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<br /> ;-�,�^�� (i)All or part of the PropettY,or a Deneftcial interesc ia a tzust oaming all or part of the Pmpe�ty,is sold - -
<br /> ", 4=�.,.�.::a or otherwise tr�sferred(other thaa b�►devise or deaceat),and
<br /> - (�7'��P�3+is not oowpied by the pur�aser or granteE as 6is or her principal zesidence,or the .
<br /> - . p�uchaser or grantee dn e s s o o c c u p y t h e P m p e t t Y b u t h i s o r h� c r e�d it has nat be�n a p pmved in
<br /> .. _ a000rd�ce with the�equi�s of the Secretazy►-
<br /> ' � (c)RIo Waiv�.If chWmstaace.a aocar that woutd pe�it Lender tio re4uire i�i�e P�����
<br /> � '':.., L�der d�s not zequire sudi payme�ts,Lender daes not avadve its rights witb resperc to snbsequent events. .
<br /> ' . . . (�Regulatinns oY HOD S�ter9- In mauS'���0����the SecretazS►wlll limit
<br /> °..'.. y Leadei's rights,ia ttise case of pay�ent defaults,w requae inomediate PaYm�nt in fuU�d fore�toss if nnt ry
<br /> . _ =_' paid.1bis Soa�riry Inscn�e�does aot aathorize acceteraslon or foreclosu:e if not permdtted by tegu�adons ;��
<br /> � ' of the Sec�tazi►• tastrament and the Note are aot d�etmined '
<br /> �� ,�.'`,�i �e)MartgBge Not Iasur�.Boimwer agtees tt�at if ttsis Secariry • �.
<br /> to be elig�le for insurance aader the Na�ional H°usiag Act withm 60 days&°m���0f,Leades
<br /> ..,;; may, at its optian, �eciuire imm�e P�m fall of all sa�s s�i by this 5eauity Ia.�t. A ,
<br /> : . wtitten statemeni of aay authoiued agent of the Se�rY d�ted sa�S�N�to 60 days fmm the date heteu� ...
<br /> . . ."�` :�;� de�iamg to insace tbis Seauity Iosuma�t aad the Note, shall be deemed conrdusive pmof of snch .
<br /> .. '^� '.n
<br /> - �--.�'"�� • the fo this nptioa may not be exercised by LQnder when the .
<br /> : � _:,.�;�. ineli��ity. Natarithst�ding ��+ �m{�to the
<br /> ,�„v:H:f;`� unava�ab�iry of iasarance is solely dne to l.endes"s fa�ute to iemit a mortgage insurance p :..r
<br />,1 �. . : •: S�yr• immedtaie paYmeat u►full
<br /> � ..._ .,;.-�: . 10.Retns�atement-Baaovuer has a right to be reinstated if Lr,nder bas n�aired
<br /> �.3 because of Bormwer's failure w pay an amount dne andee the Note or this Seca�ity Iastrument.This rtght app�es
<br /> ' evea aRer foreclosare pmoeedings are insdtu�ted. To reinstate the Secarity+Ins�ament.Boaower sball tender ia a =
<br /> ; � ' � • lump s�►ail amouma teqni�ed w bring Borrower's accouat caisent iacluding,w the ex[e�u they are oblig,at�oaa of �
<br /> ne
<br /> . • B o r m w e r a a d e r r t u s S e a u i t�r I n s t n m�t.fanecios�cos¢s and reasonable�d cnstomazY attonneYs'fee.s and ea�peases -
<br /> � .. � '.'. ':. ProP�Y assaciater:wlth the forectosure praae�ding.Upon reinstatemem��Bomawer,tbis Seaaitl►�� -.. �,, ,
<br /> �e obligatioa4 t1�t it secares sball remain a effect as if I.ender Y�ad not reqaited immediate Fab*ment in fnll.
<br /> .. . �.� y� � }� t'-
<br /> f`;��,,r:: ;.< Howevet. I.ender is not requiied w pemtit relnstatement �f: (1) 1,endel has accegied teins�nt
<br /> �• , `�:�,'� ,::. : withia tvro yeats�mediatetY Ps�rling th=a�°f a cnrrent
<br /> �-r�r.���'..:-., coa�encement of faceclos�gamceEdings ent
<br /> � , en in th� fL�ue. or Cua"'}
<br /> . �:�.: fo�losure Pmo�g. fv�D.m�ement aiU pmIade fnioctositte on di�enmt gro�mds
<br /> - ` ? , ieinstatement wUY adver�ely affecx the priortty of the lien created by this Sesvtity lnanumeat•
<br /> � ' �-�� �•�' ii. Bosrower Not Reteased; Forbearaace By Lender No4 a Waiver. Fxteuslon of the time of paymcnt or
<br /> :` �ifiicatton of amorti�aslon af the sams secuted by this SewrltY Instmmg°t Braated by LEnder to�y sucaesse��t ' '� .
<br /> .._.�:�,� �,'E i�crest of Bom�wer sh�lt net��perate to:elease the liab�'�}of the ori�inal BorrBwer or Bonower's succ�ss¢r i� � ;',
<br /> . . m p � successor in interest or refase to exc�:.
<br /> '� inte�est.Lender s2iall not be reqnited w wmmence rooee�:$s against any �me+±•
<br /> '� ' <.�- �,:; time for payment cr otherarise modify amor�tian of the sams seaued�'.th9s Seco�ity Iastc�-- by reason of any
<br /> �; demand made by the arlginal Bonower or&a�►er's s�secessois in inte�..Any forUearance hy Lec�in e�cereisiflg ;, �,
<br /> . . .: ; any rlght or remedy shall not tie a waiver of or pre�inde the exercise of a�►rightor r�medy. � -
<br /> '.��:<<i��: . :�� . 12.Sacxcssois and Assigos�oa��.Joi�and Severa!I.lebiltt9+Co Signeis.The covenants x�agr�enseab __
<br /> :,F.� of tLls SecatIry Iastru�ent shall bind and benefit the s�t�cessors anA as�gns of I�endet aad Banaw�.subject tr�r3r� :
<br /> pmvisians of paraBmPb 9(b). Bormwer's coveaaats and ageementa shall be joint and several.A��mwer v�3o ;
<br /> . � � eo-sigas[his Sesauiry Iastiument but daes not exesute the Note: (a) is co-signing tvis SeturIty�.ment oniy to
<br /> ' " .� : a�stgage.graat and wnvey tttat Borroaer's lnterest ia the Prnpeitp�mder the cemas of tt�s Securiry Ymswment;(b) ,
<br /> �' Ls ua1 petsonally obligatod to pay the sums secured by t6is Serurity Iast�ament;aad(c)agrees that Lender and aay . _
<br />- � �� ofl�er Bomowec�aY aSree to eatend.madify,forbear ar make any accommodations with regard to the terms of tbia ..:,
<br /> . .' . • ��. Se�auity Inst�u�"�t or the Note withant that 6osawer's consent.
<br /> .,��' � . .
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