� -F�..:� . _ ;y . .-L�.... .��:J.�____-.. �..r_�.+J�d�J�il��' �L �::. f i��:f'�
<br /> � - . . - •. — _ Y —.�� v�� �- :�.�._�} .`t �+'_.
<br /> . '—^�T . . �.
<br /> S-, � , �. .:�j' �y +J 5 ��� `S � �~ >
<br /> .r _ � - f S 'F'y' tY 4 `.! � . u,.
<br /> ..�:`- . . ��� ,rc .p US: �3 - .1F ��� _' .o`:
<br /> P
<br /> , _ ' _ t
<br /> ' ' Of h8lW�Ef CIeCLP.� �II � (i '
<br /> � �,� 8orrower ehall keep the improvemeats now existmg .Y
<br /> � � • 'S. Harard or Prop�t3' ���cludefl witbin the term'oateadod coverage'and auy other l�Zards. including
<br /> ` pcoperty inguied agunst Z°ss hY 1tis insuntnce sbsll 6e maintained in the amouats aad for the periads ,.: .
<br /> = flaods or ftaoding,for which I�der r�ui�����e insutance ehall bo chosen by Boreower snb}oce to Lendes s approval '...1 .'.,� .
<br /> � . :: -° that Ieader reqai�es•'I�°���carcier pro � g �vera e d�scri6ed above. l.�nd�*maY•���e � ". ..
<br /> ,.` . `��. ` .� which sha11 not tse nn:easonabt3►arithhaid. If Botcowet faiis W mainffiin 8 ,
<br /> . -- K . s ri in the Progeity in acoordaaee with Parag�Ph T. ,�
<br /> ` . � o p t i a n,obmin cov e r a g e w pm����0�p t a b le w L e a d e r a a�s�a 1 1 i�dude a staudatd mottgago�1�6. Iendet 4 . ;(�4 S
<br /> :"b ' n pill insumace policies and ten�►� If Lwder tWui�es+Borro�ver shall FmmPUY g►ve w irader all reixip�o f � ..' ..
<br /> � �•-j sAaU have die rig6t to ho2�l the palicies and zenewaL9- � �surance canier aad 1�• �
<br /> .`•:�� � Bo�wer s�al!give pm�aouce to the'. � .:
<br /> `:.,: . .t p�id Pseminaos an���wa1 natices.Ta the event of tess.Bormwer. . , '
<br /> �� =-.•` IEnder may make Pmaf of lo�if not made PrompttY b3► �c e proceeds sl�all be applied to r�swration or nePair of the`
<br /> •°''`----., Unless I�nder antl Bormwer o t hetarise a g c e e i n a ri ti n g, �s not less e n e d.I f t h e z e s b u r a d a n o r
<br /> `".—`- - is er,er�micaltY f�sibie ead Le�ades's security' Q ,_� __
<br /> -�._�`°. •°,...: ptopesty damaged.if the rescoration ot tePa�r would be t�,the insurance Proce�°�be app�ed to the sams � , ;,
<br /> - � �� .� f�asiMe or Ieader's secucity � `�'_
<br /> . repair is not economicallY u'sd w Bortower. If BoiroQ+er ahandons tha
<br /> . ' `' Sxured by this Sea�rity Inst�ume�i. whet�er or aot thea due,with any w�cesw P �offec+�d to settle a claim.d� � .
<br /> :: '�> .�_: p�p�ty�or dnes not answer within 30 days a natica from Lender that the ina� or nsstore the Pcupe�tY or to pay sums ;''`�
<br /> coltecc t he imsutauce p s+oceeds. Iendes maY ��P�'0C��°'� � � _
<br /> - . .� •.;;; Lender may ����or not then due.The 30�day periad w�l hegin w h e n the notice is give.n• _ _ ;~
<br /> � �:-1;. secuced 63+thi9 Se��tY a in writing, an3►aPPli�on of psaceeds to prineipal shaU aot extead er ;.,�
<br /> .��;� ,' ; �:�% � Unless Iender and 8ortowet othetwise � ��t of thss gaymeats.If • ,r L.
