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<br />. . _ _ . ._ - +� - . . . , i..4.. . � . s . . Y ..o- .. ,-t
<br />, � . - . -�_ . < ` � � ' .. . . f. . i ' . • t. .�1.� . � . � - ��'!•.. � .
<br /> . . r. . . . .Y. , _ .t, ci'. • w_ ' � _
<br />. i. ' _ - ' � a �`� � V - �a �� . �� ' •��L.j,.+. r�..r �...._+-�.Gl.---:..�.+.�---' t �
<br /> • ." ..�.� C
<br /> �` 4 `
<br /> � '4:. ..
<br /> ' a �. • G
<br /> .G`. . _ .C.'.
<br />: -. . ` �7—/��s'7� . .
<br /> �_�-'� S� �ept shall 6e givea by detivering it or ��� . `.
<br /> =�"—�^ for ia this �Y
<br /> ,i, � : 13.Nattces.Anl►natice w Borrowec provi�d use of another method.The aouce shail be�� -
<br /> � by ma�ing it by fust clau mffit ualess aPFl�cable km� notice to Lender. Any notice to Leuder sha11 be �-
<br /> pddress or a�►other address Barmwer designazes bY by aodce to Bo�+er.
<br /> : _ . . ` ��� stated herein or any aadr�s I���� ' � °� '
<br /> �.' ��<.:;_. �.__._:�:., given by fust ciass mat�w Leader's addcess �be deemed w have been givea w Bozsower or I.ender wh� 'f:;,<.'`;`•r
<br /> � . , pny notioe pmvtded for in this Ses�uitY Ins�u�°'� taw and the law of .
<br /> � .. . - gnrea as pmvlde4 in this paraB�aP�• .�S�dt7►��sl�all be gwemed bY F� < . .
<br /> � ``" 14.GoveminS L�w+Sev�a6ilitY•� ' _
<br /> Ls lacaied.In the eveat tt�a�►Y P�oa or clanse of ttds Se�uritY Ins� `
<br /> _ � � �e jnrlsdic�ioa ia which the Pmgerty► ��t affea other p�visions of this Secariry�O1 '.
<br /> � � or the Note oonflicts with aPPlicable law,s�u�conflict . s� .
<br /> ` To�is end the provisions of th'ss S�uaitY
<br /> �<.r•- --: ,4_.� the conflicxin8 gmvision. . :
<br /> , �. G. ,, the Note�vLic��n be givea effect without :;`.}.:.
<br /> . ::� �St�eut and the Note are desla�ed w be severabte. � of the Notc and af tHis Secnaty
<br /> � ..�,r Baaower s6all be given one a�.`m�d PY . t�'�,
<br /> .� 15. Bonower's Cugy.
<br /> Insuom�nt- °ie•�P°sal'st°iage'°r�ng �
<br /> � BOIfOWCT Sj1311 IIDt C8DS8 Q F���'II• .' . :�
<br /> � ` 16. H�rdoas Sabstaaces- Bonower�nat.�v,nor altow anyane else to do. .,:
<br /> .`�: . o f a n y H�s d o n a Sabstances os►or in the PmpercY• two sw.ntesc�s sba11 a+�t app1Y� , ,r -
<br /> - that is�n violadon of a�r Envirn n m e a�t.�''. T h e p r e r�e d�n g �� that are gen�al�Y {�.:.._
<br /> . . .},;.' . affeccin$the PmPestY � the PmPerty► of smaD q�� oF Hara�dous Shb :
<br /> uss. or scorage
<br /> � , � ' �ognized w be sppmPriat�w no=mal residential uses a�f�o����laarsuit ar other aarc� .
<br /> Banower aball pmmptiY��written notiee �►Y �Ym eriY Har�rdaus�nhstaace or
<br /> �,... ,--�.: pr prnrate p�rty iuvoiving aa3 any . .`._.
<br /> ��.f` • bY�nY govemmental ar�iY��9 �,�n,� y,os is notiS���7►��� f,
<br /> . Ba�vironmentall.aw of whi�Boaawer has actnai I�owled$on of aay Ha�rdmis Substances ` :�".
