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<br />- uf Surns►v�r's cov�nts aad a�s ua�r this s�rits►rns4�ument aati th$rIme. For tLis puipose, Bormwer �.
<br /> `.,� ��; inevacabiy grants and coaveys te the Tmstee.in uost.witb Power of sale.the foltowing descn'bed gioperty Iocatesl � `F.:.
<br /> . _ • � in HALL coimcy.Nebiaska: �
<br /> . �y..
<br /> - . .. -`��; GitAND ISUWD, HALL COUfi1TY, NEBRASKA. `t `
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<br /> ,.''.-t.' .. ......7� ,._.
<br /> ..- :.. � � wh�has the ad�res�af632 EAST I�IACARTHUR AVENUE.6RAND ISLANI� [��r.c�sl, ;�:;:,
<br /> • .r- Nebrs9ka • 68801 !�r�1 t'Pmperty►Address7:
<br /> 9 ' 'S1'
<br /> c v�J `:.:.�r 1�OtiEiT�iER Wl'IH all the impmvements now or hereaftcr erected on the P�P�Y, aad all easements, ,
<br /> apgiute�o�. �Satn�es gow oa hereafter a pait of the P�P�Y- ��P��� �I additions shall also be
<br /> ' �p�����Inetmmer�t_/w Of t�IE�OICgO�$IS ICf21I�W lII 1�8 S�WIILj►jDSiI0�2IIL 8S tt���pBLhl.• - •-
<br /> • •• BORROWHt COVENANTS that]�¢:mwer is lawfnUy s�i�d of the estate be�hY cmav�g��d has the right to �_;°,
<br /> • :,.� " gr�t mmd caavey the Froperty aad tAat t�e Pca�eriy is�encvmbeced.exoept for encumbs��m#�aid.Bormwer �•�.
<br /> . ' �:,. � wanaats aud WIII defwd generalIy the titIe W t�e PmperiY against all claims 2ud dem�[ds. slibjaet W 2riy . 'i_°
<br /> � � • �oes of�id. � � • .
<br /> � ���
<br /> ` . THIS SFCURTI'Y IIJSI'RLTMBDTI'oombines mmfoim covenaats for natiaaal use and non-uaifo:m c�z�s ,. , -
<br /> _ ,-. �;; wi8i Hmited�ons by jaiisdic.tion to oonsHtate a tmiform sec�r msc�ument oov�S�P�P�Y• � -
<br /> ' �� : : Bonower and L�d�coveaaru maA agree ss folla:.s:
<br /> . . �, � UNIFORM COVENAN'f'S.
<br /> .�.� '`... . `� l. i9aytaeug af Aindpal. Iate�nnd I�te CLatge. Borrower s6a11 pay wh�d¢e�prlucIpal of,and -
<br /> .. . ' iataest on,the debt evtd�ced by the Note and�ate cbatges due nmder the Note. •'-�--
<br /> � � , 2. Mont�ify Pp►yment oY�. Iasvr�ace aad OlLer CLaige9. Borcmver shall mcIude in eacb utontWy
<br /> � n
<br /> '..".�� Payme�.togetLer widi the prtacipal and�t as set fo:th 1a tl�e Note aad aay ta�c�azges.a sum for(a)ta�s and -
<br /> . � speciai as� levied o: to be levied ag�iast the FcopertY, (b) leaseho2d payments or ground m,nts on the
<br /> • Piogerty,aad(c)P�emiums for iASarance r�qaiced ffider p�h 4. In aay year�n which the Leader mosc pay a -
<br />- mortgage�pt�emium to the Sec�e,tary of Hoas3ng aad Urb�Devedopment('S�azY'.or ia�7+y�r m ' - _
<br /> - � whicb sucb premium would I�ave been r�if Lendec sWl held tLe S�niry Instr�ent.earb mom�IY F�� � .�
<br /> � '�� • sball also include either:(i)a s�for the aaaual mortgage insuranoe premiam w be pa�d by I,ender to the Se�tary. � .
<br />..,�rl�' .:.�. � . or fi�a monthl5�c�ge instead of a mongage+n�,,.�++es pieminm if this S�arity Insnnmeut is held by the 3�tary, .
<br /> � � in a t+easonabls amoant to be deteimiaed by the S�tyr. Eu�ept for the montlilY cd�atge bS►the Secnetatl+.these �
<br /> . . , items aze called'Escraw Items'and the sums paid to Leader are called'Escraw Famds.'
<br /> leud�maY.at any dme.collect and ho2d amowits for Fscrow Items In�agAegatc a�IIot to exceed the �
<br /> _ . . . � ma�dmnm amouut that may be iequired fot 8orrawer's essmw a000�t nnder tke Rea1 E9tate Settlement Pracedares
<br /> � • � Act of 1974. 12 tT.S.C.�ec�ion 26U1 et seq. and implementing tegalatIons. 24 CFR Part 350�,as they may be . •_��
<br /> � . amEnded fco�t�me w ti�e('RFSPA•).excePt tLat the cashion or resesve peimiued by RESPA for uaant�dpated
<br /> _ � , distsmse�enrs or disWise.meats befo:e the Bormwer's payments a.�availab2e in the account may not be based an
<br /> - � � amaunts d+.�e for the mnst�ge insuraace preminm. .
<br /> - ' .� � • �4RRiE1 asoar.o� va�n s ot e amt�z Y'i v L.G _
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