�. '•.t:',...5� . _ r .� 1. `�.,.�.,}.;s_-"X` P°°i _.
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<br />- _ ' R�- . . � . . �a� ��+V�'� 1 ` -
<br /> .1� p••°., i�. ` -.
<br /> -- .: Qaynzents may au longer be�equirai.at the option of Lender.if mortgage insuranse rnveragc(in the amount and for the periad :" c_
<br /> , that I.ender resNItes?Provided by an iasurer appmved by Laader ugstin b�comes availabte aad is o6mineQ.Borcov��er sha�l PaY
<br /> �, ,: . tfle paemiums requi�eQ to maiwain nwrtgage insurance in e�ec�or to prov�de a lass reserve.unsil the requirement for mertp,��e
<br /> 'r�•`,,.:s_`,� , �����������y written agteaacnt betwcen Bozruwer and Lxnder or applicabte faw.
<br /> � .,. � 9.Inspe�oa.Lender or its agcnt may make ceasomble enuies upoa and inspections of tQ►e Property+. Lender sIsatl give �' �, �,.4:
<br /> .`',':,. Bornnwer irotioe nt the time of or prior to an inspection spacifyinffi reasonabte cause for the inspeetion. :.`�
<br /> .-�a.-..i..` i�.'� .
<br /> � . 10. Cmn�oa.The Pro�ds of any awa:d ar claim for damages,direct or caaseqaential. in oonnectioa witlf any =
<br /> '�>:��' . �'''� condemnatiqn or ot6er taking of any part of the Pcoperty.or for oomeyance in licv af oondemnation,a:e herebyr assign2d and . ,.:
<br /> `� , =�' shal!be pa�d to Leadec. '�
<br /> � > ln the event of a�otal talring of tt�e Fcoperty.the pr�eds shaU 6e applie�to the sams seciued by this Sewrity Ins�um�t+
<br /> m which the fair ` -_
<br /> .t;`!':,'. �,�.;; whether or nnt then ctaa,with aay excess�aid to Barrower.In the eveat of a paztial taldng of the Frnperry' -
<br /> " � _: - marlcet value of the Property immediateI9 hefoie the ta�cing is equal to or�ihan the amoum of the snms secured by this , �
<br />'�:��� I n s t�'n e n t i�ediatet y hefore the taking,onless Botrawer and l,ender othenvise ag�ee in writing,the sams secu�ed by '
<br /> Sea�ity . followin &action: (a)the total ���,__�_.
<br /> � . Wis Sec,vzity Iosuument s�hait 6e reduc� by the atnount of tfle proceeds muIuPl�e�C►►y the g immediatety �;Z"�'�=.
<br /> ` ..:�; r �amoant ef the swns secvte�im�aesliately befote the taging,divided by(b)the fair c�,.�rket value of the Property e:�..,__
<br /> of the Property in wt�ich t6e fair "��„`=
<br /> �.>.ti i�efoie the talaag•MY 6al�ce st�atl 6e pan�to Borrower. In the event of a partiat takinS ��==-
<br />,:;;': ��.`; � , r ma�#�et vaiue of tbe Property�elY 6efo�the tai���s less Wan the amount m�ahe snms secured immediately before t6e �F�,�,'�,`�;;=
<br /> . ' or untesc applicable pa�v otherwise pravides,the praoeeds shall �;��'-
<br /> � ', t taIang,�ntess Botmwer and Ixnd�othe�wise agre�za+�znm8 �'t ,
<br /> � � � be a p plied to the sums secu�+ed by this Se�ucitY Instrui�.�f��er or not the sums are then due. �;,
<br /> �' �. If the Property is abaadoned by Boaou�c,or if,aP�siotice by I,a�'-.er to Herrower that tl�o�demnor offeas w m a k e an „ ,
<br /> �sr„ avyard or seute�;claim for damages, $o�aca�r fa�s to se.�o'ad to IIe�er within 30 days aft�a�.date the notice`is gi�+e�;;- �
<br /> p ', `�: Len�der is autharn�ed w collect and apply c���O��s,�t:�updon,�to restoration ar repa�re�¢�e Pcugerty 4r ta the stnms.:
<br /> �iis u
<br /> N lFl �f: -' �'r se�u�ed by t6is�urit3+.tnstr�..'�x,whethe3 or not then�luce. , . - ��'��,.�
<br /> _� ,,; . .. Untess i�sder aad Bonnar+�oihecwise agree ila�8•�Y �Plicadon of��eeds to principal sbalt not extead or �:=�h.y
<br /> x``.`��`.;!-f�:.;'; Postpoiae the�[e d�e of the�v�t r.Sy pay�referred w in paragtaphs 1 and 2 or`c�.�ae the amo�mt of sudi payments• �,.;.
<br /> `` . " ?,= Il.Bora��a''ar Not Re�Fa�By�.ender Nat a Waiver.Extensio�af the.te�{Eor payment or modific�'o�a �-,s�,,
<br /> s . � .-��c'Vs. - er.
