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<br /> � � 'TaGSTHF1t WITH ull the imp�vemeats now or he�aRer e�ccod on the pmpeKy.anst�11 easements.oppwtenanc�e. �;�.t .
<br /> '`, � . fiatuses onw or herPaRer a part af the pmperty. AU tepincemente aad edditions shult also be wvesed by this Secur3ry
<br /> ''`':� ,�� � Iostnunent.Aii of the fore�o3ng is refQrr�to in this Security Instrument as t�e°pn°PenY•� f ,
<br /> t e �•
<br /> . BORROWER COVENANTS that Botrower is lawfully seised of the estate hereby conveyred and has the right to grant and ` <
<br /> � 1,� �'�-" oonvey the Progeity and that the PropertY is unencumbered.exrept for encumbtances of rernrd. Bormwer wartattts and wilJ '� - -
<br /> —"°`� defend geaerally the tiUe ta the PropertY 8Sa�t a�l etaims and demands.subject tv anY encumbrances of c�ecord. ��
<br /> �':�'� ::. 'fHLS SECURITlt INSTRi.iMF.NT wmbines uniform covenants for t�ational use and non-uniform sovenants with itmited
<br /> - • •:.� `.
<br /> variations by jwisdictioa to oonstiwte a aniform security iasaumeat covering real propectY• `.,i..,:,-,
<br /> UNIFORM COVENAN'fS.Borrowecand Lender �t and Lat Chaege�. Bomnaer shall promptiY PaY whea due the
<br /> ,� ;.� 1. Payment of Pr[ndpal att�t�� PregaYm `.. _�•
<br /> principai of and[nteresc an the debt evidenc�8y the Note and anll P�PaY�t and late cl�ges due under the Note. :
<br /> � .`.,.,.�. Z.Fan��or Tases an�Ie�suraaee.Subject to appllca6le taw ar to a written waiver 6y I.euder,Borcower shall pay to ;'��:.
<br /> . - .: �� Lender on the day mon1NY Paynaents are due�nder the Note.wnil the Note is paid in full.a sum("Futtds')for:(a?Y�Y� �
<br /> � and ass�ssments wluch may attain pdority over this Security Iiutnsment as a lien aa thc PivpertY:(b)Year1Y teasefio2d paymeuts �.' -
<br /> �'�.: �nsurance premiums;(�Y�IY flaod inswunce premiums. ,, :
<br /> � ., �, oi graund rems on the Property.if airy;(c)Y�1Y b�or PmF�Y� �';. -
<br /> • �:'•'� if aay:(e)3+�r�Y�o�e insa�ance Premimns•if any.and(�anY s�s PaYable by Borrower to Lender,in acaotdaace with ,,;�_
<br /> �' � >'��,...,�; the provisions of paza�raph.8,in Gea of the payment o f m o r t S a g e i n s a r a n c e P�s.These items are calle�"Esct+nw Items." _M.1
<br /> � Lender may,at any rime,wllect and hold Fuads ia sa amoant not w exceed the maxiIInun amaunt a le�er for a fe�erally � r
<br /> . �.,:.. :..;'�`� related mortgage loan may reguiae for Bo��er's�w s000wu umder the federal Real Estate Seuteanent Pmcedu�s Acx of � .
<br /> r:
<br /> .:r-�: `..;:'• I�YI4 as amead,ed from time to�:i2 iJ.S.+C.Seqion 26t11 et seg. ("AFSPA").unless�nother law tdat agplies w the Fmtds �.. ,__;�.
<br /> � � ` sets a tesser amount.If so,Lezsd�r•.�`aY,at,E;;:Y time,colle�t and hold Fa�ds in an�vr.�'t not w exceed the tess��►ouai• ., -
<br /> : r• �; of e enditures'of fut�ue �
<br /> -<,�-�`"`l� . Leader may eswmaYe she amount of Fands c�r vn the 6asis of car[ent daci and reason^��ates aP •
<br /> ��j, lEscrow Itertjs or a�svise in accotdance with applica6te law. inswm� or�enti , . :`
<br /> ;,rn� ' < � 'l9ce Funds slmll be held in an insritutian whose deposits are i� by a�edetal ageacy. tY� tY � -
<br /> ..:o;'��,� ...:�:�;,; ��cIudi�Lende�.if I.ender is snch an institution)or ia a�r Federal Home Loan Bankr B�der shall apply the Funds to pay the , E ..
