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<br /> `.` . 4 ; • 17.Traasf�of the PrvgPrty or a Bene�dal tnterest in Bonnwer.If all or�my psrt of the Pruperty or aay iaterest in it � _w
<br /> . „'" is sold or hansferied(or if a beneficial ia�est ia Bonower is soId or tsansferred aud Eorrawet is aot a nai�ual petson)without �:..;,
<br /> • .���,:�.�._;`� L�ader's prior aritten consen t, L e n d e r m a Y. s i i t s o p ti o n, i m m e d i a t��r a Y m e nt ia full of all sums secura!by drie
<br /> , . . Securiry tnshumeat.However,d�is option sLall a+ot 6e exemise��I�ades if axercise is prolu'bited lsy federal law as of t�&e ctnte
<br />- `_. �`��` , of ti�is Security Instrument• _
<br /> ,. �,...; ..
<br /> ; + ° If Leader eaercises this optioa,Lender shall�ve Somower notice of acceleration.'Ihe notica shal!provide a peried of�t . .
<br /> less thaa 30 days&am tha da0c the notIce is delivered or msiled witbin which Boaower ma�sc pay all enms secured by tbis
<br />_-- Se�urity Instmmen�If Sorrower fa�s to pay thesa sums prior w the expnat�oa ef tl�is periad,Lender may eawtce aay remedies
<br /> °; ; . � permitted by this Seiwrity tastaument without fmR6er¢otice or demaad on Borrower. ��er shall have the rig6t w bave� '`.,. '
<br /> , • .. ` IS. Borrawer's Rtg6t to Re�t�tal� If Bormwer meets cersain cond���s, .
<br /> __., .f��;- enforcemeut of tWs Secnrity Insttnment discontnnued at any time prior to the earlier o� (a)S days(or such other period a9� �' `:
<br /> �-.�":. epplicable Iaw maY spe,cifY fot*�*+�--+�'�'^-^•}before sate of the Peapeety p�usuaat w aa3► Ppwer of eate conmined in tlris �
<br />- - °>.:�-�� secu�ty Insauraear,os(b)eacry of a judgment enfo�ing chis Securicy Iusoromeac.'Ihoss condirions sre that Bor�ower:(a)PaYs` ,
<br /> ` L�tder all snms cvliich then would be due under th'ts Seauity Insdrument and the Note as if na acce2ecation had occiured; (b)Q
<br /> �- ..��;��.:•�. cue�any defavIt of any other coveasuts or egreem�Ys,(c)Pa3+9 all w�ses incurred in enforcing this Security lnsavacent. �
<br /> ' - inclnd'mg,6ut nnt limited w, reasanable attomeys'fees;and(d)taltes such actioa as I�des may t�easonably s�quire to as4t�a _
<br /> �_'' •`.-:.� t�at ths li�of this Secu�y Inshum�,�•�'s ri8�����$O�'Ower's obli�w pay the sams secared by �
<br /> `, g� inafn emenr WIS SP.�wtty Ins�ium�t 8ud the
<br /> .. , ... '' � � ,.n�,t � eontinue unc�aage�. Upon re �— hy Barmwer. �p
<br /> �`�• � ^: obligations styec�tted heneby ahaU iemaia fnity e�eCtive as if ao ascel�tion had ac�.However.dus rig�t to zeinstate st�a11 � ,
<br />. '�F.i;:��i..�' ..`+:� .
<br /> '�Y�, not appiy in the case of acceIerafion under paragraph 17.
<br /> '`'�':��,;;;; �:`' , 17ie Note ar a attial'mtetest m the Note w ther with Sua Secuti :�
<br /> 19. Sale of Note�, Change of Loan SE�ia� P � � oR n
<br /> `� .�' , tns�t)maY 6e sold one or more times withuut prior aotice w Bormwer.A sale may result in a change in tLe entiry(!m
<br /> - `�� `-`',! as the°Loan Seivioer°)that collects mo�Lly payffients due undet the Note an�tbis Seaaity Ins�t.l�era also may be ane
<br /> :'•,�F'. �.'`�; or more cbanges of the I�oaa Servicer�elarerl to a sale of ehe Nota.If there is a change of the Loau Servicer,Boriower will be
<br /> ven writtea natice of the chaa8e ia acaoraance with paiagicagb!4 above and agpiicabte law.lIIe notioo w�l state the name and
<br /> c
<br /> - . � } '�' a�ddres�of the aew L�n Setvicer aad the sdshess to whi��yca�Lq ehantd he made.7he notice wil!also caniaia a�r othxr �';7:.�,
<br /> ' , ".-.�`�., infcsm�rion�equire�b3►aPPlicable taw. '
<br /> . ;,;; Z0.Harrardms Su�ce�. Bortower s3+a�l1 aoi cause or permit the p�senee,ase,disPosal. sto�ge.or release of any ,�:'`�.�
<br /> � "
<br /> . , - . ,'-�`�- ` Ha�ardona �nces on or in tlre Fccperty. Borrowet eLall not do,nm allnw a�tone else to do, anytIring affet�8 the �
<br /> e
<br /> �. ' pi,pperty that ia in violation of aay F�vi�neatal Iaw.l7ie pmceding two seate�cas sball not appty to the presence,asa.os _
<br /> a
<br />: , .%- ' st�s�an the Pcoperty of enoall qnantities of Ha�ardnus Substances that are geaerally seco�aiud w be sppmpriate to normal
<br /> •" '' �al ases aad w m�t�anco of t�a Pmperty.
