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201211203 <br /> Any application of paymenEs, insurenoe proeeeds, or Miscellaneous Proceeds to principal due under tha Note <br /> sha11 not exte�id or postpone the dua data, or change the nmounE, of the Periodio PayinenCs. <br /> 3. Punds fur b�sex•ow ltems. Borrower shall pay to Lender on tha day Periodic Payments nre ciue under thc <br /> Noto, tmYil khe Notie ie paid in fitll, a sum(the "Funde")to provide for payinent of'amouuYs due fbr: (a) tnxes <br /> �nd assesements nnd other items which oan athain priority ove�-this Sccurity instrau�e��t as a lien or <br /> enewnUrnnce ou the Property; (U) leasehold paymente or gxound rents on fhe Propnrty, if any; (c)prcminms <br /> 4'or any and a11 insuranoe caquired by Lender under Section 5; nnd(d)Mortgage Insurance prevuums, if any, <br /> or any sums payaUle Uy Borrower to Lender in lieu of Uie payment of Mortgege Insuruice preiniums in <br /> accordancc with thc provisrone ofSaction 10. 'Chesa items are called"F.scrow Iteins." At origination or nt <br /> mry titne during the terin o�C the Loan, Lender ii2ay require t12aC Communiiy Association Dues, Fees, and <br /> Assessments, if any, be escrowed by Rorrower, a��d such dues, fees and assessmenCs shall be an Esarow <br /> Itein. Borrower shall proinptly£wniFh to L onder all noticcs of amomits to be paid under diis Section. <br /> Borrower ehall pay Lender the runde for Sac�•ow Items unless Leuder wnives Borrower's obligation Co pay <br /> the Fwids for any or all Escrow Items. Lender may waive Borrower's obligntion to pny to Lender I'unds for <br /> any or a11 L+scrow Items at any timo. Any such waiver may only be ir� writing. In the event of'such waiver, <br /> Bon�ower shall pay direeCly, when and where plyahle, the amounhe due for any]?scrow Ttc�ns for which <br /> paymerit of Runds hns beeu wnived by Lender nnd, if Lencier requires, sti�il furnish fo Lender receipfs <br /> evidencing such payment within euch time period ae Lender may requii•e. Bon•ower's obligation to malce <br /> sucli payinents and to provide receipts shall f'or all purposes ba deemed to be n covenant nnd ngreemenC <br /> contanied in this Security Gtsl��mnent, ns tlie pUrase "coveneurt and agreement" is used in SecCion 9. IF <br /> Borrowet ie obligated to pay L'�sorow Ikems ditectly, puxeuant to a waiver, and Borrowcr fails to pay tl�e <br /> aanowit due for an Escrow Iham, Lender may exercise its rights under Sectiou 9 and pay such amount anci <br /> Bon�ower ahall tl�en bo ohligaYcd uridor SecYion 9 to repay t�I,ender any sLtch amount. Lander may revoke <br /> the wniver as to nny ar ell Eecrow Items at at�y time by a r�otice given in accordancc witl� Section 15 and, <br /> upon such revocation, F3orrower shall pay to Lender all Funds, and in euch amounte, that are then required <br /> tmder tihis SecCion 3. <br /> T.ender m�y, at aziy time, collect and hold Funds�in an a�nount(a) su�cient to permit Lender Co apply tl�o <br /> Funds at tho timo specified under RFSPA, a�id(U)not to exceed the masimwn amount a lender onu require <br /> under RLSPA, Lencier shall estin�ate tho amount of}�'unde due on the basis of ca'rent data and reasounble <br /> eytima2es of expenditures of futura L�scrow Items or ofherwise in aecordvice with Applica6le Law. <br /> The Fwids shall Ue held in an institution whose deposits aze insured Uy a federel agenoy, in.gW�uinenta1ity, or <br /> enLity(including Lender, if Lc;nder is an institution whose deposits are so instued) or in any Pederal IIoine <br /> Loan Banlc Lender shnll apply Che Punds to pay Hie L+acxow Iteine no lator tlian the time speci.fied uuder <br /> RFSPA. Lender shall not oharga Borrower for holding bnd applying the runds, nnncinlly analyzing tUe <br /> escrow account, or vcrifyi��g the 13,�orow Items, wiless Lendar pays Borrower inYereat on the P'unds nnd <br /> ApplicaUle Law pernuts Lender 4o mako such a chtixge. Unless an agreement is mada in wriCiug or <br /> ApplioaUle Ln�v requirea iuterest Co be p�id on Ehe Punds, Lander shall not be required to pay Rorrower any <br /> interest or earnings on fhe Funds. Borrower nnd Lender c�u flgree in writing, however, that intc;rest shall Ue <br /> pzud on the Funds. Lender shall give to Borrower, without cha�•ge, an Annunl nccounting oP Che 1�Luids as <br /> required Uy RESPA. <br /> IP tl�cro is a snrplus of Funds held in e�acrow, as defined undar RESPA, Lender shall account to Borrower Por <br /> the excess fimds in a000rdance wifh RLSPA. If fl�erc ie a shorte�ge of k�unds held in escrow, as defiued under <br /> ItE+SPA, Lendar shall notify Bon�ower as rec�uirecl by RLSPA, �nd Boxrowe��shall p�y to Lm�dor the amonnt <br /> ne;coesary Yo�na7cc u�thc sl�ortage in accm�dance with RESPA, but in no inore than 12 rnonthly paymente. If <br /> thexe is a deflciency of Punds held in escrow, ae deCned imdcr R13SPA, Lender shall notify Borrower ae <br /> 24003235 <br /> NEORA5ICA-SingloPamlly-FunnleMae/FratldleMaoUNIFORMIN9TRUMENT � Form80281l07 <br /> VM P� Vhi P6(N E)(11051 <br /> Wolters KIUW er Financial ServlCea Page 5 oi 1 Y <br />