<br /> . gscsow Ytems,t,�er may aot ctiarge BoriQwer for holdiag aad applyin$,
<br /> t�Fwids.an�sca3ly analyzing the esetoc�s�t,or ��;, ,
<br /> � ��` . verngying the Esc��€tems,antess I.ender paqs f��mwer intecesc on the�s and applicai�le law g�ra:�s Leader c�e�atce such . r�. -
<br /> �:,` �ar aa independeat�s1E�taa��arting.service..�;
<br /> ::,:'�.. a ct�atge.However,Lender may recluire Bonv!�aa w pay a ono-time c�n�- � �-:= -
<br /> . .�,�,... �s made ot, . .. ^
<br /> usdi by Lender in wnnection with tfis loan; unless appSicabte law pr�cides othenvise. UnlesS'�i•�. =
<br /> ' '�..Y applicable taw reqoines interest to be paid,LendeT shall not be required ta PaY Borrower any inte�est or earnin�aa►ti►e Funds. �_=---
<br /> .`- . .';"� Borrowes and Le�der maY agee in writing,however.that interest shaU be paid on the Funds. Lender sball give m Eorm�ver. i�_ _j,
<br /> �' `:' ��. `�'� antiwut charge, an az�nual axounting of the Fund's, showing credits and debits to the Funds aad the pwpose for wlnch each
<br /> ,. ``��:i debit w the Funds was made.'Fhe Funds are pledged as addidonai secarIry for all sivas secure�by this Security Insuoment:-.. _
<br /> � . ' '�`s IF the Funds hetd by LwWer ezc�eed the ainounta peanftted w be held by aPPl�cable law,tx.nder shall aocount to Borrower _;�
<br /> -4. ;�" , i.; - _
<br /> ' � ��� fbr the eaeess Fuads in accordance with the reqviremeats of applicable law. If the aitto!�nt of the Fuads hetd by I.ender at airy �:.
<br /> - " � � '.� tIme is�tat sufficient to pay the Fscrow Items wlten due.l.ender may so notify Borrower in writing.and.in sach ca�e�orrower .�,
<br /> � � '.%; shall pay to Lendsr the amowat necessary to make up the defccieacy. Borrower shaU make up the defrciency in no more tbat� _- --
<br /> • . �: F j twelve mos�thlY P�yments•at 1.ender's sale discretion. ',--�-
<br />.. . :•M jJpon�y����1 of all sams s�by this Security Iastnun�ra. 1.ende�shall pn°mpdy.refund to Bottower aay _
<br /> ' '��.' •.: �1 .,'�i Funds hetd by Lendsr.lf.uader ParagraPh 21.Lender shall acquire or seU t�e Property.Lender,prior ta the acquisition or sa�e �
<br /> , �:.:_�; Fuads held by Lender at tLe t�ate of acquisition or sale as a credit against the sums se�red bY --
<br /> of the Praperty.sha11 apP2Y anY
<br /> : � •:�.= this Security lnsuument. . �-_..-
<br /> . . •� �� �� 3.Appficauon of P�ayments.UNess applicable law provides otheiwise.aU paytnenc.s receivod by Leader aader paragrapha �._.
<br /> . '��'`.� ` lied:flrst. to an y p r e payment cbargea due under the Note:seoond,to amounts payable ander para�raph Z; ...:.
<br /> .�,.,�-. 1 a n d 2 s h a 1 1 6e upp � —
<br /> � r t h i r d,t o i n t e r e s t d u e:4'ouAh.to princi pal due:and last.to any late'charges due under ihe Note. � �, .
<br /> • �: ������
<br /> - , , . 4.Chaigc9;�l.iws.Barcav�es sball pay all taxes.assessmenss.charges.Snes aad impositioas a t u l bu t a b l e t a•t t��e e P r o p e t t y p;Y_=--
<br /> �•
<br />__ . ,� ��: ', wlucb may attain priority over this Security InStrument. and leasehotd payments or grouad re.nts.if any. Borm�'�t shall PaY �;'.:_
<br /> . • z thae obligarions in the manner provided in paragrapD 2.or if not paid in that manner.Barrower shall Pay i1►e�on time diiectlY _
<br /> ' ,.� .. �'r� to the person owed paymem.Borrawep sha!!promptiy famisA to l:ender alI norices of amounts to 6e paid actder this paraSrePb. �i ='`
<br /> If Boaower makes these Payments directiy.Bomower shali promptly fumish to Leader receipts�►ldencing the payments. � °:
<br /> � ''���� BvrroK�er shall pramptly dlscGarge arry tien atrich hag priaritJ�over this Security Insdutnent unless Bormwe�':(a}agrees in �
<br /> � c arg �:�-�'"
<br /> `�':, ,;:; ��_'',
<br /> ,� , : •...� ,� wridng ta the payment of the obligatian secured by the lien in a manner aoceptable to Lender,N)cont�.sis in good faith�e 1��
<br /> '''' `'• by, or defends against entorcement of the lien in. legal proceodings wiuch ln the Lender's opin�+on opeiate to prevent the �, _
<br /> ��:;
<br /> � � �� � enforcement of the lien:or(c)secures kom the hotder of the Item m�agrcement satisfactory w[.en�r sn6ordinal3ng the l�e°tm ' �_y
<br /> .`°"> .. . .� � this S�urity lnstnunent: If Lender detertnines that any patt of the Property is sub,{ect to a lien�vhic8 maY attain PrioritY m+�
<br /> �..:
<br /> - • , 3 this Security Instrument,l,eader may give Borrower a notice idenHfying the lien.Borrower shall satisfy the lien or take o�re or �
<br /> � more of the actions set fo11h a�ove within IU days of the giving of�otice. �
<br /> ,:� ; Fom�802� 9Jf3s
<br /> 0
<br />- � . . .. -„ + pa7��ofe' � � .
<br /> � . , � � -.
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