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<br /> � � abandan� ProPertY- Borcower shall also 6e in defautt if Boaower. dur�ng the loan application gmcess, Save -
<br /> '�� materiaUy false or iaarauate iafoimazion or s�us ro Lender(or fa�ed to psovide I�nder with any material
<br /> :,��, bat not limited to, repiesentations
<br /> - . info:mation) in wnaecdan with tP�e 2aaa evidenced by the Note. inclnd�8.
<br /> � concemiag Bormwer's octupa�ic5► of the PropertY as a Frincipal resideace. If t�is SeWrigr tasu�sent is on a
<br /> � teas�oIB.Borcower sball camgty with the prov3sions of the lease.If Borrower acqnires fee afle to the Propertq, the
<br /> . leaseflold aad fee tide sball not he merged ualcsR Lender agcees to the mergee in writing. ' ; r.
<br /> 6.Coad�on.The gmceeds of any aavasd or claim for damages,direct or coacequential,in ca�ne�xina with •�,
<br /> - an}r condemnation or other taIan�of�}r part of the Pmgezty. or for coaveyance ia.plaoe of cond��narion, �e �<�
<br /> ' .. ;�,' .� hereby assigaed and shall be paid w Lender w the extent of t�e fi�Il ammmt of the ind��adness ti�as*P*„a;•�Q ua�►�i� ... �''
<br /> _ �• under the Nate and tt�is Semrity Insuvment,.l�ender shall apply►saci�preoeeds w the neduction of the indebt� '.:
<br />-.;y _.,,.`,__ ,: .. �der the Note sad this Security Insaam�t, 5�st w a�ry deli�qa�aro�mts applied in the azd� provided in �:;��'.'
<br /> �` <� �- ...� paragtaph 3.�d theu to prepayment of princIpat•AnY apP�of the grucceds ta the�acipal shall aot euead or
<br /> —=-,"—�����` ; � Pustgone t�e dne date of the monthlY Paymems.afiich ate�to ln paragraph 2,c��:�ange the amouni of s�dn
<br />'-j.: : .�,-�. pay�ats. pny gacesy prppeedg over an ammmt tpquiced to�zl a�anding iudch�tmdes the Note ana.t�is . -
<br /> . , S�ority Iastcumffit shail be paid to the e�ity legaliY�ritled t�so. '
<br /> _ . ... � 9. CLasges � Borrawer and Pr�uiecfioa of Lead�'s I� fia the Prop�4y. Bouower shall pay a11
<br /> . goveinmeutal or m�icdpal charges, fine.s and imposidons that are not�c:3�ia para�h 2.Bomnwer shall Pa}► .
<br />- _.. .�. ... , these obl�gatlans aa time di�ectiy w the entity wLich is owed the payment. If faz'hae q gay would advetsely affect ,
<br /> , � Lee�der's intenest ia �he ProPeztY. upon I.ender's reqnest Borrower shaU promptiy fumisb to I.euder �eipts
<br /> _ �vtdeacing these paym�. -
<br /> � . � If Bomawer f�sw maice these paym�s or the Payments reqntr�i�g�ph 2.or fails to g�orm aay other . ...
<br /> • � ' ` cavenants and a��oontained 3n this 3ecu�ity Insuument,or thete is a kgal Pm�S th�i�a`l ffi��Y � •
<br /> �`.-���� � •..� affe�t Lender's rigffi in the t�xrty(sar�aa a procee�g ia banlaupccy.for conde�an or to eaiforce laws or �,;,. ._�
<br /> '..•���3�il�� -
<br /> . , reguiadans),then Lender maq �and pay wLatever is necessary to pmtect rha vatue of the ProgertY and I�nder's
<br />.-. . �. '�. , sIgt►ts�n the Pmga�,iacl�dinS Paymeni of tasss,ha7ard insarancc and ather items mea�oned ia pafa�apb 2.
<br />- . ��f Any amoum:�c�b�used hy Lender und..°r t..i�'s paragraph shaU berome an addidonal debt of£ozaowet and be
<br /> � � '�� se�or�d by this Securlry Insuumeat.'Ihese amounts shaU 6ear iaterest fmm the date of disbmsemeni.ai the Note :, :;`.
<br /> �. � :� rate.�d ai the option of L�der,sLall be immediately due and payable•
<br /> . Borxawer shall pmmptty d�sc�arge a�►l�en whirdz bas priority aver this Secauity Ia.stcument aniess Borrower:
<br /> .�f (a)agrees in writiag to the payment of the obligation secured by the llea la a m�ner acceptable to Lender; (6)
<br />_ . ,• � � �s ���good faith the li�by, or defends against enfos�cmeat of the lien in,legal prooeedinSa which in the .
<br />"3<.. `'" Le�deir's opinioa a�perate to preve�►t the enforcement of the Hen; or(c) seaues &am the holder of the liea an ,� �
<br /> .��� agreemeat satisfactory to Lender su6ordinating the Hen w this Secauity Iasuument.If Lender determines that any part E.:` '
<br /> � � : ,'`�`;:. . � of t�e Propeny is subject w a�ien wLich may attain priority over tbis Saauity�ent, Lender may give _
<br /> ' :��`r:°` .. � -
<br /> Bosmwer a aotiae'r.�tifying sl�lien. Sasmwet shall eadsfy the lien or take ane or more of the ac�Ioas set foith
<br /> ;•'� � I abave withia 10�s Qf the giving of notice. .
<br /> L'��.�~ ' 8.Fees.1�`-a imaY collect fe�a and c�arges autttoiized by the Secretary. '
<br /> � � 9 Grounds Yor Accelw�adon af�e1�l. _
<br /> � � .. {a)Default.Lender may.eacept as limited by regalattons i�aued by the Secretary, ia the case of payment : .
<br /> "� .� .° .. defautts.t+equire immediate PaYment in fvU of aA sums secared by this SecurIry lnsanment if:
<br /> y � . . (i)8flrrower defanits hy failing to pay in fuU a�►monthlY Pal+ment required bY this Secu�ity�nsnument .
<br />°f.:;:.:`.: ':;::�. ;� �; priu��or on the due date of the aext montblY payn�ent,or
<br /> �_ ; ..E':��'�;' . . ' (ri)Borrower defaWts by fatiing.for a period of thittY daYB,ta•perform aay other oblig�tions oontaiaed
<br /> :.•;< •. � in tl�s Sewrlty Iasttumen� �
<br /> ' � ' � � (b)8ale Withort Cre�it Ayprovel.I.ender shaU. if permiaed by applicabte Yaw(iacluding Section 341(d) � t•
<br /> �� , '" � of the Ct�sn-St. �ermain Depository Iastitutions Act of 1982. 12 U.S.C. 1701j-3(d)) an�wlth the prior :
<br /> �►' approvxS��the Secretaty.require�iaze PeYmeat in fiill of a11 sums se�ured by this Security Iasnument
<br /> I 4 =e: .
<br /> � � u
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