i. .- :``= � . tr��.r?.�.���—:'L"''.;::.s:'v� .._-7�• - :r:�
<br /> __—<:�____ ,:. �
<br /> � 4.�� . n2>�. ' .� . _ M1{;` ;' ,
<br /> , ` �:�, a < ,, , . . s.,tt _. ` . 2 -.i ��� 3"4.U�rK'1�, �- - `#�.- �``1�-� a t 3<:l��L�° - ti�
<br /> �yr" �`+}':� 4�:)'.f�,�`, � . � ��1 tit » �7.,. �t i: )♦ �?-�"�q°�yr� gi i 1l .y� I,
<br /> „i" . . :.• t� . .�'� _� � � J' N �.''1 C7�l�?� r. � . � .��.� f --t� .t�, !3:
<br /> �Q. �, c . �tyl i.� rl ,.:Z.;�:.�+i� t. - :��'�'.�`��'.�'� tti ,.
<br /> .b c.�. .. �•` . .�� t- .,to '�- a:: ! _ ..
<br /> . � � , � '�r � C
<br /> .t` f�
<br />. _. ..< ,�r .
<br /> _. 'r `` � s�
<br /> � 'TOOEI�III3�Nt'iH all the impravements now or he�after erected an tho property.and el1 easem,�nts,aPP���+
<br /> . i . . .
<br /> `�`,`' , `�° fixt�ucg noa7 or h�reafter a patt of the psoperty. All replacem�ts and sdditians shall aiso bs coveted !ry this Sxurity '. U
<br /> ''•,.°' `, . r��..���t.Al1 of iha foiegou�is raferird to in this Secwity Insaumcat as the'Pcopo�tY•° x t';
<br /> e� wnve ed�cl has tiie rig�to gtant and
<br /> ' ' BORROWER COVENANTS that Borrowar is lawfWty seised 4 ftha�b��Yces of record. Borrnwer warraats and wiU ,. ``.
<br /> . conv�yr the Prapet�Y�that tha PcopertY Is unencumbered.oxcept of recard. 1,`.�.�,,c.
<br /> - . defead geaosallY tha title W the Pcoperiy agaias�aA ataims and demaads.subj�ct w any eacu�brances
<br /> •`�". . . , '�IIg SECtJItYi'Y INS1R1IMENT comblaes uuifotm coveaants for natioaal nse and noa-�miform covenaats with limitt� �? .r�
<br /> � . � .
<br /> � ; • � va:iations by jurisdictEon w canatiNte a uni fotm s�cini ty insttumeut co�+er�g�P='OP�Y• ,� - ,
<br /> � . .�,,: `: UNiFORM CaVENAI3T3.Bo�oa+er aad Leudes covea�t and agree as Pollawa:
<br /> ` . �td Late Ct�rgeg. Boaower shall pro�PVY PaY whw due the �j .
<br /> .�'"��;:, l. Faymeat of�fr3nciPal eud Iatemst3 �PaY�t t and late c�sSSes dus uades tha Note. � _
<br /> - priucipal of end intetest on tha debt evidenced t+Y the Note�d aa�►PrepaYm� .
<br /> . , . Z.1Eun�s for'llaxes an�Ias�snc� S1�bja,t to agplicable tew or to a writteo waiver by Leader, Borrower shall paY w d
<br /> . . .. � I,ender on the day monthty gayments a�due under tha Nota.ontil the Nota is paid'm tiill.a sum(°Funds')for.(a)Ye�Y��O . .
<br /> as a lien on the PmpertY:(b)Year1Y Ieaseha2d payments�
<br /> _ ` �d assessmmsa whicb may attain pszeat}►over this Secusity Ins�Ument gaad ins�uaaca pnmi+��ms.�� - � •
<br /> • � or gro�d reuts an the Propesty.if any;(�)Y�1Y$�°i pr0�'n.�uaaea psemmm.�(�Y�Y . .
