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<br /> If the amounta held bY l�nder for Escxow Items exceed the amouats germitted to be hetd by RESPA. I.ender ; �.e,..
<br /> �,,;�.s-t sball axotmt to Borrower for the exoess flmds a4 required bY RESPA. If the amoums of fnads h�W isy Lender at any , ..
<br /> noti the Eoaower and reqau�e Sormwer to
<br /> - :.� time a�nat safficlent to pay fhe Facrow items whEa du�.L�er maY FY
<br />- :`"�;�::�'.':a.� �The Escma Fands�g���tional securitY for aU snms secuced bY this Seauity Inscrnment. If
<br /> -`� <.� Bormwer teudecs to Leader the tu11 payuteat of all sad►sums.Bonawet's aa:omu sball be�'�that Leatter Has
<br /> �,�;j;:;�_�;'%'. � i .
<br /> ���]inctaliment itBIDS(8).(b).AII�(C)2Ad.eII}►II10lt$�$@��• �
<br /> -:��� to the Secc�azy, and I�nder s6aIl pmmp8y refund anY eAcess fimds w Boirower. � .
<br /> � � not become abligate�to pay nd
<br />- ,�; , y
<br /> TmmediateIy prior to a�o�losure sale of the Pcope�ty►or its asqnisItion by Le�der, Bomnwer's aocount shalt be ".�... �;.
<br /> ccedited wttb an3►balance iemaininS for ari installmsnts far iL�s(a?,N),and(c).
<br /> 's`� ;�•`''__ 3.App�on of F�ym�s-pll P�Y���p�hs 1 and 2 shall be agplied by Lendec as foIIows: ` -:
<br /> _ � � ' �S t,t a the mort g a g e insurancc P�to be paid by ixnder w the Secretaty►or w the monthly cbarge bY t� ,, ,,.-
<br /> . � . Se�tatyr ins�d of @ie mon4hlY m�Se ias�uance P�m�: or rents,and fire,fload�d othes 1�a7ard -
<br /> - S��d to any taaes.speaal ass�,iease2�otd payments 8m�d -
<br /> _ -t:_ ��p t�o'�t due�der ti�1�tote:
<br /> �i;���, _ � �' to amordz�un of the p�al of ttce Note;and
<br /> `fre�'ai;h• ''•'�• � [[(6 Pt0u3. —
<br /> ' .•� .. � � g�,to late chatges dae imdc.r aa the�opertp.whether
<br /> I �,�.�:�. 4,F3�FYuad and Other Hau�r6 Ins�ance.Baaower st►all insace all impravements -
<br />� ; ",``'`, : 's: now iaexisteace or snbseqaentlY e�ed,aSains�anY Dazardv�casual�+�d��•includIng fire.for which
<br /> r;i�F:,°:' ' ..,;��; �,e n d e l � i n s a r a n c e. This insarance shall be mai�utained ia the amoBnts �d for the periods that Lender
<br /> I�end p�y, w g�a now i a e s i s t e�c e o r s a b s e q u e n t l Y `°�
<br /> .'�i�y;;�F'��` ... er s h a ll a l s o L b s u i e a l l i m g ro v e m e n t s o a t h e
<br /> :;';��:�,�''..':�' f�� �• $d�Ow the gecaetary.All�sha11 be carried with companies
<br /> ��'s':°f,'��;' - erected.�ust loss bY 800ds to the e�ctteat�qaired b3► --=
<br /> `�����?>'',. �r 3�;4:` . i,en�r.Ttte insur�re Po l�c i c s a n d atry c e n e e w a i s s t r a��t e h e l d l s y L e a d e r aa��1 inclnde loss payab2e _
<br /> � � . mved�Sg .
<br /> _. ��„,; rf f `�`; ;,.siauses ia favor o€.and in a form acoePta6le m,lreRder- ma�.L+eader�:7�ProuY of toss if aot _.
