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<br />. . � . FdO� �VV��� ._.
<br /> ��`� �( � . S. E�uz�rd or Fr�ogerty YnsuQU� �omawer sha11 keep[he improveinents �existing or hereafter erected oa the _=,
<br /> ` . � Propetry insur�against loss Dy fire.haraNs inctud�within the term"eztended wverage"aud any otker harards. including `
<br /> �',*..'.;F°'':. tloads or iIaodIng. for which Lender ceqtrires�nsaranoe.'lY�is insvrance shall be mairualned in the amaunts and for the periads
<br /> . �-_
<br /> Nat Lertder requires.'lYie lnsurnnce rarrier pmviding the insurance s#tall be choserr by Bum�wer subjed m I.ender s approval
<br /> ,•�..* � which shail aot 6e unreasonabiy wlthhetd. If Bormwer faits to maintain coverage descdbed atsove. Lender may. at I.eader's �`�"
<br /> ---- option,obtaia ooverage to protect l.ender's flg61s in the Property en axo:daace with paragtixph 7. �°- `
<br /> �`_s.'t-
<br /> . - A t l i n 5 v r a n o e p o l i c i�s a t t d c e n e w a l s s T a a A b e a w e p t a b l e to LeQder aud sha(1 instude a standarti mortgage dat�se. Lender �'__
<br /> �` `` `.;. shalt have the ri to�told dte olicies and renewals.If Lender requires.Bormwer shall promptly give w Lender all receipts of �°
<br /> . .. - paid p[eminma s�d�eaewal icot['ces.tn the event of loss,Bormwer shall give pmmgt natioe to the insuraace carrier aad I.ender. �_-
<br /> • � �,`� � IRn�er may make proof of toss if not made prompt[yr 6y Borrower. �-�
<br /> , '.•`::� Uatess Leader aud Borrower othetwise a �n arritin .insuiance proce�ds shalt be l�ed w restoration or reQair of the v,.-
<br /> 8��n � � ��:.
<br /> :; `� pm�seny damaged,if the restaiation or nepair is eaonomically feast'ble.aad Lender's seciuIty is not tessened.If the restoration or —.--
<br /> r�air is not ecoaomicaUy feasi6le os Lender's secarity woutd be l�d;the insaraace proceeds s1�a11 be applied to tLe sums �.Y.
<br /> ' ��'.�•;,• � s�by tl�is Security Insaument, tivhether or not theu due,with atry excess paid to Bortower. If Bormwer abandons the �_�_
<br /> . . - •. � Property,ar daes not answer witLia 30 days a notice fc+Qm Lender that the iascuance canier has offered to seule a claim,then �_
<br /> : '.' Lender may oolt�t We insuraace pmceeds. Leader may nse the pra�eds to m�air or restore the Pmpercy or to pay sums -�-�
<br /> • �4 F.`.
<br /> •' +� aecured by this Secutiry Inmument,whether os noi thea due.7'he 3U-0ay period w�l begin when the notioe is given.
<br /> :�� Unless Leuder�d Bor�ower otbetvvise agree in writing, anY aPPlication of proceeds w griucipat shall not extend or L�`--
<br /> , s. '�,�t:_
<br /> postpone the due daie of the montWY payments referred w in pa�,,,�aphs 1 and 2 or change t�.amouat'of the payments-df ,:,i�:;_
<br /> •=�� under parag�aph 2i�e PropertY is aoquir�bY Lender,Borroarer's�ht w auy insaraace po��Pm���� ,�:: :
<br /> us, :
<br /> .. damage to the Propesty prior to the acqaisition shall p��ss to Len�es.rt�.��extent e,.�'�:e sums sec��d by this�trity Ins�t
<br /> � - �tmediately prior to tl�e acqnisition. . � . � ��s f•_
<br /> ';";�;� . 6.Occapaucy,P�eservaHon,Maiatettaace and FtmY�actEoa cYt�Pro�4g;J�=sowa's Loaa App�xV�i'ua;�eas�tmtds. �':___
<br /> . ,-..�.._;;. . . Borrower shall occupy,estabiisb,and ase the Prope►ty as Borroa�s�apal.residence within suty days aF��4e exew6on of �:.i .
<br /> , _
<br /> . . ..;:;�:';;n this Security Iastrameat and shall continoe to aaupy the Pro�r��orrower's p�incipaf cesidence for at't�st one year aitet ___
<br /> ,,:. �.
<br /> •
<br /> <` ,;�'� •• . the date of aocupancy.unless Lender otherwise ag�¢s isr:writing,wtuch oomse�t�1t not 6e a�onabl��nd�ld.or ess �. -
<br /> „ , �xtem�Ling circt�staaces exist whicb are beyond�ower's control. Bornx��ea.shall not destroy, d�ar impair We �::":.
