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201211203 <br /> BORROWEK COVENf1NTS ChaC Borrower ia lawfiilly seised of the estate hercby conveyed nnd has the right to <br /> grant and convey khe Vroperty and thnC the Yroparty is unencuu�6erad, except for encumbra�ices of record. <br /> Borrower warrants end will dcfend generally fihe Litlo to the Property against all clainis and demands, subjeot to <br /> any encumbrances of record. <br /> THIS SECURITY INSTRUML�N'1'cotnbines uniform covena�rts £or nfltional use and non-uniform arvenurts with <br /> limifed v�riations by jurisdiction Co conetitute a uniform security u�stemnent covering real property. <br /> Uniform Covenants. Borrowcr and Lender covenant and ap;reeas followe: <br /> 1. Payment oF Principal, Interest, Cscrow Items, Prepayment Charges, and Late Charges. Borro�ver <br /> shall pay when due Ehc�principal of; and inlerest on, the debt evidenoed by t11e Nota and nny prepayment <br /> charges and late charges due under Che Note. Borrower ahall also pay fiuids for Esarow Items pursnant to <br /> Section 3. Psymenl's due under the Note and fhie Sccurity Instrument ahall be mada in U.S, currency. <br /> H,owever, if any cheok or ntihor-inst�wnant received by Lender as payment under f1�e Note or Yliia Security <br /> Insenunont is returneci to Lender unpaid, Leuder may xequire that any or all subsequenl payments due under <br /> the Note and Cliis SecLuity Instrwnent be v�ado in one ar more of the followiug forma, as seleoted by Lender: <br /> (a) casl�; (b)money order; (c) certifiecl eheok, bank cl�eck, t�easw�er's ohecic or cashier'e cheok, provided any <br /> such check ie drawn upov �r1 institution whose deposit�are insw ed by a federal agency, Inshwnentality, or <br /> entity; or (d)Eleck•onic Funde 7'ransfer. <br /> Payments �re deemed received by Lander when received at the location designa6ed in tlie Nota or at such <br /> oYhe�'location ae may be designated by Lender in aecoxdanoe wiU�tha notice provisions In Scotion 15. <br /> Lender v2ay rotum any paymenC or ptu�lial payment if tl�e paymeut or parCfial payments tu•e insufGciont to <br /> bring the Loan curront. I;euder inay accept.amy payine:nt c�r partial payment ivsuf6oieut Co Uring the Loan <br /> curxeut, without waiver of tury righte hexeunder or prejudice Lo its riglrts to refirae euch payincnt or partial <br /> payn�ents in the future, but Lender is not obligated to apply suoh pay�onts at flia time such payit�ente are <br /> accept�d. IP each Neriodic Payment ie applied as of its scheduled due date, uhen Lendar need not pay interest <br /> on unapplied fimds. Lendcr tnay hold euch unapplied Pund�uukil Borrower mnkes payments to Uring the <br /> T.oau current. If Borrower doce not do so within a reasonnble period of time, Lender sl�nll cither apply such <br /> fimde or retiun them to Borrower. If not applied eulier, ench funds will be apj�lied to the onCafanding <br /> prineipal b�lancc�mider tha NoYe immediately prior to£oreclosw•e. No ofPFct or clann wlrich Borrower rnighf <br /> have now or in tlie future against Londcr sl�all relieve Barrower from makiug payments due under tlie Note <br /> and this Sectvity Instrmnent or performing 11ie covenanTs aaid agreemente sccured Uy thie Security <br /> Instruuient. <br /> 2. Application of Payments or Proceeds. Eaccept ae otl�er�vise described in this SecYion 2, all payments <br /> acceptcd aaid applied by Lender ahall Ue applied in the following order of priority: (a) interest due widar the <br /> Note; (b)priucipal due under the NoCe; (c) amomrte due under Seotion 3. 3uch pa�nnents shatll be npplied to <br /> each Perioclic Pay�nent in the order in wtvch it becamc ciue, tliry remeining zmowrte shall be applied Grst to <br /> lata charges, seeond to any other amounts due under ulus SecLu•ity InsGument, �uid tlion to reduca the <br /> principal balance of the Nohe. <br /> If Lender xeeeives n paymont from$on•ower frn•�delinquent Periodic PaymenC which includes a suf6cient <br /> amount to pay any late chnrge duc, tha paymcut inay be applied to the delinquent p�ymenC and the late <br /> charge. If mure than ona Periodio PaqmenC ie outstauding, Lencler m1y apply any payment reoeived fi•oin <br /> Borrower to the repayinent of the Periodic Pnyn�enfs if, ai�d to fhe extent Cliae, eacli p�yineut can be pnid in <br /> fud. 'Co tlae axtent that 2ny exoess oxists after Uia payment is applied to the full paymeuC of oue or mora <br /> Periodic Pay�ne��ts, sncli excese may be appliod to any late ohazgea dua, Vpluutary prepaymenfs shall be <br /> applied first Co any prep��mient clku•ges nnd then ae deac��ibed in the Note. <br /> 24003235 <br /> NEBf+ASKA 9in91eFamIly�FannleA4eelFreddleA7ac UNIfORA7 INSTRUMf:NT Form 3028 1/07 <br /> ��P� VM P6�NE)(1105) <br /> Wdtera Klmver flnanclal Sorvices Pape 4 of 17 <br />
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