<br /> 1 �2 or chaugr. -
<br /> . , Pnstpoae the due dste of�e�Y PaY���f'���O m�,g����ins�uance polictes and pmceeds tesultinS ftom .
<br /> : imder pa�ag�ap�21 tha Pto�e��anY hari�pa.ss'��to t�fi�e exte�t of tha s�ams�by����� � , '_ -
<br /> , �e io the PmPe�Y P . ^��:r.:
<br /> .. � : " immediatelY Pri�r to the acqaisitian. �on of the Pro�e�ty3 Sormwrr's Lasn APPlit�on;�ett�ds. ,..
<br /> pl�es�vatloa,MainL�nano���°° �e witiva eutY da�+s aR�tho execution of �'�-�
<br /> '. ~ Bonvwer�� Y+��+�°��°�e�as Bonower's grinci�����.for at teast mae year a4tet .
<br /> "� • ' ss Borraw ,
<br /> , • ,. �,i,- this 5ecarity Insbum��and shall confutue W oocupY t��'°P�Y nt�2ess - -
<br /> , t:,�• consent sLaU�t be unreasonablY witbheld,
<br /> - ,,'C��'Nf`•'��'� the date of occagan�Y�unIess Iets�r atherwis0 agr�i°��'�� �y"�ehell not destroy. �Sg � �� � - -
<br /> . �"� �' �� extc�nnating c�ms�� �c'?�are baYand Boma�► s ::
<br /> or commit wasta on the PmPeriY. Soaawer shalt be in defa�ilt if aay fax€a��ae
<br /> .. .� p� ,aIloav tke PmpertY w deeeriasafs. �in Lender' Sa J�t��m farfeimra of ths f,
<br /> P�Y' s od fait6' � �Borrower may . 3
<br /> �. ', ;�, acaaa or pm�•whethet oiv�ax criminal+is begun --
<br /> `, materiallY ImPair t h e l i e n c c e�e d b Y t�i s Se�aui t y Tashvme,at or Iender a s�urit�►��ed w n t h a�n l i ng r _
<br /> ..:e..�;:t,n�'`P6��'; . �fpC[�/OiO�a p�g�gp]1IH���'++6f1t68C�ODOf�$ ... ��
<br /> "�t k l��i�;�``s',. P �� j t l 1hg p 1+p j lCiij�OI OL�L�P� ,.t ..
<br /> . .��;�,�f,: �. wie su c h a d e f a v i t a nd rewstate,as m�►� forfefiue of the B a r m wer's i n t e r e s t ��� . ., .
<br /> . �'��r,1cz;F.: � ��er's guod faith dete�minatton�Pre�ludcg 8����.Sosovver ehall aTso be • .� ar�u;
<br /> �a
<br /> . tbis Seauiry I n s�a�o r L r.n d a r'. " to Lender toz� ��.
<br /> , ,:.:�,'.. ��of tha lie���Y �Ise or iva��on os s� r^,._.�.
