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<br /> , 4.5. • • t � _ c.r• � , `�'•r- s_ .._:E_ � - + .�a ' � .,�.� +c. `.pF t � •`t_v a� .
<br /> ' . ' ' � r �.. . . �Y• r� _ . -. . . . �.s 'r. . •
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<br /> � .� �� � ..:� 97�/t�857� � ���
<br /> , �,
<br /> y •.. . � 'b
<br /> . �� . ..' If ttse amnuata heid by Lend�s for Fs�snoa Itaffis exceed the amuunts pemuued to 6e heid by RESPA.L�eader ;
<br /> .['�:.� b RFS�A. If the amawits of Nnds�etd by Leuder at an3► .�
<br /> `` � sha11 acooimt to Boaower for tae rxo�ss fu�s as ieq+si�d Y 8��� ,..--��.
<br /> time ate not sufficient to pay the Esr.��o�w�iteAms whea due.iender maY��S►�Boicower and requi�E
<br /> ...•. 4 ..4.: ( L�f►7f[1. `
<br /> �'' <<.�:�' . °�.� �cmw Funds�ar�e pI�ed�ed as addittonal seaultY fos all sums secured DY tbis 5e�uitY �. If � .
<br />. . t of aii sa�s�ss.Bo�sower's 8aooc�at shall be ccedited witL the batance �;-,�.
<br /> . • Eo�awer t�de�s to Lender the fuEl pay� fi
<br /> . cemain�ng for all installmen�itea�(a).(b?.aad(c)aad anY mortg�b'�insur�oe P�mium im�altmea�d�at Leader�S `: .�.-
<br /> . '. ,not become obii�to pay to the S�az7►. an� l�der sba11 pmm�tty refiiaA enY exoess timds to Bo:rawer. .
<br /> ImmediatelY p�For to a foiectosiue sale of the Pmgertg or its acquisition DY�er. Sosower's aa�ou�t shalt be ." y
<br /> � '� � csedited cvith�ny 6alanoe ce�a�for all��items(a).{b),and(�)•
<br /> .. � 3.�p���p g��,pu p�y�undgr p�agraphs 1 and 2 sha116e applied by lep.der as follows: ���,.
<br /> - Y ������p�ium to b�paid by lender to the Sxnetaty►or ta the m o a t b ly c�r az g e b 3►t� :•�<..
<br /> ,r.
<br />- - ; ��.instead of��rt��II°et�o� �d tents,and&e.IIocQ anti at�er ha�ard �
<br /> . , ;nsQr�ce premiwas,aq reqaite� or . _
<br /> :f_'. ;,i.S..�,;:� Ii/I W��'.�Cl • .
<br /> tI1C�IOtB. '":Y
<br /> �to amorti7attan of�e pri�Pal of the 1►tote;and .. ,
<br /> _ '. � g�R ,to Iate d�arges due aader the Note. 8o:mwer sl�all insut�all imprm►em�s on the PraF�Y•�� - ';�
<br /> , . � @„g�+2,FToa�ea��2h�r Sa�d Insm�ance. ��g�for wLich �.
<br /> ' na�w in existeu�e os aibseq�atly erec�l.aRains��Y�s•��des.�d oa�s.. . �`_,
<br /> - • - na tv � '�is msm'a�e sha�1 {re maiatalnefl in the amamnta and for the �ads that I�dder —
<br /> , ,. , �� � sbaU also iasure all impmvemeaffi oa t��rtY• whether�w in existe�or subseqnEndY
<br /> , ieguires. So:mwer � All insuraaoe shaU be rarrieA a+ith compani� .
<br /> �ed,agaiast ias4 by ttaads to the extent�e+i�bJ► �eb Pietd hy LEnder aad sbalt iacinde toss Fayable. �
<br /> ��: ;� • ,_ . a�pmved by I.ender.'t�e ims�Polic�es and a�►�IIe�vals ¢: 4.__
<br /> cl�s2s in favor of.aad'm a foim aoceptable to,l�uder• f of Ioss if nuc �__�_
<br /> • ". In tbe eveat of toss,Somuwe�sball�gtve I�des im�mediate notIoe by ma�.l.end�r maY ma�p�° �•:�
<br /> � a�rthori�ed aud di�ecx�to make
<br /> ' •, . w� � Eash insmance oomPaa3+aoasaaed herehY P�� �� _`r
<br /> .. . PmmFdY bY Borc°�°er• �
<br /> ' � '' far sucb tass disectlY w Lender. �a of ra smnower aaa co r�r�omuy. AIl or aay pa:t of the insnr,taoe -_
<br /> � ..' � �i;. nnder tae Nate and � _
<br /> # ��ay be applixd Iyy Ixnder.at its opuon,dther(a)to We r�ducdon of the�adebteda��to �:
<br /> •,..':.,...�: ,; :'. t tbis Sa�itY�+�t t°any deli�tqw�t amo�mts aPPlieQ in the o�dea in pa�g�b 3, P���
<br /> . .�' l�On of the p�o�to tiie � .
<br /> � �:.r:,f of or(b)w the reswratian or r�pair of the damaSed ProPertY•�Y aFP E,::. .
<br />_ � . . .• f .< :ti �psL ll nat e�uend or pastPoae the dQe date of the monthty PaYzae°ts which aze r�fem�A to ia pa�agaph 2,or _
<br /> � . ; p� a�au�t of sacdi AnY�oess P requued w all 0�8
<br /> cbaage the FaS��• � ��over aa amoumt PaY ��.� -,_:.
<br />{• � �; � ' ,,,�f imdebtedness und�the Note�d thts Ser+uIn►Ia�ament shafl be paid to�e euticy tegaliy entided thereto. C;:; .,.:
<br />_ . , i: In the eveut of fomctosuc�of tLis 5e�nsity Instrument or o3heT uansfer of title w the Pnopeny th�e�ingaishes ;-..__:-
<br />- ; �,�;
<br /> - � ,,. �� tbe indebtedncss, aU dght, title and interest of Borco�ver ia am�w insurance Policles in forre shall pass m the ��.-,
<br /> !: P�• .
<br /> Ptes�va�on,Mai�and A+ntestton of the FmP�i'i Bormwea's Luan Applic�n� ' � -
<br /> S'�' as Bom6wer's p�iaclpal cesideace wIthia sutY �. '==
<br /> -- ,�• ': ' Leasehotds. Barmwer shaU ac�y.establi�.and use the PraPertY s of a later sate or uansfer of the PropertY) . .`�;
<br />- . :. dayg aRet the execudon of this Secu�itp Jn�t(or aritLin si�cY daY -
<br /> � ti; � tP�pmperty as Bormwer's prInciPal s�dence for�t Ieast one year after the date of
<br /> zip¢`.m3a11 coadaue to aoc�Y w�l c�se�mdue hazdsbiP for Bormaver,or m�Iess ext�uann�
<br /> �P�Y•untess Lender 8et e r m i a e s that�t I.ender oY aay �
<br /> . , �. . � circumstances exlst vrhicb aie beyond Boirow�r's contral. Boirol�b���the Pcoperty or allaw the €�. -
<br /> __ . � . �.Bmmwer shall aot oommit wa�e ur desuoy,damag ect the PmpertY if the Property is vacant
<br /> '� . ' � p�neny to deteriorateo�°�default. Ls a d e r may tz1�r e a s o n a b l�a c t i o n to pmtect and presesve sn�va�aat ot �;'�._
<br /> �!S�°��;;`; a�abaadoned or the
<br /> ,;,�,�....
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<br /> "�,I . . . . ' .. . - ,
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