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<br /> '4'i
<br /> -:-1�–�,�-'—• p �snnm�t shall be given by delivering it or "
<br /> 13.Natioes.Any uoiice to Bar�wer mvfded for in this�e�9 ther method.The not�ce shari 6e directed to
<br /> . by maving it by t'�at class muil uatess appticabte!aa ieqnires ;,�`�
<br /> the PropertY Addreas o:aay other addte.ss Barmvrer designates bY nodce to Leadsr. Any notice to I.ender shall be . �-
<br /> . . �:':,. � . gly�b}t SZSi C�8$9�1 t0 L�AGC[`�8 BdtIIC39 BlBL�h2LC�A Of BIIy/BadECS4 LrCItdCT dC.91gQ21ES bY IIOtlCC t0 BOIIOWCr. " .�...
<br /> .. � ; . Any natice provided for ia this Seruiity Iflanutaem shalf be doemed to I�ve b�n given to Bomuwer or I�ender wI� . �::
<br /> ' y ..,i:.; given a9 provided ia tLia patagteFb• Ped�etal 2a��sad the law of ,�::;r> _
<br /> Instrutnent sball 6e gwerned tsY �-,:� :,;;
<br /> -� ,.;: • 14.GovesnSng 1.�wi Sevetubilfty. 'Ittia Secudry ovision or ctanse of tbis Secariry tn� ' ��
<br /> . the jurisdiction iA a1uc�the Pr+uperty is lacated. In the ev�t that az►Y Pr . =b '
<br /> or the Note conflicts witn epplicabte law.sucb oonflks sLa11 nat affect othar pmvisions of cros Seattlty Instcum�t oz �. �`p�;-:':
<br /> , ,`°` ' � the Note wtficb can be given effect without the wnfllcxiag pmvlsion.To this end ths pmvL�ioas of this Seattity
<br /> � _ � lastrument aad the Nate are dectared to be sevetable. af tha Note aad of this Sec�ity � 'i,�..
<br /> ' .' . 15. Bonower's Copy. Horrawer sbaU be given one confo�ted coPY _ � .
<br /> � . ' '' � ��' ence.nse,disPosal,sto:age,or reIease � '
<br /> � 16. Ha�arduua Sabstansev. Borrowet shtili aot cause or getmit the pres
<br /> hl
<br /> � . :" . og any Hazardaus Substancea on ar in tlqe Propetty.8o:tower sLall not do,nvr altom anyoae else to do,any�6ia8 . _
<br /> .'��'��`�;'�°.. � affec�g t�te propeny tbat is ia viotattou oi any Environmeatel Law. 'Ihe p�ecadutS two seatenceq shaU not aPP1Y�
<br /> the piesenc�e. use� or storage on the �mperty of emall quanddes of Hazardmis S�bstaaces that ace gencrallY .
<br /> m
<br /> • �ognized to be approprlate to no:mal tesidcuttal uses aad to mainteaance of the PrnpertY-
<br />_ _ . � � Botrowes shall pmm�tty g�ve Leader wtttten not�ce of any investjgado0.�1aim.demand,lawsuit ar ather action `''
<br /> _:.`";: .."� _ bN�Y ga��or r�ntatoN aSe�}►or private pany iavotvin�t�e ProPe�►Y a,ad.aaY Hazardoua S1il�stance or ;M;"'';
<br /> .. Emr�mnmeatal law of whicD Borrower has actua!knowledge. If Bo�rower leams,dr is�otified bY anY govemmeatal �,i:�;:::�..
<br /> r _ _-
<br /> - � ��,� or regnlatory sutho�Ity,that eay remnval or other temed1ettoA of any Hazardous SubsEances affecxing the PropertY�s `F;' .-
<br /> ne�essary,Borrower shaU pmmptl3►take all a�ssary c�emedlal acttons ia acco�dance with Envuonmental Law. -
<br /> ;��'.��. . , .�; As used in this pazagcaDb 16, 'Ha7acdous Substeaces' are those substances defined as wxic or bazardaus �s .
<br /> r� , � �b�� �y g n v i r o n w e n t a 1 L a w e n d tlte follow�u g substaztcca: �asoline. Itemsene. ot1►er flammable or tox�c n"_ _
<br /> u
<br /> , �•.:F petro�eum pmducts,toxtc pesdcides and herbtcidea,vo3utUe soivents,materlala contaiuing as bRSws or fo r m a l d e h Y d e, ,,�; __
<br /> + and radioactive matexlals. As ased ia this paragtapb 16. "Eavironmentallaw° means f�e�al laws and laws of the i,,� __
<br /> �.
<br /> . �� judsd}cxion wheae the Property ia tccated that�elnte ta tiealtb.eafery or enviroameutal proter,tfion. �,_::.-
<br /> . �� NON-UMFORM COVENANTS.Borrower and Lender Nnher covenaat aad ag:ee as follows: . � •;�; '.
<br /> '. . 'r i�.Asgt�ament of Reate.Bosrower uncondidanalty ossiga9 oad ttansfers w l.ender al�the rencs and revenuea .,,.�Y.'
<br /> A t
<br /> . " .•4 of the Pmperty.Borrower authonus Lender oa Lender'e ngents to coltect the neats aud revenues and herebY directs ,
<br /> � e�tenaat of the PropertY to pay the renta to LenQer or L,cnecr's a�eats•Howe�+er. Pr�oI to Lender's noti� w
<br /> �.. �''; 8orrower of Bamuwer's breacb of aay covenaat or ugreement in the Secvriry Insuument,Bomnwer shall collecx�and . -
<br /> . • r recetve all rents anA rcvem�e.a ot the Propert7+as tcusteo for the ben�tit of Lender and Boirower,This assignmcnt of ;-_.
<br /> , ' • : ' r e n t s c o n s H t u t e s a a a H s otute ass i g m m e nt aad nat aa assignmeat iar additianal securlty onty ..,:-_:
<br /> � ; .. I4 Lendes givea nodce of breacb to Bortower.(a)all cente cecelv e 0 by Bo:rower s b e l l�e L r,l d b y B o r r o w e r a s �
<br /> ..'y l f;7,. � � :1 1 :;
<br />-°�;::,�n�< ,.:.� � t r u s t e e far beneflt of Lendes oa1y.to be applied to the sums secuted by the Securlty Instrumeat:�1�ender�� ::;:,,�s;
<br /> entitled w collect aad receive aU of the rcats of the Pmpetty: aad(a)e a c b tenant o f t he P m P�Y P a Y •; �:
<br /> ,. :1 r due aaA unpaid to Lender or l.eader'e agent on Leader's written dem�and to ttio tenaut. , �,�.
<br />_ � Bormwer 6as not executed anY Pdor assigament of the reate aa0 has not azed wiil not perform m►y ara that would ,;�,.�+;.,
<br /> ..�. � . preveat Ixnder from eaercising ita rights uuder thla paragraph 19. ':
<br /> , � : ��; I,ender sball aot be required to enter uDon.take caatrol of or m�intuin the Pr�periy before or after givm8 notice
<br /> � � � � � of breach to Botrower.However, l.ender or a 3udiclally appointed recciver may do so at any time�Ilere�s a breach.
<br /> . .. • � .� pnyr upplicatlon of rents sLall not aue or wa�ve eny dcfault or Inv�lidate aay other right or remedy of Lend�.'t7�is -
<br /> . . � assignment of rents of the Prapetty ehall tetminate when tho debt secutcd by the Securlry Iastrument�s pa�d i�fuli. .:.,.;
<br />' ' . ' . ��RINE)i98061A1 o,po e o+e aueau: ��� ,
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