<br /> ,. ' ' '+ 'f an eurl mortgage iasuransa p��ams.if say;and(�anY sums paYab�e isY Eomawer tn I�ender.in`��� � �� -
<br /> � Y+�e)Y Y �ums.lbesa items s:a ealled Items. _
<br /> : `. � of pffiagraph 8.in lieu.of the paya�ent of martgage insmaaee pse , ,
<br /> P�'avist°ns
<br /> ' ' Leader may,et�Y bme�coIIc�ct aad hold F�mds ia aa amaunt not ta exce�d tha���a I�der for a f�y
<br /> � ` ` � �',,� toan may rBquite for Borrower's escrow secount uader the fedesal Real Bstate SetIIemait I�o�Act of -
<br /> ; . • �.-.: related mortgage - - - _
<br /> - 19r14�s amended fmm time to time. 12 U.S.G Sec�on 2bU1 d seq. (°RESPA°),ual�aaothes lew thaE applies to the Funds
<br /> ;�`�� sets a lesser amouut If so. Lende�'maY.a�a�Y time.couect sad hotd Faads ia sa amouat not w•exceed�e tasser emo�mt .:.
<br /> L of �tares of futata
<br /> .' ,. Lender may�atimate the amount of Fuads dna on tha basis of currant data and reasonat�ie estimates eaP `_-�.
<br /> , °� �` �• �ur Items or othera►iso in acco:daaca with appfica6le t�vr. `-
<br /> . . aris or eatity •: .
<br /> ; �` �• t , ` '�-
<br /> , �-. ,.;..... . 11�e F�mds s6all be tie2d in aa instimtian ahosa de�osits a:e insused by a federal aS�Y+ ��'���
<br /> e
<br /> ' `;:" ('wcIudiag Lender,if Icnder is such sfl institudon)or m say Federal.Home Lean Bank-Lender stiall apP Y �; ;:��
<br /> , . ` :.::�.,, , Escenw Items.L r,¢d o r maS►no t c 5 a t ge B orcower for holding and applymg the Fuads,aaauaUy suatYunS the escmw account,ar , .
<br /> � a Bonawer iaterest on the Funds and appl�cable!aw permits L�der w meke s a c h °: � �
<br /> �,y veritj►fig the Fscraw Item9,untess Leader pay
<br /> ' $otrowes to pay a one-time cbarge for an iadepe,ndent ieal estata tax tepor6ng setvice ��'�
<br /> „ . • �'��'r�x a cha�go,However,I.ender rn�l►re4ui�e �� licable law provides atheswise. Unles�aa agreement is made or -.': �. --
<br />- '-- � .. .�.�,�.,ri us� bl► 1�en�der ia vcnnec�oa with this.loaa. aPP
<br /> • . �, inte�st to be pai3,Le�der sLa4 not ba 4+aqutted to FaY Borm+��$Ay m��or 4arniag�on the Faads. �_�-:�.-
<br /> _ applieab2e law�eciuir�s a to Barcower.
<br /> � ,. .,:`�: Borrower atW Lender may ag�e in writing,however.tbat Interzst ahaU be paid on the Ftmds.Lender shall giv �;-
<br /> ' � a n n u a l secountfin of tbe Funds,ahawinS�dits ead debits to the FanBs and the purpasa for whicL each �s ..
<br /> . .. ;; :�.: w i t h o u t c�r g e.a a g t h{s S e p u I t y I n s O m m e n�
<br /> debit to the Ptmds was m�de.'i�a Ftmds ara p2edged as a d d i t i o n s l s e c u r i ry f o t a l l.s u m s s e c a�d 6!!.
<br /> � • � . If the Funds�e2d tsy►Leader exc�eed the amaunts Permiued W ba held by appticable 1aw.T:�r shaH acca�mt to Bosmwer ��-
<br /> ud
<br /> � � for the exces9 Fuads in eccoidance with tha tequirements of appiica6le law.If the amaunt of oir��'�mds d�eld by I�ndet at aay
<br /> 73 •
<br /> the Fscrow Items when due,Le,nder may so notify Borrower ia writiag.and,ia surJi casa Bormwer ��,r"�',. ''.