<br /> ,, r�'���a � FroPertY• allow the Progsrty[u deteriorate,or co�t waste an tbe Pmperty.�mm�wer shalt be in dEfaul2�f aay forfeiture �^'
<br /> . ,;:s��;�t:,,,�i; � aaion or pmoeeding.whether civ�or criminal,is 6eg�n that in I.endar s gaod faith judgmeut covld rest�It in forfeimre of the _
<br /> . �:,�a<,: •_ prol�rt3►or otherwise materiaUy impair the lien created by this Secarity Iaqnument ur Lender's sacurity interest.Bormwer may `'-
<br /> • . . ;,:.;
<br /> � ;•.:Y�t cure such a default and reiastate,as prov;ded in paiagraph 18,by causing the action or proceeting w be dismissed with a r�ling � _ .
<br /> ";'', :. .r: that.�n Ixnder's good faith detcrminution, Prectudes forfeiture af the Boirower's interest in the Pmp�ty or other materiai ' _ _
<br /> - ';y �-.}j impaimient of the lien created by this SeWrity Intwment or I.ender's gea�rity interest. Borrower shall also be in def�it if .�.Y
<br /> . ' . . ::� Bornower.during the loan applic�tion process,gave materialty false or inacc�rate information or statements W Lender(or fa�ed =
<br /> ` � : "��-.� to provide Lender with si►y material informatioa)in connection witb the loa�evfdenced by the Nate.incI�ding.but not limited ``.-
<br /> � '�� to.tepresentations conceming Bomnwer's occupaacy of the Property as a principal residence.If this Security Inslrument is on a `�
<br /> . .' . : �� leasehold. Borrower shall comply witb all the pmvisions af the lease. If Boaower acqaires fea title to the Propetty. the `
<br /> �::; leasehold an�the fee title shall not merge ualess Lender agnees to the merger in writing.
<br />� � � . ..;i 9.Protection of Lende�s Ri�fits tn the Property.If Borrower fails to perform the oovensu�ts aud agreements contained in =_-
<br /> .: � ,; tlus Securiry Inmument. or there Is a tegal pmceeding that may significantTy affeet Lender's sights in the�Pmperty(sic�fi as a —
<br /> . . . •� . '", '; proceeding in banlQUptcy.prnbate. for afnGemnatIon or forfeit�re or w enfoire laws or regutations).then I.ender may do and -
<br /> �� � -:�:�;: -pay for whatever is necessary to pmtect the value of the Praperty and I.ender'a rights in the Property.I.ender's aetioas may ----
<br /> ' ���'' ' iuclude payins aay sums secared by a lien which has priority over this Securiry Lisrmment, a�peariag in court, paying --
<br /> � •�:.' -_
<br /> .'. �� . � masonable,attameys'fees aad entering on the Froperty to make iepairs.Althougb Lender may take acxlon onder this paragraph
<br /> �� � :�,��, 1.Lender does.aat have to do so. --
<br /> • � '�._ ;. ; Any amounts disbwsed by Lender under tbis paragraph 7 shall become addit�onal debt of$omower sewred by this --
<br /> � Sec��riry �strumen�Untess Boaower and I.ender agree to other tera�s of paymeni,these amounts sbaU bear inter�st from the --
<br /> . � � : ' •' �date of disburaemeat at dx Note rate and shall be payable, with interest, upon notice from Lender to Borrower reqicesting =-
<br /> -�. :�.. :. �! payme�t. � � _'_
<br /> ;< <, • .
<br /> � ' . 8.Mart�age Insaraaae.If Leader required mortga�e lnsvrance as a condition of making the foan secvned by this Sec�ui3y �`
<br /> . ." . � IasWment, Borrower shall pay the premiums required to maintain the mortgage insurance in effect. If, for anyr reasan..the �-_�
<br /> � "� mortgage insorance covezage requlred by Lender Iz�r�or ceases to be in effect,i3orrower shall pay the g�i*.iums reqo'ued W s- -
<br /> ' . � °3 obtain coverage substantially equivatent to the mort�e insurance previousty in effed.at a oost substantiaiig equivalent to the �-
<br /> cost to Borrower of the mortgage insurance previously in effect.fi�nm an attemate mortgage insu:er approved by Ler.der. If
<br /> .� '. . . � substantially equivalent mortgage insurance coverage is not available.Boaower shali pay to Lc:rder each month a sum eQrJ to ---
<br /> � • � one-twelfth of the yearly mongage insuraace p�mlum being yaid by Boirower when the insur�,�ce coverege tapsed or ceased to �'
<br /> . .' � ,:• >, y be in effect.Lender wil!s�cept,ase and retain these payments as a loss reserve in lieu of mortgage insurance. Loss reserve �� .
<br /> . � � . , wrm suae s�sa
<br /> � .. - Pago3af0
<br /> . �
<br /> .. -�� .4' _ . . .
<br /> , {.
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