<br /> lien
<br /> - Borrawer,du�in��'�?�aPPlication pmcess.�va�Y evide.nc+ed bY dta Note,iacYud'mg.lrat not limitea ��,,,�
<br /> � ' �� ta pravide Le�det a�aay��rmatiun)in conaecxtoa with����idenca.If this SecuritY In�=is on a , ' _-�,�;
<br /> '�s��. ons cbncerning Bosa�wet's occupanaY of tha Froperry P� fes dtte to�he Propese�►.d� ,�5..:..;
<br /> . '�,;'�:,!r.. �•��� ca I with all tha pmvisfons of the lease. If Borrnwer ecqoi�s ... , �.���;°_
<br /> ;t�-; it�sehotd, Barrower ahall mP Y ��png. ��•°:�
<br /> �.,.: : 8 ro the mergei =_-
<br /> '. '. � leasehbld and the f�titie shaU not me in theP�e�'tY•� the coveaaate aad ag�eem�►���� :� �T-,-^._;.:
<br /> aU
<br /> .�..: 7.IIt+atediom�€i.eade's Rights If�orrower fa�s ta p�form
<br /> �'--'` ' or tttere is a leg�l Pmc�S��Y ffi���y affect l�nder'e rigLts in the Pmgert�►(sucL as a G .�_ ,-
<br /> � • ' ttds SecuritY Inst�ument� aas t6en Lend��Y�� � _
<br /> pmceeding in banlc�uP�Y•Probata.for condemnation or forfeiuu�e or to eafoice laae or regulati ?, Lender's actians maY t '=�g='-'
<br /> _ , .. . pay for wbatever is necessarY t�Pi'���8 value of the Pra�..°rtY aad Leader's rights in the PmPes�Y• . .._-
<br /> Ins�ument+ aPPe�°g.ia court. Payl�g L:----
<br /> . , iaclude pgying saY �secured by a lien wlrich has priara:g over this Sect�rltY .._.___'
<br /> a u s.��o u g i�ieader may take actioa uader this pa�agc�Ph ��.=- -
<br /> . ,'= reasonable attome�a'�e e s a n d en t e ri a g o n t h a P ro P e M Y W m a k e z e P -_--
<br /> • ..'+'.. -----
<br /> � . 7.Lender daes nbt�ve w do so. �des under tlna parag�aPh 7 ehtill became additional debt of gorrower sewred by thie . _
<br /> .. pny amoimts disbursed by af th�e amoun�ehall bBo�rowet xe9ue�°� =_
<br /> ,�Z����. ! S��j,�Wment•UnIess Borrower aad Lender'agt�ea t�ather terms PaY��+ = -
<br /> - : �;:�{,`:�':•' � data of disbwsem�t ai du NoUa rate and sLaU be paya6la.with inuresl,aPon aotic��com' • . �- ^
<br /> '° � pa y m e�t. � a insutgnca as a eoa d i tion o f m a k i n g t h e t c�secured t►Y this Seauity ..
<br /> - ..� '� . S.Mo�$e��If Lender required mo�ag a�so ia effec�.. Qf.for reason,th0 �.�._..:.--
<br /> to maintain the mort�g �
<br /> '• <_ ,. ' the miums requited
<br /> :,. . Instiameat, Bonawer shall paY t�s���os c�es to bo ia effect.Borra'srr shall pa3' P� t� � -�
<br /> �
<br /> .-�•.
<br /> � . ; '. � ipo r t r�a i n s w a n c a c o v e r a g e n qniad t+Y �y i n e ff e c t►a t a c a s t s u b s t a n i i s i l Y e q u ivat�at to the �. .':
<br />_ � ., st�tially e�lwva�eat W the mortgpga inat.^'ance previ e--:.::::_
<br />_ •� _�:�' obta��overage�$ . e insures approved tsy L�det.If �;-:,�.=:--.
<br /> • • . cosc.w$oaa�c8 tha mort�ge insute��P�ously in eff�t. from an altemata mort�g to E�,
<br /> w Le�des r�b month a snm.equal �'^,,",
<br /> . �:'.`'° e ed or eeased to �-_;�_=:_-
<br /> ' • subsa�aatiallY eyuia�ent mo�tg�ge insw'anca coverage is not availab2e��osrop�er ahall PaY �_ .
<br /> ' o�stfth of the yearly mo�gage lasutsncs premium being Paid 63+Sorrowes whan the�ns�cance cati� Iaps
<br /> . .''��. . ����.��ill accept�usa aad�these payments as a loss reservo in lieu of mortgaP,a i»suraace. E�+sg reseive � ;,,,.
<br /> .:'s:., :.. . .� Fo��B 9190. �
<br /> . � ��.
<br /> _ � �� - �$1(N�19S12)A2 �a0e9otA � �r'�-.
<br /> ' � � ..
<br /> . , r. _
<br /> - '�-.�4�. � .
<br />. - , . . .� � ..
<br /> .i, ' . ` •. ..
<br /> - . . _' .`:_ . .
<br /> 4 .
<br />. - _..-- --_- 30YBAtrm /?/00 • '
<br /> t., '. . .
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