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<br /> t it� ` . r • � . 'i' . .. . - ( . . . . ' ' ' . -r S. .
<br />�<` .t. . E _ c .r .•r _ � q,``- � - �. ,4^ _ _ �� � r.. rc 4. _ 4_ .'
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<br /> . ��=-T�'''� tmaer th�s sec�ity Inst�vmeut aau ihe riflte. For thi.,puipose. Bonower _
<br /> of Boaower's cove.nants�d ag�em�s -
<br /> '. . 'r, icce�rocably grauts�d canveys to the Tzastee,in tnsst,with power of sals.the falloaring descn'bed property tocated . ;::-
<br /> . in HALL County+,Tlebtaska: "" �;fi;
<br /> ' � !0� QNE (1), IN BLOCtC 7�JEN1'Y-TNREE (23} IN RUSSEL {�HEELEit'S ADDITIQN TO THE ;"":
<br /> �:;� , •_; . .
<br /> . , . , �;�������
<br /> 'F . ���`��
<br /> � - whicd�Las the add�s of 501 WEST 11TH STREET.GRAND ISLAND ts�.c�y], • � `�K;��
<br /> as
<br /> , . . . :., . N� 68801 c��� c•�«rn�'�: �
<br /> � � - ., •{ ToGSrAStt wrcA au the im�mvemeuts now as be�a8er ereaed on the prnpercy, �d au easements,
<br /> .. .-.. . app�utenaac�s and fnmue3 aow or h�fter a pau of the pmperty. All ivplacement�aa� add[tions sLall also be
<br /> , , . - cavered by t6is Se��ay�ent.All of the foregoing is zefemed to in tbis Seauity Ins�nment as the°Fm�aty►•" :� ,
<br /> ..- ._.r ;, t J.i�::.
<br /> " • BORROWER COVBNANTS tLat Bonower is lawfally seizEd of the e�te heieby oanveyed aad has ths right to -
<br /> � ,`' � ,� '�, � � gcant and camrey the IIrogerty anfl shat the Pcaperty is�cambe�ed,excePt for encumbrauces of recoid.Borrower
<br /> , . , .tivazr� �d w�l defead geue�aUY the atte w the FicoPertY apinst aIl ciaims and demands, sabjea w aay :.;._
<br /> ' � 6 ���'.'-,-_
<br /> . . '�brances of rewa�. . --
<br /> - . e
<br /> .. ;; . TAIS SECURITY IIvSTRUMBNT oombines ra�.ifo:m wveaaats for nazianal use and non miifonn coveaants _
<br /> 'w s'�' .b with limit�va�iations bq jurisdicdon to constitate a tmiform security in.stcament covering t�al property � -
<br /> '� � \.-'
<br /> Hortucver aad I�adei covenaat aad agcee as foltacvs: s-`
<br /> _ � .=3 UN�ORM tAVENANTS.
<br /> ' ' : l. Paymea4 oY Ptiad�l, Inderes�and Imte Charge. Borrower shaU pay when dae the princtpal of. aad `'.
<br /> . -J '�
<br /> �interest an,the debt evid�aed by tha Note�d Iate chaiges due imder the Note.
<br /> `. ��t 2. NdontD2y PaYm�t o�Tane�, In.svraace end Qkher Cbarges: Borrower shall include in earli monthty -
<br /> ,�;.,`,�. . : . paym�b together with the principal and inteceai r3 sec forth 9n the Note and aug tate cbazges,a sum fos(a)caxes and - �
<br /> �,�. : ' { . spec3al asse.ssmems tevted or to be levied a�iast(�S PmPertY. (b) feaselz�'.�i payments oz gtotmd rents on the r:`
<br /> � p[ppCrty,and(c)g�ainms for insarattce requlied�der pazagr�pb 4. Ia aap pear ia wh�ch the Lender must pay a `
<br /> F � murtgdg�;Imsut�e premiam to tLe Secmtary of Honsing and tTfiran Develapment('Societaryr'), or in a�y year iu
<br /> �' �- ' _
<br /> ..;�.�, � • which sadi premium wou�d have been r�qair�d if l,e�nder sdll ir�3 the SecauIty +men�each mo�hiY P�� -
<br /> er
<br /> • ` shail also iaclnde either:(�a s�m for the aanual mortgage insaraace picmtnm w be paid by Lwder w the 5ecret�y.
<br /> ; ' � or(�i)a monthly c2iarge instead of a mortg,age iasarance gremium if ti�is Se�urlty Insnvment is held by the Sectetary.
<br /> � �. . . ` ia a reasonable amo�mt m be dete:mined by the Secretary. Except for tLe monthly cLarge by the Secretary.these ,
<br /> ��;;f�;:;�._ items aie called'Esaow Items'aad the snms paid to Lender are called'Fscrow Ftmds.'
<br /> � ,'.;;t+ � t Lender may,at anyr time.co llect a n d ho l d amoimts for F ss�w I t e m s i a a n a g g r e g az e a m a u n t n o s t o e x c e e d t h e
<br /> . . �';.. � .
<br />_.;�..;,;.:, ' maxi�am�t tLat m$y be r�eqa�ed for Boaawr.a's escmw aeconnt�mder the Real Bstate Setttement Procednres ., .
<br />;i:;.,y-. • Act of 1974. 12 U.S.C. Sectlon 2601 e1 seq.s���nptementing reg�ilattoas, ?A CPR Part 350U,as e1�may be <<t;;=,-
<br /> �.r���;k
<br /> � ;� � amended from time to dme(•RESPA°).except tir�ttiee cusl�3on or reserve p e r m ittod by ttBSPA for p�u.aclpated ?�c:',:
<br /> � . . �,. disDu:sementa or disbutsemeuts before the Boaa�er's payments ace awailable in the aecauas maY not�r�ased on 5>,�t.
<br /> • � .. • amonnta dne for the mostgage insmmmce premium. �':: :.
<br /> ., .
<br />- . . . �4.�iJ..'
<br /> - � �4RINQ 198041A1 Va�o 4 m e n�t���� `�
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