<br /> ��latory�thority,��►Y�val or otha rEmediasi with Environm�law. �r,.`��;,::_-
<br /> ., - necessaQy,BomPwer shall pmmPUY�all n�5►��acx�ons ia aaor�ance ��d as wxic or ha�r��
<br /> .
<br />_ . ps�d in tbis pazagraph 16, 'Ha�do� Sl�bstanc�a ��o:�e, kemsena. other flammzb2� or coxic ,��r_-'
<br /> ,. sabstances 1ry Envir°nmental Iaw and ttte following substanccs:���taining asbesws or f�aldelryde• � -`�:�'
<br /> .. ' :`..' petnole+�m Pmducta.toaic pesdcides aad heibiades,voladle solvents. ,.�,:;,
<br /> 16 "]smironmental Law���tal laws and iaws of the
<br /> �?:`,'' oacdve materials. As gsmd in tt�s par�h � � �on. _
<br />- �,`;::�;�;I, �o�isd'i�cdon where the PioPertY is locazed tliat relatc to hea1�,sHfetY or emimnme P� �_
<br /> . .. ::,r:;:�����. e
<br /> . . . NON-UNffORM COVBNMTTS.Bonower�d Lender fu:ther covenant a��agree as follmvs: �,
<br /> � .Y . nditioaalI assigas and u�sfets w Lender all the cents and revemies �, t_�.,,
<br /> .`;:.� 17.Asslgpment ot Reats.Boaower�mco Y th�r�ts an��►enues a�d��Y� "'�"'
<br /> , ,:��,a::'.� Z ender or Lender•s ageNs w coller� �-�':'
<br /> � , :;;;:h3,.;�-:, of the Property.Borrower auti��sa"..ES or w Lender's natice to ��..,
<br /> � � eacb tenant of the P�c+�PertY ta S�Y the rents to l+ea�er or Lenda's agents.However,�orsower sbaU wliect and � _
<br /> �- °��-� coveaaat oT agreemeat la tIIe Sec�it3►Ins� of � _._�F.
<br /> Barrower of Bo�er's b�ach of auy =_--
<br />�=,t; . � .��� ��� : ; receive all c�nts�3 revenuea of the PropertY as austee for the benefit�bead�and Borrower.This assignment � _.___
<br /> ,y�r:r, °�
<br /> n�nts constitaoes an absolnte�ssignmen�and n4s an ass�gnme�t for additIonal secarity on1Y• . _-.
<br />_ , , f';�f''� '`- I f L e a d e r g�v e s a o t i ce o f breasfi to Bonower.(a)a11 seats��t h�e S e c u r i t Y�shall be held b��sha11 be �
<br /> �����::• .,� lied to the�s's sewred bY Insuumeut;(b) �_.-..��
<br /> � auscee for beneflt of Lender only,to be app �d c �t of the PmpertY p�a11 PaY���
<br /> � ` � enRided to co llect an d�e c e i v e a U o f t h e:e n t s o f t h e P m P�, ()� �
<br /> „�, : � �. d u e a n d u n P a i d t o L e n d e r o r I x n dcr's����af t h e r e n t s a n d h a st n o t a n d w i U a o t p e r f o r m a n y act tbat would _-_
<br /> ..,.. � B o r r o w e r h a s not execuced aa3►P �
<br />` � . lts rlghts under this garag�h 1 7.
<br /> .. �. . ..�,�'���. pnevent Lendor from exercising before or after gi�►Iug notice
<br /> ..�-.�r:"..' . w enter upan.talce wats�4 of or u�ataia the PropertY gi� y,:
<br /> , • . ,���t; � Lender s8all not be reiN�d Lsnder or a 9udicially aPPai�e��iver maY do so at any time there is a breac�.
<br /> ,: o f b r e a c h t o B o r c ower.However. o t h e r r�g ht or�Y of Lender-'Phis L,�_.
<br />-=v;;•,,,. �Y aPPlic�tioa ef rents sLaU aot�I���hen the tdebt secur,��Y the SeruritY Ins�me�t is paid in fuU. . .
<br /> - � �. assignment of rents of the FropertY
<br />--- '.i.�-
<br /> � ' '� •� Capo 6 ot 8 fnfUlfO°„'�"�_�� . .
<br />