<br /> ,�s. �� . In the eveat of toss,Bo:mwer s6a11 gfiue Leudea immediate notice bY � -
<br /> �;��:.� � `: ; � ' .�nade PromptlY bS►$omawer.Bard�insmaace comFanY con�me�is hereby aud�r�t aQd€�to t��ym�
<br />.::-����`�ti, �. .:;f � � d�It��s3�tt of i�tmsvtaace �: _'-_
<br /> far sacd�loss di�xly to Lender instead of w Bo:marer and w Leader jai�-,
<br /> � .. :.:. .�E proceeds may bs applied by Lender.at its option,eitt�er(a)to the reductiaa af�e indeb�y's�mder the I�ote amd
<br /> r .• • � � this SeculItS►Tnst�umen�►���Y��9��amoua�aPPfled in the oidei in pa�agi'aph.�,�nd ttien to prePaYmeni -
<br /> . . 4. ,,.'��� �of ' a1, or @)tn the r�to�a�On or�epair of the d�ag�P��Y. ��3►�PP���of the p�ce�ls to the
<br />_�'a;�,"r ��.� . - .; P�inciPal shall not ex[end or postpone the dae date of the momhtY P�w���fernd m m para�Z.or
<br /> 3 cbange the amount of snc�paymsnts.Any�cess insurance pmoeeds over aa amouat requurd w PaY aU outstandin8 �'..
<br /> � c t
<br />'' ',.�. t� . � indebtedness under the Note and this Seco�ity tastmment sball be g�d to che entity legally ratitled thereto.
<br /> � -�s��' In th�eveat of.foreclosvre of this Seauitl+Tnsaument or oY�s�r uansfer of tltle to the L�aPertY thai ex�nguis� E �,
<br /> . ; , . ..,.�.,- alides�Sunae shaU pags to the �. �-
<br />':-;::,;;;;. , � � the lndebteda�ss. a11 dght, ade and Interest of Boirower in a�cl to Insuisucse p
<br /> „`��` .� ` :; �°��• � Bor�er's D.oan A�IYcation; . � :
<br /> .5 S.Oocapanc9.�Sti�n�+,M�ntenance a�'Protedion of the Pf�g�j; �...�,�
<br /> `;s�����'� .�:.. .i. . . . -
<br /> �°'�,�,'��' •� � � �stablisb.an�nse the as Bo�racvePs pr�l residence wttf�in sixty ,
<br /> -:''�.:._�:� .<.:;,�f-�. . I.easelwiAs. Bomawer shall acr�« �0P�5► � �('��`-
<br /> ;: �;: �'',' . },,���.; s of a later saie a�auaasfer of the FmpertY3
<br /> days eRer the exew�ion of tb3s Sc��Iastrameat(or within si�ty+daJ+ "�':::'
<br /> .;y�., as Bormwes's a1 nesidenoe fos at leass�e year after the date of E• -
<br /> ."' the P��P
<br /> � ���
<br /> �t����.. ��.:•��:., aad ahall continue to occupy �'! for Sormwer,or unless e�ueauating a -
<br /> . a�P�Y•�mless Lender deter�i�es tbat requirement anll cause�due IIaidsT�:1� �h�-,
<br /> i•�if.��,?.��r.. .` r !fl;le-_�...
<br /> .,..,,. �. . c i r a�m s t a n ce s exist whtch are �eg�snd Borrower's coatrol. Borrower sbaifl notify► Leader of �yr eatenuating
<br /> - ��� cir�msqaces.B�on�wer s1�aU aQt aaa�nit waste or desaay.damal�e or sabstaatially chmuge the Property or allow the F%ti����-
<br /> - . ;,�i w ..`. ect the Pmaerc�.t3 the piaperty is vaqnt --
<br />-- . ' �"� �:. . Property��erlorate.reasonabie�aad tear excepted.Lea�a maY�P
<br /> ':�;,`r or a6�doaed or the loaa is ln de�.�t.Lender may take reasonable action.to pmtect awfi pzesen+e such vacaat or ;�:;,:'`�
<br /> ',,r`_`..
<br />— �1��5�'' � .. ���'. �R�>,t,v:
<br /> i,e:f � - "rp��+�;
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<br /> . �.t,. . , ��� /�
<br />— � � �4RtNF1 cssoa�.o� vo�oso+a ;• �.
<br /> .�.' • ,�Tt•.
<br /> `;:". ' , ' C�� �f31�,
<br />. , ' . 4'' ,i•1i5.� i � .
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