�_'. :�. :n�,. . i:�t:d.,._.�.:.�a:,,�:s-:,.,.��..�... �_ �:
<br /> _ ,�' �. _
<br /> �r s-�--- - - -
<br /> Lvkc:_v'3 — ' , --, y_f � _
<br /> o, �j; . . y_ � ir; � �.
<br /> � :ti� : . � t • . - . - . -'' �S _ 1 ` '` _
<br /> � �"�txi4-i -e - y 1 a S - �
<br /> Ma„t�• .: - ''�.....� . r :..� "s.. , .:� i•a � < <� .'f'..�-i:•s _.i�. :'r IF�
<br /> � �� i� f t,
<br /> _ �"u�.�:. :�. -� '
<br /> - ���.. . ., .
<br /> „. ' PaY���no lon�er 6s�equired,at the opHon of Leuder,if mortgage iasUrance coverage('m the amount etid for tt�e�erlad
<br /> :.��``.:•� .. ` ,' that Ixadar Rquires)Pmvided by an ins�er appm�+ed by Lender agsia b�omes ava�sible aad is obmined.Bormwes shall pay
<br /> , : ':_.;� th0[7[Om111tA4 t+CQ1fIt+CtL t0 m3fIItelII mO�tgBgO inanrnnCO aII OEECCtr Of t0 p10Vi$0 8 Zvss te5elver UIIW llte tEtjlti[CmeIIt EO!m�itg8ge .
<br /> >-,�',,,':. .;r' iasuraace eads�n acco:dartce aitb aay wtitten agreoment,6etwe�Borrnwer and Iaader or applicable law. ., �
<br /> ' 9. [�spettian.ieader os ita agent may msIce trasonable enuies upoa snd inspectiaas of the Pf+operty.teader sha11 give : r.�
<br /> � Horrowesr notice at the ti�e of or prior w an inspecpcn epeclPyinS reasanable causs for the inspeaion.
<br /> �. . ` 10. Cond�mnat�on. 1be proceeds of any award or claim for damages,diiect or consEquential.ia conaearon with any
<br /> �. ` " ' condemaation ar athet taking oF any�art of tha Fmperty,or for conveyance ia lieu of condemaation.aze herzbY ess'�rned and�
<br /> � ..,_ ..
<br /> . : ' shall Qe paid to Ieader. -
<br /> :.y 4 Ia tha event of a total taking og tha Pmpetty,Wa psna,eds sLall be applial to tha sams s�by this Seauity Instrams�t,�
<br /> .,:�' whether os aot then due,with atry excess paid w'Bo�sower. In the eveat of a partial tal�g af tha Pmpe:ty in whicb the fair� '
<br /> _ . mmicet value of tLe Property immediatety before t6e m�g is eqaal to or gerater tf�aa the amowit of We sums secarec!by tLis O � �
<br /> e
<br /> � Seeurisy tnstrument immediaWy befora the�g,unt�s Borrower and La�der otherwise agree ia writing, the sums seeured by� _.
<br /> . � .� ' thia SecurEty Instrument s�Lall he eeduced by ttce amouat of the proceeds multiplied by the foltawing fededon: (a)the total S . •
<br /> `. aLal
<br /> ;` � ,.. , amnuut of the sums secured i�mediately befo�the taking. divided by(b)the fair market vatue of the Property immediatelY OQ
<br /> • ,. � 6efote tlse mkiag. Any balance shall ba paid to Borrower. In the eve,nt of a partial taking of We Property ia wbic6 the fair �
<br /> ._ � matttet value of the Property immediately befora the ta�ng is tess tban the amouni of the sums secured immedistely before the
<br /> : `,s� .mlang,ualess Borrowa aad tender ot�eeaise sgee ia wdting or imless applic�ble 1aw utherwise gmvid�.the pracee�s shaU �,:;
<br /> � � .,.�
<br /> , . � be applied W t�a eums seca�+�d by tbis Secarity Insteume�t wheWer or aot tfle s�ups s:e then due. -�.
<br /> e�
<br />. .. �:y.,� "
<br /> If the Prope�ty is abandoned by Bonawer.or if,aRer notice by L�der to Bozrower that the condemaar offe�m matce� . a<
<br /> . '`'� °:' award as seuls a claim for damages. Bormwer faiis w�espand w Irnder althin 30 days attet dia dste tha notice is g'AVea,
<br /> , � Leatdet is sothori�W wIIed�d epply the pmc�eds.at ita option,either 40�stoiatioa or�pair agt�e FraPeitY as to the� �,
<br /> � ���. � . � secured by thls Seturity Insk+m�t.whether or not the.n duo. . ';�,t�a
<br /> .`�.,. .�
<br /> Ualess Lender and Borrower otheiwise�gtea in wrhmg, enY aPPlicatian of gmc�eds to principat s1�13 not extend or >���5
<br /> � ,`I.. ,,..,;`« postpone the d�e date of tha muathly payments refened to in parag�hs 1 and 2 or changa the amouat of sucb payments: :�e
<br /> , � �•�x ..�-: !1.Bormwe�Not Released;Farb�rance By I.endcr Not a QYsiver.Exceasioa of tha time fas payment ar modification , �=-�
<br /> �. of amortizatian of tha sums secured by dns Sxuriry r;,Qe*,,,m�,c�*�lsy L�ender to si►y auccessar in interest of Boaower� -;_
<br /> ,.. •
<br /> -...., , aot operata to teleasa the liab'�I'ity of the original Bartawer er Barmwer's successas in interest.Leader shaTl not be zequire�t� .:;5:
<br /> : _ commence proceedmgs aga�ast anY succeasoz in�or nefuse w extffid time£gz paymrnt or oiheiwlse modify amorti�tFoa .;: .
