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<br /> c� �,.` . er, during the loaa aPPlication pmoess. gave .. ,
<br /> � abaa+duned PmP�Y- $0n0� � also be in detautt if Boirow . .
<br /> to l�ender(or f�2ed to pmvide Leat�er arith aay ma�ri� .
<br /> , • m�Y �°r��0��r atffiemems end to, �t�i°ns ' --_r
<br /> .f. ., iafo�adon) in oonnecxion with the loaa evldenced b3►tLe Note. �S• bat uot lianited � .
<br /> al �esiden� Ii this Sequity ins� is oa a =���t �
<br /> � aoncem�nS Bonawer's aocaPa�► of the FmpettY a� a p� eII .
<br /> `' t If Bormv+er�qu�fee titte co We PmpertY•the .
<br /> ieaseho2d,Boaower sball wmp�Y with�F�ons of the Iease. .,;- , .
<br />:. .; �. • ' al to the�m wririn�• .
<br /> ' `� teass�hold and fee atle shall not be merged unl�ss Lender a8� on arth �.::a_'
<br /> de
<br /> " oe�ds of anY awazd or claim for damaSes.d�or conse��1•in oannecti
<br /> emnatfmn The pru in lace of condemnation, a� •:h°
<br /> _ 6.Coud os other taking af�►Y P�of the PmPettY•or for ooaveYa� p that temains�P�d
<br /> � � °0II� w the exteat of the fnit amo�of the iadebtedness
<br />._ �y�g�ed aad sha11 be paid w Iender �s}lall aPPiY s�P�w the redncaon of the iadeb�
<br /> • ' � ` - ffidec the Note aad this S�Y�' fisst ta an5► del��0u�s aFPlied 'm the arder pm��m
<br /> � . uader the Note and titis S�rinr Ins�°� to the priu�igal shaU not extea�ar . .
<br /> of al.Any aPPlic�on of the p� a or change
<br /> . p�graph 3.aud then w P�FaY� �� • the aznount of snch -
<br /> .. which ate referced w u►P���tt�Note and thi.s -
<br /> " ..---- ,. po�ne tl�e das date of tEe taoathtY PaY��s• ��y aU��g ' " :
<br /> da
<br /> ' � :�t� � Pay�• �►Y�p10°eeds°ves an amomnt�ed the�ew• . `.
<br /> '�� .� SeQUity►Iasu�e�shalt be pa�d w ehe entiry 1ega11� ��,g � � the Fropeit9. Boimwer shall �3► a11
<br /> _ .;: �.: 7. CL�ges to Barnnw� axi� ��0m o�uons that ace�t iadnded b parag�aPh 2.Bomuwer shall PaY ,
<br /> � g�
<br /> . . �': �-a� � gm�snmental or���•�� wtu'cb is owed the payuaent.If faIlure to pay wovld advetsely affect _ --
<br /> ' i�°�s;�� �, these obi�gatians an time du�tY t�����g �� Boaower shall Pm�Y � to l�nder �oeip� .. ;
<br /> ;'��r:� ��'s �terest in the PmgertY• ,.
<br /> ',,,,,,l. , rig
<br /> rr.. _
<br /> • eviden�g th�e pay�°.. or the payments��Y p��h 2,ar faiLs w perfmrm a�3►othes ,�
<br /> ' Uf Botrower fa�s w��se gaymeats ����a legal pmcee�►S d�t�Y signific�ntlY -
<br /> - com;ta;ned i��is SewrltY in bar�apt�Y•for condemnat�on�w enfo�e laws a= -w�`
<br /> coven�ts and��p�g�Y is�as a pmc�eeding s -,��--
<br /> :. affert I�endcr's�lghis �y do and paN wt��is neo�a�P to pmtect the vatue of the F�seriY a���' ', .;�,w::
<br /> 4� �. ' .. regntanons?,��� aad other items memioned in p�P��- '��',
<br /> � ''�' I in the ProPertY•���P��t of taxes.�ins°Taace �'.:.�.�
<br /> ' fiS� L�ader�mder tHis��ag�aph sball become an additional de6t of Boms��s�be , „_-
<br /> Anp�no�ts d�b���3+ a fcvm the date of disbu�xmens,.��i�;Note _.
