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201211203 <br /> deaignated a suUst�tute nolice address by noticc to 1�ndei. Borrower shall promptly notify Lende�'of <br /> Borrower's ckiange of address. Pf Lender epecifies a procedwe for reporting Borrower's change of address, <br /> theu Horrowar shall only reporL a cl�ange of address through�liat specified procedure. <br /> fhere�nay be only one designated nr�tice address under tlus Seourity Instrmnent At any ovc time. Auy uotice <br /> fo Lendc�r s1�a11 be given Uy delivering if or by mailiug it by firat class inai] to I�ender's addxess sl'aled l�crein <br /> unless Lender has designated auoihar address hy noticc tc�Rorrower. Any nofica iii oonuection wiYh this <br /> Seourity Instrument sh�ll not Ue deemed to have beeri given to T,ender until actually received Uy L ender. TP <br /> az1y notice required Uy this Security Tnstrwnent ie also xeqnired under Applicable Law, Cho App1icable Law <br /> roc�uire�nent wilT satiePy the ooxresponding requiremant under this Sec�u�ity Tustrument. <br /> 16. Governing Law p 50verability; Rules of ConstYUCtion. Thie Security InsCtwnent shnll be goven�ed Uy <br /> federal law and tUc law of the jurisdiction in whioh El�e Property is located. All rights and obligationa <br /> contained in this Seourity InstrLiment ace subject to mry requirements and limitationa of App1icable I,aw. <br /> Applicable Law might explioiCly�or in�plioitly allow the parties to agrec by confii•acf or it inighC be ailcnt, but <br /> suoh silenoc tihall not Ue conatrued ns a prohibitioi�against agreement by confsact. 'In the event thnt�t�y <br /> provision or olause of Chis Sccurity InsU'mnent or fhe NoCe con#licts with Applieable Law, such confliet shall <br /> tiot affeat oYhar provisions of lhie Sccurity histrument ar the Nofe which cui Ue given effece wiChout Yl�e <br /> oonflicting provision. <br /> As used in thie Seourity Inetrument; (a)woxde of the masouliYie gender shall mean uid include corresponding <br /> nauier�+ords or words of the feuiini��e gendei; (U)words in the aingtlar s1�a11 mea�i and inolude the plural <br /> and vice verea; and (c) the word °n��y" gives sole discreCion without nny obligatiou to take any action. <br /> 17. Borrower's Copy. Borrower shall be givon one copy of the Note and oPtl�is Seourity Iuatrwxient. <br /> 18. Transfer of 4he ProperYy or a Beneficial Interes4 in Florrow er. As usc;d in this Section 18, "InteresU in <br /> tho Yroperty" n2eu�s any legal or beneffoial inlereEt in thc Property, inoluding, but iioC]imitcd to, those <br /> benefioial inderest.9 fraUsfe��red in a bond for deed, contraot£or deed, indtallment sales contreot or eaorow <br /> agreement, the intent of which is Y1�o t��at�sfer of tiCle Uy Borrower At a fuhue dafe to a purchasar. <br /> If nll or any park of thc Yroperty or auy Interest in the Propexty is aold or h�anyferred(or ii'Borrower is not a <br /> natural person and a bencficia] inEerest in Borrower is salcl or trnnsferred)wiLhout Ler�dc�'a prior writCen <br /> consent, Lender may require iirunediate payment in full aP all sums secured by tl�is Security Ins[rnment. <br /> Howev�•, this option sliall noti Ue axercisu1 by Lender if such exercise is prohiUited Up Applicable Law. <br /> lf I.ender exescises this option, LeudeA� shall give Boxxower notioe of acccicration. The notice ehall provide a <br /> period oP not less thttn 30 days fibm the date the noCice is given in nccordance wilh Section 15 within which <br /> Borrower mttst pny a11 snms sectu'eci by Chis 5ecurity Inetr�nnent. IF Borrower fails to pay these sutne pciox Co <br /> the expiration of'this period, Lender may inwke any remedies penni4ted Uy this Secnrity InstrmnanE wiY$out <br /> furCher noCico or danand ou Borrower. <br /> 19. Borrower's Right to Reinstate After Acceleration. IfBorrower meets ccrtain conditions, Borrower <br /> shall havc tl�e r•ight to have euforcement of tl�is Secm•it�y Hist��ument cliecontimied nC any timc prior to tlie <br /> earliest oP: (a}Pive days boforo salc oF the Property pursuant Co any power of snle eontained in fhis Security <br /> Instrutnent, (b) sueki other period as Applioable might specify fo� the terininaYion of Borrower's right to <br /> reinstata; a� (o) entry of a judgment enforcing this SeouriLy Inst�•ument. 'C1�ose conditions are Uiat Borrower: <br /> (a)pays'Leuder all sume which than would ba due under thie Security InsfrmnenL and thc Note au if no <br /> aoceleraCion haci occ�irrEd; (b) c�irca airy dofault of any ofller covenurts or a�greemente; (o)pays all expemaes <br /> inourred ln enforcing this Securidy Inst�lunenf, inchxding, but not]imiccd to, reasonable attorneys' fees, <br /> property inspectioii aud valuation laes, aud oYher feas inemred far the putpose oP�rotcctiiig Le�idor's inter•oyt <br /> zaaoazae <br /> NEBRA9KA-3ingle femlty-Fannle M ealFreddle Mac 11NfFORM INSTRUFh FNT Form 3028 1/tl1 <br /> VMP� ' VMP6NE) 7106) <br /> Wolters Kluwer Flnanciel9ervlaes P�e 12 of 17 <br />