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<br /> . (i)AIl ar pazi of the Propezty,or a hene8cial iate�est in a uust owning all or part of the Pnoperty � .
<br /> .: or otFseezwise transfemed(other td�an by devise or descent).and
<br /> s
<br /> .,.s :�. ('�i�.i�ie pmpecty is not or�upied by the pnrcbaser or gi�nttee as teis or her priacipal residence.or the
<br /> . Zi n
<br /> �<F.;;::. � pum,haser or�ee dnes so aoa�py the Pmpezty•but Ws or her ct�dit has aot beea appmved in
<br /> ;y'`. - ascordance�b�e req�irements of the S:metnry• , �";: :
<br /> occnc thai vtsmld perunt Lmder w requite immedlate pa3►meni ia fali.but % ,,r
<br /> --_ (¢)PIu Waiv�if cizaimst�ces ����. t
<br /> Le�der does not�equire snch PaYments�Lender dfles not waive its rights with resped ta subs �:'�t'�
<br /> � Le d ��ons issaed by the Sectetany wW limit
<br /> . � _ �`� (�g�ons o4 S[JD Secr�ry.In ma�r in full and forec�ose if not .
<br /> Leader's rights,ia the c,ase of payment def�Its.m iequire i�8� �by��ons
<br /> : ..�,
<br /> _ - , - . paid.Thns Sec�ty Insorament does not�thoslze aa:eleiauon os foieclosuie' P ..
<br /> � . .: of the S�m�x9•, '•• `
<br /> � (�3�4�ortgage Nat Insm�ed.Bormwer a8rees that if this SeQUitY Ins�ameat and the Note aze not� ,.;;..::•:
<br /> ��` �� `��•.< ` ro 6E e�g�bl�foz Insiu�ce uader the National Honsing Act wittah►60 days fram the date tiereo�,LenGer
<br /> . .... ._. �,. .�-' ma}•,at its o�ian,recluitc imme�iate F� �fiill of all sams secuced bY this Se�itY anstrument. A _ _
<br /> , _. .. , . wdttea st�e�af aay authorized ageut of the Secretary dated sabsequent to 60 dafs frum the date Hereof, ,
<br /> t
<br /> . � declining m iv3vze tbis Sec�dry Instnnmaat and the Note, sBali Us deemed canclusive proaf of snch
<br /> . inelig�'biliry. Notvvithstanding the foregcing. d�ia optIoa may not im e�cercised by LRnder when the
<br /> _ . ,.. �avaiiab�iry of insur�oe is so2ely due w L.ender's failnre w remit a mortgage insuraace piemiutn to the . ..
<br /> ' �`,�:;.'� � . �• �� �. ,
<br /> ' lU.Relasf�tem�i. Bomawer hag a right to be reinstated if Lender has requlred immediate Paymea� ,•E•
<br /> �'�,:. -, b�ause of Bomawea's��ure A�pay aa amoant dne uader tl�e 1Vote or this SacvritY Inst�me�t. �is right aPPlies '�F�;�<-
<br /> " ,,,i eve.a a'�fur�os�pzace�dinSs are Ins�itat�. Ta reinatate the Sesuzin►Iaa��, Borra�wer s h a l l tender in a
<br /> _ . . �`,.;.�: �: w brmg Barmwer's acxonat caaeat including.w t&e eate�thcy are obllgations of _
<br /> : .,;� ..;; t�ap s�m m'�a�ts�eq�tired
<br /> `�:�� _� Borro�mnder U�is Se�uity Insnumenc,fore�tosure costs aad�snnable aad caswmary attomeys'fees and expenses
<br /> , ;; ,;t Properly associated with the foreclosare proc�ding.Upoa r�einst�meat t►Y Borrower,this Saautty Tastrument aiul �:..�
<br /> ia full. ,�'�;.`"
<br /> � '���s Q�e oblig�ations that it secures shall remamn in effect as if I�ender had not requi�ed immediate PaYiu� ���?..;
<br /> � � � � However, I.encter !s not required to pacmit reia�tutement if: (i) Leader has accepted reimsta�t after the . .
<br /> , . �.` .':•'' .••� oommence�nent of foreclosare gmc�slinSs whhi:t taro yeara immediately p�n8 the co�atcement of a current . .
<br /> ., fareclosan Pmceedin$, (i� reiasta�enu�t wilt preciude for�Ctosure oa different grounds in the funue, or tiii)
<br /> . . .. reinstatement wiU adveisely affea the pr�oriry of tlu Hen creaied bY d�is Secarity lnsaumen�
<br /> ;�;,����; . • Il. BonYSwcr Not Re2eased. Foibearanse By 3�euder Nat a Waiver. Extea�on of the time of payment ur -
<br /> ?;�r;�.... '�.,�;,. " . modification of amo�oa of tlte sums secac�d by this Serauiry Instmment graated by Lender w aay samessor in
<br /> ,.,�--:-�.:..�-. -''
<br /> .: s fi�rest�ff Sorrower sha�ll not operate to release the liab�ity of the original Borrower or Bormwer's saccessor ia ,:
<br /> � , iaterest,II�adeT shall not 6e requi:ed w commeace Pmc��t any su°c�ssor in interest or refase to e�tend
<br /> - . • ,.�..i��..� ,-q�
<br />- �� . ,r.�:... dme for gaqment or othecwise modify auwst�tioa of the sums secured bY tbis Serauiry Instnrment by reason of any. �
<br /> . . demaad made b y the o4giaal Bomrwer or Borrower's succe,cso�a in inte�e.at.Any forbearaace by Lender in exercising .
<br />- ' ..; :'.;'. ; a�r rlght or remedy sha]1 not be a waiver of or prec�de the ex e r�l se o f any ri g'h t o r r e m e d y. �._.
<br /> - °, � � �.y�;,,;, 12.Saccesso�s end Asslgn.v 1Boum�,Jotat asd Severel Llabilit9;Co+Signe�s.The coveaants aad agreements
<br /> �� ' of th9s Seauity Instntment shall bind and benefit the successors and assigns oY Lender and Borrower,subject to the
<br />.-. . ...�- provisi�of paragraph 9(b).Borrower's covenants aad agreEes�uts ahall be joint aitd several.A�r Bortower who .
<br /> r
<br /> _ . . � co-signs this Secauiry Instrument but daes not exeivte the Note: (a)is co-signicg thts Secarity Insaument un1Y tu \
<br />_ iv
<br /> mortgage.gca�t and conveS that Borrower's iatea�t in the Propaity under the terms of th9s Seciuity Insuument;N) .
<br /> - is not persanally obligated w pay We sums secured by this Sewsity Instcument:aad(c)agcees that L�i•�r and anyr
<br /> . . � � other�vnrcwer may agree to extead,madify.forbear or make any accommodations with regazd to the terms of this
<br />_- � . � � ; Sea:��y IInsmiment or the Note withaut that Borrower's wnsent. :
<br /> : ,
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