<br /> - : �� ° s�by this SecaaitY I n s�-�a m a t m t s s h a 1 1 b e��t -,
<br /> . �'��`:i rate.and at the opttoa of L�der,sLa�3 t�-��immediaselY due aud Paya3� �unless Borrower: :;'=„°-;
<br /> • . Bomnwer shall Pio"'''�''�'�s�e any liea which has priority over this S�tY tabie to fi�der, (b) .:%�.=
<br /> the liea ia��nner acceP ',.,�—="-
<br /> ' �a��� .n t of the obligasion sewred bY �ti-g�ia We `'�'�^°�.
<br /> ��g to tS�paymen enforcement of the lien in, 1ega1 Pr°��P� ,::±
<br /> contesCS 9n good faish the lien bY• ar c"�fends aS�of the lien: or (c) sea�res from thr f.�!der of tlie llen an _--
<br /> ` ,:?. � Leader's api�On oFe��Qieve¢t t�te cnforceme�t. �mem.If I.euder dar�mi�es that�!+P� `�_:�'.
<br /> - �m�¢�isfactoiy to Lender subo:dinatjng the lien w this Se�xiry �� �er ma5► giYe = _
<br /> zataia piioriry over this Sec�itY .7:.
<br /> _ � � ! of thc Fc�perty► is subje�t to a liea which maY �llen vr take one or more of the acnons set fonh , ,
<br /> ' � i'� �osmcaes a aodce ideatifyiug the 1�en. Bomneveas s�a3Y_satis$' � �
<br />-- � � abwe wiiiii�a 1 0 day s o f t h e g i v i a g o f n o fl c e. fi�S�Y- ' '�j tt}:
<br /> . . ; collect fees and cbaiSes�orized�Y
<br /> ' ' � 8.Gi:+�s.Leader maY , `
<br /> s , . . , 9.��3s Sor Aaceleratton o�IIDeb� �issued by the Secreta�]►�im the case of payment ;-
<br /> �, .� � "� as limite�by re8ula�
<br /> (a)Ifefanl�� ���fiili of all swms se�aueA t+Y t&is�artitY Ipst�°en�if: 1.�3:;�::-
<br /> _,' 4i.;�`� defaulta,:eqo9re� in full�i+montlilY PaYmc�t�4�d by tWs SecuritY insm�men� '°'`�i��",
<br />_-�,'`.""�.:,� �'•, �>,. (i)Borrower dsfanits hg�ing to paY �,or ..
<br />- ' . • �'l'�f prior to or an the due da�af the aeat monlblY PaYm�s ��y oty.,�obligadons contained •
<br />=-;. ; .� . (ii)Bosrawer defanits try�ng,for a Peitad of tlust9 daYa to perf .
<br /> i �� , ' . '� i n this Ser,url ry Ins�um��• v a l.I e n d e t s h a ll.i f p�r m i tt e d b Y a D F 2 i c a b2e law(including Se�on 341(d) .
<br />- _::::;� � � ; . (b)Sale Witthout Credlt Appro . :, .
<br /> w o ��ions pct of 1982, 12 U.S.C. 1701j-3(d))and with t l te or
<br /> , • of the C�am-St. Germain Depos�� �5+ this Securit5►��� ;,��.:'
<br />---- � . ' . .,. appmval of the SecrerarY.re4nire imm�e p���fnll of all snms secured bY
<br /> =_ . .. . .. if ' .
<br /> _ . ; „�j�,��:�, :;:.. ..
<br /> _ � . �� p�p 4 0,8
<br /> --- . � � : �_ i �4RWE!�soa�-o�
<br /> ° . .. i
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<br />°=5' . . .. . . .. . . ,
<br /> 4. � � . _ _ _ � - • . . , . . � .. •• . ,. ' . .. ' .
<br /> .. � . , � •• � ' - . ' .. . ' . . ' � . � . . - . . _ � �. �
<br /> � - ' ; ' ' ' . . . . . ' . . .. � . .
<br /> -l ` . - . . _ .. • � 1 _ , , . . . . . - .. . . � . ..yL� ..�_r.d�an�...-..-�--.-r_..t+..;+,.�.
<br /> , � .
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<br />_ �. . ` ' ' . ' . _''_ n�am.,� � _ _
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