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201211203 <br /> req�tired Uy RESPA, nnd Borrower sl�all pay tio Lcudcr the amounf necessary to make up fhe�deftciencp in <br /> accord�noe wifh RESPA, but in no anore than 12 monthly paymeuts. <br /> LTpon paqmurt in ftill af all etime sceured by Yhie 3e�urity Iust�umenY, Lender s1�a11 promptly refund to <br /> Borrower nny Punds held by Lender. <br /> 4, Charges; Liens. Sorrower shall pay all taxes, assaeainents, charges, fines, and impositions attributable [o <br /> tlie Property which oat� attain priority over Chis Security InetrumenC, ]c�asehold paymenfs or ground rents au <br /> tihc Yroperty, if any, nnd Community AesooiaCioil Dues, Fees, and Asaessineuts, iY any. To Che cxtent thak <br /> these i'tcros are Escrow Ifems; Rorrower shall pay thc,�n 'tu the manner provided in Section 3. <br /> Borrower shall promptly discharge any lien which has priority over thi� Securitg Instniment unlese <br /> Borrower: (a) agrees in vn�iting to Che payment of the obligncinn secmed by the lien in a inamier acceptable <br /> to Lender, but only so 1ong as Borrower is�crfonning such ngreemcnt; (b)contests the 1{eir iu good#'aith Uy, <br /> or c3efeucis againsY enforceix�c�nt of the lien in, lagal prc�ccedings which in Lender's oginion operafe t�preVent <br /> Che enPorccme��f of the lien while those proceedings are pending, but only un61 such proceedings ere <br /> concladed; or(c}secures from the holder of tha lien an agreemenC saHsfactory, to Lender subordinating the <br /> lien to this Security InsCrument. [f Lander determines that any part of Che Pro��erty is subject to a lien whicl� <br /> oan attain priority over this Security InstrtamenE, Lender may give Borrower a noticc identifying the lien. <br /> Witt�in 10 days of the date on wlucl�that notica is given, Borrowc�-sha11 satisfy the lien or take one or mor� <br /> oP the aotions sct farth aUove in this Section 4, <br /> Lender may cequire Borrower Co pay a one-time chnrge for a roal estate tax veri$ontion and/or reporting <br /> sexvice used by I,euder in connection wiCh this 'J.oan. <br /> 5. Property Insuranae. Borrower shnlll<ec��the impirovements now oxisting or hereafter erected on the <br /> Property insuxed against loss Uy fire, hazards incl�idecl within the tecm"extended coverage," nnd eny othor <br /> hazards including, Uuti voS limited to, earthquakea nnd floods, fior which Lender reqLures insLirauce. This <br /> insLva��co shall Ue maintained in fhe z�nounts(including deciuc[ible]cvel�) and for the periods Hiat Lendei <br /> requixes. Wl�at I.ende��reqiures pureuAnt to Cl�e preceding sentances enn chat2go diu�ing tl�e Cerm of Che Loan. <br /> The insuranoe parrier providing the insucanee shall bc chosen by Porrower subject to Lender's right to <br /> disapprove Boxrower's choica, whicli right shnll not be exorcised unreasonably. Lender may reqnire <br /> 13orrower tio pay, in oomieclion with d�is Loau, either: (a)a ou�time charge for flood zone detu•minatio�i, <br /> eertifica[ion uid tracking servioas; or(b) a one-t�imo cha��ge for flood zone determinafion anci cartificetion <br /> services �nc] siibsequent charges each ti�ne remapping�or si�ni1ar chaaiges occur which r�asonaUly iuight <br /> affect such datarminfltiari or certification. Tiorrower shall nlao be responsiUle for tlia payment of any fees <br /> imposed l�y tho Fedei��a1 Einargency Iuian�gement A�ency in connecCion with Y1�a rcview of auy 41ooc1 zone <br /> cletermination Tesulting fic�n�an objection by Borrower. <br /> If Borrower fails fo maintain any of the covexagea descri6cd above, Lencler may obtain insueauce coverage, <br /> at 1'.ender's option end Borrower's oxpense. Lender is under no obligation to purchase�ny particular type or <br /> amount of coverage. TherePara, euch coverage sl�all oover Lender, but might c�r n�ight noC protect Borrower, <br /> Borrower's eq�iity in the Properry, ox the aontonts of the Property, againsY nny rislc, hazard or liability And <br /> might provide greater or 1esser coverage thau wna previously in affeet. Borrower nclmowledgas that the coaC <br /> of Yhe insm�ance ooverage so obtained might significnutly excecd the cost o£iustuance that Borrowor could <br /> have oUtainad. Any nmounts disburscd by Lender mider this Section 5 sl�all Uecome additionnl debt aF <br /> Borrower scciired by this Seeurity Instrmnent. '1'l�ese amounts shA11 bear int€resC at tho Note rate from the <br /> date of diaUuise�nenf Fuid shall Ue pay�Ule, wikh suoh inCerest, upon notice from Lender fo Borrower <br /> ret�uesCing payment. <br /> zaoaazas <br /> NE�RASKA-Sin�le Family-Pannle MeelFretltlle Mac ONIPORM MSTRUMFNT Fonn 3020 U01 <br /> VM P(ry VM Pfl(NB)(1106). <br /> W ofte�s I<hn9 er Finanolel 3ervicee Pege 6 of 71 <br />