<br /> •• . Eotmwer shaU promptlY give Ix�det antttea nottce of eny iavesti�tioa.clsim.dr�and,Iaarsuit or other aclion by aay ,
<br /> _ ."°r;,:� govemmeatal ar regWaLOry sgencY or Pnv�te P�Y iavolving tha ProPetty aud aay Haraidous SubsC�uca or Fmvimnmental Law _--
<br /> of which Bmraaer bas adual lmoatedge.If�3armwer leams. os is no��aay��vern�ental�or�regalato�ry suthmi�ty+� -.y
<br /> .. aac.e��noval ar otlses remed'�atioa of sny H�?eus Sul�staace aff�ia8 P�Y� �'• p� � "�
<br /> . .. j�T'.,�5�/fCIIICdlB��' 0213!II SL'COTd8IIC6 Wi����W ':i`�f j
<br /> , . .- � ,'4s used in Wis pacagraPb�, "Naroarda�Snbs�s'at�a those sabstances de�as toxic or i�azardons a�nces by . �1 �,
<br /> •• �,,.•'� . •F�irtinmental Iaw sad the fc7lawmg sabs�taaxs: gasc��aa, kernsme. bther IIam�� or toxic petroleum�, to�c
<br /> � ' • pesticides and herbicedess YOI$hI8 SO�VCIILSr II'�2..�'tI8L9 COII�IND$8S17E3I69 OT fOTID82��,sad radioactive matertals.•As used'm �--����
<br /> '.M�y
<br /> • thia patagraph Z0. "Environmental laa+° means federal•laws and lawa of the jurisdiction aheie tha Prope:cy is lac�ted thai .
<br /> relata to health,.safety or ea►viroam�tal Pmtection.
<br /> • . NON iJNIFORM COVBNANTS.Botmwes aAd Lendet f�ther coveaant and agre��.s foltowa - .�;�_
<br /> V N
<br /> , 21.Accelesatlon;ReuIIed��.L�dar shaq give aoHce to Bon�nwcr prior to ar�eratton fo]Iawiug Bon+owc�� �:�:.;
<br /> a
<br /> � � � of aag►eavenant or ag�ree�t�t i�tlus 3ecusdY In�+��t! N�not prior to amoe��tEon wadcr p6 • �.-_-•_�
<br />' �� ' aPplIeable law Pe'uvides otherwFse)•�e notice sLall sPec3fY% (�the d�faWt;@)the adlon n2�the defae�l• R'.°.–;y-
<br />_ (¢D a dat�not tess tban 30 daya from ffie date the Qtodce is giveu to Bosmwes.bY which ti�e defaWt must be c�d;ar►� �. w��,
<br /> ' +�.�
<br /> � � ` (�tbat faii�ae to cm+e the defaWt on or hefure the date s�ce�in the notioe may r¢sWt m aa�le�attoa of the siams [__� �
<br /> : ; ..<.���' see�u�ed bY this Sepuity Inshvmeat aad sate ot the Prope�ty.T@ia nn�tce sba1l further inform BormwEr of We et�t to �;,_.;�.
<br /> �. �:.,;;'. e+e�,.�`la t e a R�a c c e lQra t l on a n d t h e e t n h t t o b s i n g a c o u a�t t a c t t o n t o a s s�t the�tmce n�a d�'aWt ar aqy othgr . .,... .
<br />_ � ���:., . d�aase of Borrower to aoralesatfon amd sat� If the�mr�1t is not cuee�on or�fore the date sp�S�ed c�a�e notfce, ��
<br /> �� . '�`,�,.,`��.': _� '.� Leade�,at its aption,ma����re immediate paym�t ia fu11 of aII sums s�1iY this S�eauitY Tastr�t wit4o�t .
<br /> ;.- , '.;�,;; " furthcs denand�mag the pow�of sale and any oWer�uedtes pesmitted bY !aw L�a�'shal!�' . _ ---
<br /> ' � : '.i,.''� '�'.i �!?9ed to coIIect aI1��acmzed iu pmsuing the remedtes pmvided tn thfs pae'agenp���t�Ogs�!r)o!Kmdta�. . Q.. ,
<br /> .:. ,`.��:.:,�.�;,'.: � . ts��so�able attorneys'fc�s s�d costs of tltle evldeac� �_�.
<br /> �:,,,., � 6�the power of sate ss i�volce�,Teustee si�all reasrd a aotice of d�aWt in�ch oo�mty in w�tc6��4 04 tlte
<br /> ;�.���. . �r is locsted end shaB mail wpies of.such nottoe in the manner Pressribe8 bY aPP c�bte taw to Bmraanver and to �_'-
<br /> . . • � We other Qe�som prescri6ed 6y applicab2e law.AfQer the time e+e�dned by aPAltcable lazv,Te�tee st�ll give publte notIce __-
<br /> 04 sale to the prxsons aad in the maaner pre�eibe8 by appl�cab�e Csw.Tr�rs�tee,wiWout d�ud on Boreocv�,sLaU seU .:;,.,
<br /> � ' tloe Pr+operty at pnb}Ic ancNoa to the hfghest bidder at We�ime am��e and unde�the teava�dt�5gnated tn the nottae o! �.,::
<br />_ � . ,. �in one or mos+e panei.S aad in aay oidcs Tn�stce deteamtnes.T�maY Pa�One sa�e�3 all or ar,,��04 the ';;.�:.�
<br /> d�
<br /> �a{�ettg►6Y trubfic amw�mcenent at We thne and pL.r�o�a�►prev,tousty sche�z�l sei�I.�a$er or it��ee maY ,_�..,
<br /> ' .. ,,< puacfiase the A+a�ei4y at any sale. ;.,,,
<br /> . ,_ .
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