t~:~~.\~'fu$r )~\ti,~t~~Q~/:h. <br /> <br />!IlUU J. IlaOrCB <br /> <br />ImUH J. IIlIOrar. NIRCT x. NOla, KlJ8Ill\II1l UlD WIn <br /> <br />HAltCIrTX.BIIOIca <br /> <br />.. <br /> <br />3071 R04llLAllN OR <br />GRAIItl IILIRO, "11 "eOlun <br /> <br />:~wr+~\&);~~~5~1~X?X\~\1.):t~~%9gk~1m'~~F}~~~::~1~:ADI:IID$;~W~~B1iJ'\S~~~WW:f~{e~mR)~~~~i :~j~))g~rit:; <br /> <br />::.~.IIO;\;....' .:...V.;.....i:'i.i;r:;crtnT:1:~+:t>.. :\\:;M\W;'J'.~lIj;iir,?tM;0X':$?'.'.w\c..n;'m~mttllcJ;.,:.,.\. .........,1,..;.A;..t........ <br /> <br />TRUSTSE: \7.e. llAln: NATIQUL ueocUTIaf ND ~ <br />FUCl<l. ND 58103 r.t 3~ (7th. Ave SW <br />n COIl lion 01 tI:e loan 01' olher credt 8CCOITJ!'Oda1loo IlerllInaher 5p!ld1led ind any future aclYanees or future utIlIg!Illons, as dllltned henHri.- YO <br />rroy herolnaflor be lIdvanced llf Incurred and tt. trust herelnatter rmn1loned and other good and \'8lUabIe cansldel'8l1on. the ItlC8Ipl and suflIc:lency of which <br />are hereby acknowledged. Grantor hefeby lmM>cal:Iy WBmIlIlIs, bargalne, SG/ls, transfel'll. grante. lXlfMJyS and .8l(Jls to TIUS188, tis euccesaors and <br />assIgls, IN TRllST WITH POWER OF SALE fer the beneftt and 8eaJrity of U, S. IWIIt \GTIatAL uSOC;:U'l'Itlf lID <br /> <br />C"l.ei1derj, 11M <br />E8i'iiilIaliiy under thIs O$ed orTiiJst. undel' and subject 10 the temlS liI~ hereln set forth. WIth riIt1! of llIlIIy and pos$8Sslon all iirnI'8ntlll"s J:'Gsent <br />and IuIurIl es1a/". riglt. 1Ille and ln1ereslln and 10 the realllftlp8l1y descrlbed In Sc:hec.lite A which 'S lUt8chod to lhis Deed of Trusl and ~8d herein <br />by 1Il!$ refemnco, logethel' with lIIl Pl'MllI11 and futum ~s and lixIurllll: aD tarVbIe p!II'SOna/ property IncIudng wl1hout 1IrTit8llon all rmchlnery. <br />~. buIId1ng materials. and goods of owry n.a1urD (excludng a>r1SLme1' goods) now or hante11er located on or used In COllIledk:>n with the real <br />property. whether llf not affixed to the land; prMleges, herl:lcItarnents. and appunenaoces lnckJcIng aD dowIopment rfgIts 8S8Odaled with the Property, <br />whethor pmvIooely or subsequently transflllT9d to the P"'!*1Y lrom olltsl' real property or now or het'wittlll' SU8QlpIIbIe of Inlns!er from 1hIs Property 10 o'her <br />real propeny; Ieanes, Ilcensee and other &greernlIn1e; rents. fesues and profits; willer. wtlll. dtch, raservolI' IK1d rrblnd rlltrts IlI'Id sl(lck, pertaining to the ree/ <br />~y (currufallvely .PropertYl; 10 have and to hold the Property and the r1g!Is heI'8by l11V>1ed for the use and benellt of lender, hI1! 8UCX:lMIoI'I end <br />asalgns, UnlQ pa)'lTllt11ln full of ell Ob/lga1lons 8llClJnld hereby, <br />MoreoveI', In further conslderlllloo. Grantor does, for Grantor and Grantor's heIr$, rep'8SllI'J1~ and ~s, hereby expressly W.wnlO1. lXlYlln8/1t. and <br />lqlHJ with Lmder and Tru!:\lllI and thell' succeuors and 8$s9r& as Iolla.n: <br />1, 08 UOA nONS. Thle Deed of Trust shall secure 1he pIlymenl and perforrnmce of aft J:'Gsenl lII'ld futum Indebtldlft..,, obIIga1lorls and <br />oovot18rT:s of Borrower or Granlor (corrula1tvely 'ObIlgalloos11o lender ptJl$IJ8nI to: <br />(8) this Deed of Trust and lhIo following promseory notllll and other &g8eIT8n1s: <br /> <br />.....':.:~~~"jt',:tt1ts:...~iti',:izjt~.i~=;jil\~i1;,;tff~"iJ;;t~;).ji~~iBi::tt.;;};;,&;.j <br /> <br />33,500.00 <br /> <br />08/31/98 <br /> <br />08/30/13 66200101718680001 <br /> <br />(b) all olheI' J:'G or ure, s re _ or clff..