<br /> �.. ,.,'t•, of the sums s�ed by tlris 3ecariry Inshvmeat 6y s+eason of a�►y demand ma,de by the origmal $osroaer or Borrower's " :��;�"
<br /> _,� _._.. ,-.._�;.. suco�or�in interest.Any fo:bearance bY I.e�der u►exercisi�g any rigbt c:zemedy sbaII aot ba a waiver of or pzeclade the �,.�:
<br /> ' �` axe:cisa of eny rig�tt ot�y. �,�
<br /> �'R'.--
<br /> , � . � 12. Saccrssors a�d Assigrts Ho�t;doint and Sev�al t3a6itily; Co-�S. The covma�aud agce�of tl�is � �.{,
<br />. � .r Securiry Iasautaeat s1�all bi¢�aad benefit the sux�o�a ead asvgne af Ixndes msd Boaawer, subject ¢o We prov�stons of ��'�:
<br /> <`��>�.: ,.,;�, g�aragtaph 19. Borrower's oavenaats and agreements s1�aU be joia�t and severa'�.. Aqy Borrawer a�o co-s3gps this Sec�rity � .' :�'-'_-"'
<br /> , ! . in�ant.but does not exeeute the Note: (a)is co-sigaing this Secnary In.4Wu�t only W mett�ga,��t sad conveY�at _ ...
<br /> � � Bonower's interest in the Pcoperty uader the terms of this Securiry Insttumc��(b)is not persanalIy obligsted to pay the s� �"w-
<br /> � secured by tbis Secariry Intstramen�aad(c)ag�ees t6at Lender and aay other Bormwer may agree to extend►modify.forbear ot �-�.�::�
<br /> . � � : r'�'�� �ake aay aaommodatio�s�rIth regat�d w�tta terms af this Seauiry Instrument or the Note withaut tHat Eorrower's consent. `
<br /> �-----
<br /> , � 13.H�n Chargeg.�f fhe Iosa secured by tbis Socurity Insttameat�s subject w a taa+which sets m�dmum loaa chatges, R'
<br /> . . and that law is fiaalIy iaterpreted so tbat tha interest or othet loaa c}�Stges collected or to be collected in connect�on with the e _°
<br /> . .. :..�� loan axceed the petmiued limit�thee�:(a)aay sach loan ebarge ahall be reduced by t�e�ouat n�y w r�uce the chacge `
<br /> '; �� '� to the permitted timi�aad(6)any sums atzeady collected fmm Borr�wer wLic2i excaeded permimed limits will ba t�ttuaded to k. :--
<br /> � � ,; � ,..
<br /> .-;.�1, Borrowes. Lmder may c�asa w malce tbis rafuad by mducing the priacipal as�ed uader tba Nata os by makIag a direct •�. :-
<br /> . ,.`!� paYment to Borrawer. IIs a �fimd reduces prlacipal. the �duction w�l be tteated as a partial p�paymeat wltbnut any F,---
<br /> ,,� . � �'�:' F�D��e tmder t3�Nota. . �;
<br /> . :..,r�?`;; �� �_
<br /> • � :�,� . !4.No�.Aay noticx to$orrow�r pmvided for in this Sacu�.'�tnshument et�all be given by delivering i�t os by tv.ziP�..g _.
<br /> it by f rst class mail�mtesa applicable taw cequires ase of another�ad.1he aotice s�aU be directed to the Pcaperty A�ss ' i-�-.a
<br /> � `•`j. mr aay other address Boar�nwer.deatg�ates by notice tn Lender..Any notice t� l�der ehaU be given by Essi claa9 ma�7 to E,_:-�=
<br /> � �`,. II�der's add�e.ss stated be=ein os any other address Lender designates Dy noti�r:a Borroaer. Aay notice pmvided•for ia t1$a �::;;:
<br />_ . '' i� Sec�nity Iaspument al�all ba deemed w Uava been given w Bormwer or l�eader ahen given as pmvided ia tbis paragrt�pla. ' �-�;
<br /> . . � � 1S.�Carerning I�w; Seveesbility. This Security Iastrument ehall be gavemed by feder�al law and tha law of_!he �� "
<br /> . ','•;i';>��',, jurlsdicti�i�whic6 the Prnperty is ia�ted.la the event tbat any g�covision or elause of this Secnsiry lnstra�aent o:tbe Nate �;: .
<br /> ' .'-•`�f''z?:,.;< �onflicts witb applicable�.-�,sucb cont]3ct ehall nat affect oWer p:avisIons of thia Security InsMiment or the Note which cau be ''_
<br /> � . given effectwithoue tbe aaa.''ticting provision.To this�nd tha praviaiona of this�auity Ias�ument apd the Note are dectaced s=�''
<br /> �:._.
<br /> � . �`.:.;�;,; w be severa":e. . ��::
<br /> ;.; ..:<�,+' 16.�er's Copy.Borrower ehall ba given one conformed capy of the Note aad of dne Sec�rity Iastramen�. ��'�`
<br /> � . ,� ' iarm 8028 9180 �:,�
<br /> ' �BRINF{t�zu�.oa �aea m s� o,.,
<br /> ��BR �_.:
<br /> ` ' ; ' mma 1�� '>�,
<br /> .. �;� : ,
<br /> . . ' '
<br /> � . 30280.4m 12/G! �
<br /> _:. `.i . � � .
<br /> i. .
<br />�r � - � ' �._ _.,_.r.-.-�.._�., .....-�.,-.. ._._._ . .. _ _. -....- - --
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