<br /> °:. . .. ... tima Is not suf'ticfcnt to pay tha deficiency.in ao moYe tban
<br />=.;;F� -_�.: � � �pay tn Lender the amouat necessary to��P the defcc'ieaic.y. Bormwer sball make ap . �:W:-,
<br /> _ a ts at Lender's soIe discretian ••.•.,�.,
<br /> � ` twelvamonthl3+p Yme� + Inshament�Le�der shall premptty ceiimd to Bormwer eny � ,�.�.,':
<br /> • . , . . Upon paym$at itr fWl of a!!svms sauced by�is 3e�ity s al . __ -
<br /> . under pazagraph Zl Lender sbalt aequira or sell tbe Property.I�eader.l�rlor to the acquisldoa as sale °�-
<br /> . �= Fumds held by I+ender.If, • :.��--
<br />_ .. ..�'� � of tho PropertY.s�aU SPPIY�►Y Fimds heId by Lender at the ttms of acquisitIon or sata as a ccedit a�aiasc the snms sec�sed bY ����
<br /> � y' : �- .ry;:,r.. • ._..-_
<br /> ,r�;' . '�. ; ttu9 Ser�it3+Insirumen� ts t+eceiVa�by Le�det uuder ParagtaPl�s ` __-
<br />_ , . 3.Appliration of�+ments.Un��apPlicab2e 1aw provides ottietwise�e11 PaY� �p�pb� o_,�
<br />- .. 1 a a d 2 ahaD be applied:Rzst.W aaY�ePayment�LsrSes due imder tha Noto; second,W amom►ts payabie _�_
<br />- . • .. tLird,to interesc due:fouz4h,w prmcipal dua;an�la9t.W any late abarges duo uader the Note.
<br /> - . - �. �4.Chatg�;I�eas.Svrmwer sLall PaY all taxes,�sesgmenie.chatges,�ines aa�1 imAa�ri�s attn'butable to��p�Y __-__
<br /> a
<br /> '`�' � over this Sectuity Instrument,aad leaseAold paym�or��+if a�:I�t� _
<br /> . . . . wbich� attaia prIority -
<br /> � � theu o�ti�aons in the manner provi6�i in pazagrePh 2+or if aot�:d in t�at m�.-r,Bo�c�shall pay them on time d�reetly
<br /> ��.:,�� � w�a person owed paym��Borroa�a shaU pru�Dtty f�nish to L�der all na�s�s of amu��i be paid uuder this p�� �---
<br /> , `;,'. , ..�:: If Borrower makes thesa payments dise�'.Iy.Botraarer sball promptly famish to�der�cei��videacing the gayments. . �e_
<br />- . . • .,. 5: Barrawer shall promp�ty discharge ar►y lIen abich Las priority over lhis�a..-v�ty Iasbn�eat untess Borrower.(a)agreES in , �� _ -
<br />� : ' writiag to tha payment of the obligation Eecured bY the lIen in a manner acce�r3zE�w Lender;(b)cantasts in goa�fat@�tha liea ,' `:';;:Y:
<br />- '''. �.ti,..° `` by,.or def.nds ag,�inst c�forcement o f tha lier► in,ie g a l p ro�ge ahicl� ia the L�eader a opinion opeiate to prevent the . ;, •.,-;.
<br /> . � ��'r,:.�:��� ` enforae�of'tha lien;or(c)secus+es fzom the ftoldes of tha lie�aa agreement satisfactory trs be�der aubordinating the tien to• �:;.=__�
<br /> ,��,'�;�, , If Lender determiaes that aay patt�f 8ie ProPeriY i9.subject to a�s�wl�ich may attain priority ovet. � ��_
<br /> this Securiry Insttum�.
<br /> '�''�� Wia Securlty Inshument,lreader may glve Borrower a nottce identityiag tha iie�.Bosrower sba11 eatisfY tha tiea or mke oae or
<br /> - •';' . � � ' more of the actions set fcrsh above arithin 10 days af t�e pvtng of aotice. . .,i„', "
<br /> • Form 8028 9180 " 1�?�`-
<br />_ ;' ,� '_ . • -
<br />_ • . ��RIh"E)tot+�ta2 v+�saes .'
<br /> _.,.
<br /> _ . _ � � y;_� �
<br /> 9 'I , .
<br /> .4 •_ ' ' : . .
<br />. - �� ---.-- .---- 30Y8�.hm t�/9B
<br /> ..� , . . ' • . .
<br />