-.t <br />putpo-.1han 1he fo~): <br />(c) any ~ 0/ obIIga1Iooe 01 D1heI' p&rt!ee given 10 l.llI'ldeI' now or IlenIafIllI' exeeuled thaI refel'lllo II1ls Deed of TrusI; <br />(d) fulur8lldvancee, whether obfiglllory or opdona/, 10 the 88Int extent h If made eont~ WIth the execu1lon of 1tU Deed of TrusI, msda llf <br />aX1e11dl,d on behalf of Grwrtor or Borrower, GrenIer &grlI88 lhllllf one of the Obllgllllons Is a Ilne of CI'Udt. the lien o/lhIs Deed of TIUSl shaIJ con1Iooe <br />undI JllIYIT*l1In fuI of all deb! ti.Je undeI' the line notlrii.';818J1cIng the fact lhlll from time 10 In (but bafol'e 1et'rTt1lllIon of the line) no baIanat ""Y be <br />llIJ1sIaodng. AI no lime ckrtlg the lerm 01 t'1ls Deed of Trust or any Ixtenslan 1heI'eof Ihd the LqlGld and OlJIstandog eeetIf8d prlnclpeI future <br />odY'lI1Clle. noIlnc:udng sums advanced by I.lInder 10 prtl18cl1he &ecuI'tty of this Deed of TnJst, exceed 1hII following 1IIlJ:lUn1: S ]] .~ft ftft <br />ThIs provision $I18Il not COI1$I/Me an obIlgM\on upon or ......,., lb ,..,,1 of leod8I' 10 IT1llke aclvances or loans 10 Gnln1or; and <br />(e) all ~e, extentlons, ",,-als, ITDltllea1looe. replaoemam, or aubs1l1u1Joo'lo any of the foregoing, <br />As used In II1ls PllI'8glllph 1, lt1e 1erme Grantor and 8omJwet' shalllnelude and 8180 ~ any Grwrtor or 8on'oweI'1t IT'I:Q than one. <br />2. REPRESEHTA'flONS, WARRANTIES AND COVENANTS. Grantor represent,. warrame and CCMIIl8IIls 10 l.enderlhlll: <br />(a) Gramer hils fee sl~o ITIIrl<etable ~ 10 tt. Property and shalllT1llmaln 1he Property free of Bllllens, .&eeutlty In1ll1'M1s, encunUln:es and clalrrs <br />excepl for thls Deed of TnJSllll1d those described In Schedule B, which Is Il1ached 10 111I, DMd 01 TMl and /ncarponued.hInIIn by ",flll1lnce, which <br />Gramor lI\1M8 to pay and ,!*form In a 1Imaly 1TlIMOI'; <br />(b) Gnlnlor Ie In carrplanQe In IllI reepods wl1h all 'PPlceble fedet'al, 81ale and IocaIlawe and f8IlUle1lMs,lncfudog, WIthout 1IrtItadon, lhoee reIa1lng 10 <br />i-laz8rdQus Materials," h dellned herein. llI'Id oII1aI' IIflYIrorwnen1a mlllllll'l (1he "EnvIronmentaIl.Iwe.). lIIld r*1her the f~..J:"'1 nor II!l)' <br />oIIlllI' gDVarnmenlal or ~ ~ en1I1y has fled II lien on the Property, nor _there any QlMlI'I1Iren1al, .kJdcIal or eclIons w11i1 <br />rllSplld 10 eovf~ 1T&1Ier. pencIng, or 10 m. basi 01 the Gramor'e knowtedg.... lhrealllfWd. whlch Involve 1he F'1llpI8I'1y. Nel1her Grentor nor, 10 the <br />bee'l of GrIIntor'e knowledoe, any othet' p8r1y has used, QDIlDI'8/ed. !'8leasad, cfach.arged. stored. or d. &pasad of any. Hazan:lous. MlllIOlfels /IS dfoIIrw.d <br />hlnn. In connee1lon with thO Property or Il'lV1llpllNd any HDZaI'dous Mlllllll8/e 10 or from the Prooartv'. GI'an1or IIhlIIli01llCl1Tlri1 or plIm'I1 sueI1llidklns <br />10 bv taken ~ tt. fu1ure, ~nm lerm "HlUlII'doue Materials. ehaI1 rrean eny SWe18nQe, nwerial, Or WIIS1e ~Ich I, or ~ reguIa1ed by any <br />~ lIlJ1hortty Indudng, but not IIn'1Ied 10, (I) pelrcMum; (8) frI8ble Of nonfrllble IISbeSlos: (Ill) ~ blphenyts; (1v)1hose stJbS1ar!ces, <br />nwMal, Of waste, des/gllllDd as a "hazanloos eub$iance' "'",1311110 Sadlon 311 cf tile Clean WilIer Act or USlod pursuam 10 Sec1ton 307 r,f \he <br />Cleol.n Water Ar:J. or eny IIIllInltnao1s Of I'IIplacomtms 10 theM 8l8Iu1ee; (v) lhoM sube1ancee, IT1lIlllI'IaIs llf WhIGS deftned h a "hazardous \l1lSte" <br />plnUanl 10 SedIon 10004 of "111 Rll8Ot.8"CD ConMlrV81lon and RllCOYeI'y Ar:J. or any IIITlIlnltn8n1s or replac:emems 10 1ha1 SIaM'): 8nd (vl) 1hoe8 <br />.wsfancee. lTIIlloriale or wasl" deftnoJd as a "hazerdoue 8Ilbe1ane.' JllhU8II1lo Sactlon 101 of the Cot,t"olI.....slwt EnvlnlnmemaIRlI$!lOf1M, <br />~satlon and llablll1y Act. or any lVTIIlIlc.trIil\1s or replacernem, 10 1ha1. 8l8Iu1e or any other sIrRltlr Slale or fedwal stilMe, rule, ~llon or <br />or<tnanoe now or hemaf1er In effect, Gnuttor shall not IDllse or !l8ITTh lhe 8Ub/ease of tile Property to a 1enan1 Of subCI!III8nt whose opinlIons lT1lIy <br />rl>WIt In r::llfIlarTIDa1 of lhIo Property with H8Z8rdoue Material, or loxle subf1anees; . . <br /> <br />NEtlOT Rov. 'm7 <br /> <br />""vt'dO <br />