<br /> ��a ' . `!- of a�ortiaatiaa±of th�sua�s se��6y t�is•5ecarity*��,-nent grauted by I.ender to�y suo�3•it►interest of Borrower st�al! �,_
<br /> i
<br /> �'f; � r �t crs��.�ecate ta mlease the liab�'�of thc o�gi�a!Borru�r mr Borrower's suecessors i�.inter�.st.Tx�der shall aqi b�requiied w _
<br /> gt a
<br /> ���,�''�Y � �< � �ence praoeedings a�ainst any saccess�m mterest or�efuse w extea d time for paymen t.or o;D t e t w i s e madi�►amortitation
<br />,�,:,�,t�,;.. ,�,.. ,•,< <
<br /> a`
<br />;-•.,.<.�. , ::;f::} of the sums s�-vuea by this Sec�rity Ins�ent by �easou of aay de�naad made tiy the oagaa�ai Borrower ar Bormwea's
<br /> � succ�.cors ia interest.Aay forhezurance by Lender in exercisiag an}r right oi remedy shall not ba a waiver of or pneclude the
<br /> • , '�' .. € exeneise of any right or remedy. :v,:=
<br /> �r�: <
<br /> 12. Suocessors and Assl�n.9�ound;Joint aud S�veral LfabWty, Cu-slgners. The covenants aad ag�eemeats of Wis �_:,:.--
<br /> . � " � ' ` �,�':= gecurity Instnunent shall 6ind and benefit the suocessors and assigns of I.ender a�ti Borrower. subject to the provlsions�of �
<br /> . ��;` 4� 17. Borrowu's covenaats and a8reements s1ia11 be Joiat and seveial. My Bor�ower who co-signs this Securiry � _
<br /> ?-; �: �.: i- P�S+�P � 8 y t artd conve that :� .._.
<br /> : . . �';;� Instrument but does not execute t6e Note; (a?is vo-si n this Secudty Insuument onl to tnortgage.gran Y _
<br /> . .�. �;� Borrower's Intetest in the Pmperty under sb�e terms of this Security Instrument;(b�is rtot personally abligated to pay the snms � _-
<br /> � � }�. secuced by this Security Insmuuent;and(e)agrees that I.ender and tiny orher Bort+nwer may agree to extend;modlfy,fo:bear or -_
<br /> . .' �,�•� �e�y�mm�daRi�ns wfth resard to the terms of this Securlty.Iastwneat or the Note without that Bormwer's oonsent. �
<br /> . • `'.� 13.Luan Charges.if the toan secnred by this Security Inst�unent Is subject to a law which sets maximwn tflan charges. • • _•-----
<br /> � , , �„ ;: aicd that law is finally intezpreted so that the interest or other toan ciuirgea wllected or w be oollected in wnnec�ion with the �
<br /> � .. � '..� toan exoeed the pem�iaed limits. [hen:(a)a�►Y such loan charge shall be reQuoed by the amount necessary to reduce tiee c6arge
<br /> � . •...: . . `�s to the permitted llmit:and(b)any sums already oollected from Bormwer vrhich excerd e d permitt e d li m i t s w i l l b e cefunded W
<br /> • ` „ , ' :��, Norrower. I.ender may chaose to make this rcfund by reducing the piincipal owed under the Note ora y ��!�out�any �_� --
<br /> � ;,;u t payaient w Borrower. If a refund reduces pritsctpal, the�reductlon will be ueated as a partial P ep Yment , �
<br /> • - P�Y�nt charge tuider the Note. � -- -.
<br /> � I '� � 14.Nottces.Amr notice to Bormwer pmvtded for in this Securtty Instniment shall be given by dellvering it or by mailing _ _
<br /> � ' it by first class mail untess aDplicable law requires use of another method.The na6ce shall be dir�to the Property Address �.;�-
<br /> - �t
<br /> � , or any other address Borcower d�ignates by notice to Lender. Any rtotice to l.ender shali be given by first class mai! to �;_•
<br /> � . . i Lender's address stated herein or any other address Lender designates by notice to Botrower.Axry notise provided for in this _. .
<br /> �� �� � Se.curity Insvarnent shall be deemed to have been given w Bormwer or I.ender when given as provided in tttis paragrapb. __
<br /> • � =:...
<br /> •,. :.• `' •. '' 15.Governing Law; Severablllty. This Security IasmuneN. slaall 6e gwemed by federal Iaw and the law af the �=- .
<br />-; , ' � 't' � jurisdiction in whlch the Property is tocated. in the event that any p�vision or c�ause of this Security Inswment or the Note� i�_;
<br /> _. ' .�' .� ��}dg��applicabte law,such conflict shali not affect other pmvisions of this Scxurity Instrument or the IVote whic6 can be �;:.
<br /> � . � • j given effect without the conflicting provision.To this end ihe provisions of this Security lnsm►ment and the Note are declared `_-
<br /> to be sevetable. ��`
<br /> �� .�. '� 16.Bornmwer's Copy.Ba�rrower sSiaiE be given one wnfoimed wpy of the Note and of this Security instmment. �;,:
<br /> . � Farm 3028 9tS0 ��
<br />- ' , •� pogoaof8 �
<br /> f � � � �..
<br /> • y1 �,,; � - . , r..�-.,��.:�,�. .
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