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<br /> � � . iavo�e tfle @owes o4 wIe�ad enY othe�rrme�ie9 p�rmt Y pi�� 18� tnsiadGsg+ bui aat llte�ite�i to.
<br /> , � � ��ed in pmsuing ihe t�ttedies tm� t81s � .' .,
<br /> �n�ble a4tomeY�fees and cu�of title evid�e. � . `. ::
<br /> � , It the{�wer aT sale ts IF►w�ed.Trastee sbaA reoard a�tIse oY defanit im�c0 oounty►tn wbfcD e�p�af .<��. ;:,.
<br /> ►vs !e!aw to �<<_;�.
<br /> . ` t�e Qi+op�ty is tocsted amd s�all a�ail copda oY suc�aat[+�ia t�►e maan�s Pressihed�3►��ladv,
<br /> � Bosmwer snd to 4he oth�pa��P��ed b3►aPtaltcable taw.Aftea the tiffie�ulreA bp sPP ..
<br /> � notice at saLe to the persons ana in the manner Qrescc�ed 6Y applicoDte faw.'lYaste�
<br /> " .; � 1�ut�s?�aD g�ve puMi� sa .
<br /> sba�sc�the Frogerty at pnbfic sus�Ioa to the laigt�est bidder sg t�e 4It�en�
<br /> • - .' �wtthotrt d�mand an Barmwer. and in a�'ardes�
<br /> : . , ` p?ace an�m�dar the t�ms destp�ate�ta the nattce of sate tn one ar�ore purc�zls �t at the time �
<br /> ` � ` � t of the Ftop�t9 bY G���0��
<br /> �•..�: , d�mines.'i'rustee maY postF°ne bsie a�ail or a�y 03roel � at any� ' _
<br /> � ' enil pTsce af enY Prevt�usly srpteduie8 sal�Taud�or its dcslgRee mep[ear�ase. F�F�► _
<br /> tP the Lcader's int�st tn tbLs S�ati9�tea�a�t ts hetd by ti�e S�9�4he S�rete�9 � � ..',
<br /> � ... . {��e paymeit in t1oD �d� P�'e9raPh 9, tne S�9 �y �ge the non�jad�da! Qr►v�e� a�sate %_.c�_'..
<br /> 'j �vidx�iaa 4he�te Fs�fiY Mor�e For�las�e Ad of 1444("Ad"1(L2 U.S.C.3751¢t s¢g)by��� '.
<br /> . ��<°� mqder the Act 40 oomm�ce forectosm'e amf 4o seD the Ang�rty as
<br /> � a[aredo�vre ooa�mi�offier deslgnate� � ��'� }'`
<br /> .. ' " . .`."`� pravtdd in tDe Act. Nu46tn�ta d�W'�sc,nteace s6eD de�rive the S�!��Y���h�se
<br /> `+':.
<br /> _ . .'.-.:...- �� seaifaDle to a Leu�er emdgsthis Ya�aB�Pb�8 0�apDlfcabte law.
<br /> u� Tr�tce's deed conveytaS
<br /> . .J. �: ;:`. II��pt of'�aymeat of the px�iCe 6Id,�Yv�ee s�a�l delive:to the p�esa
<br /> ; .. � . � 4he Pt+opa49-'lYte red4aLs tu the�1Y'astee'� s�d���B��ollovring ord�:(e�t�l c�sts�tUntf eap�4s of _
<br /> ��; � made therefa.�astee slmil aDPIY p the eut oY the 7Yastes's fees actaaB9 imcu�t+�'a+aot to -
<br /> '.;r , �� �ng the puwe�r oY sste,8ad the sale,Inc2adit� d'+a3� ,
<br /> . .�r,rry�ft,. ;< s esceed f i ve (5) �i ot the princtpal�ouat of t�e nate at tt�e ttc�e oi tlie dRClarat�aa oi dctaott, _
<br /> • ' '` and c�ssonable attmueys'fe�as�mit�e�7 by/aw;N?to aII s�s�hp t�is Se�it9 In-�amea�and(c) -
<br />_ . , ; any�to the�soa or p�sons IegaUy ea�ttted tu i� . ' ---
<br /> _ : ` �� . .: , . , �-
<br /> . � ` 19.l�econvey�ace.UPon PaYment of all sams seca�ed bY this Serur�tY Ins�.Lender shaA request'lYus�� -
<br /> ru
<br /> ` and sl�ali suuender this Se��ns�and aU notes evidencing deM secuted b3►� t
<br />.-- . . to recaavey the Property . ,��� remnvey die FmpertY without wazraary and withant ci�arge W the �; _=
<br /> . '� x S�ZY �tO.�� s�osdation oosts.
<br /> . , -,; gessoa or persor�I e g a t i y end t l e d w i�S u c h p e�s a a o r p e i s o n s s h a U F a Y a a 3► _
<br /> ., � . . s �p.3absttt�ete 71r�tee.Leader,at its option,maY from dme to.dme remave Tmstee�d appaiat a suocessor
<br /> {�;! . : -_=
<br /> . . ,,,r'�7., �to any Trastes appain;�hereunder bY a�►insuumeat Tec°rded in the ooum�►•in wLich this Sex�ity Instrmriz,sat --
<br /> ntS
<br /> ` '� ;
<br /> . ,"•:s��:.. _:� <, t �is recoided.Withaut comrey�'^�..�e of the Property.the successor mutee shaU susae�to aU the title,.Power aud dt� �,`_ ...0
<br />-.:� ��,'°.' ,:. '.'� caafette�upon 3Yustee here9n aad by aPPlicable law. _�1 .
<br /> '' ., ,� . 21.Reqc�t far Pio�Bomawer r�°qaests tbat oopie�s of the aoHces of def�lt and sale��nt to Eorrower's � u'V
<br />_ � r , gd{�1p9$W�1�LS�16 p10Q°,�f'�lQaI2S9. . , - ---
<br />_ , _.} . . ' . ;�
<br /> . 22.Rtdas to it�is Secanit9 InsWme�.If an�cz taore rldeis�execased bry Bormwer and rawraed togsther . ,::
<br />_ � . . witb tLis Seauity Insuument. tLe cove�ts ot exc�r ssch rider sha3� '6e inoorpotated into and simU amend and
<br /> � � sapplemeat the cavenauts�ag��of this Se� Insuument as if the rtdc�s)were a part of tbia Sec�dry .
<br />- `� ���` �: - Instrument.[C�edcaPPlisa°Tebox(es)l•
<br />-- . Condomiaium Rider ❑ Cra��8 Equ�t3+Rider � Other[sPecii�►l
<br /> : , � 't D e v e t t Rtdes ❑ Grad•zated Payment Rider MQRTGAGE AOOENOUM
<br />-_ ..:; .
<br /> 8 Pl�ned Uai opmen
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