<br /> in the Property and rights under this Security Insh'un�cnt; and(d)takes auch action as Lender inay
<br /> reasonably require to asa'uro tl�at,Lender's interest iu the Property and rights under this Secutify T��strument,
<br /> and Ronnwer's obligakion to pay the aums securad by tliis Securily Inshruni�nit, sl�all continue unch�nged.
<br /> Lende�'may require that Borrower pay suoh ren�statcment sums and expenaes in one or more of the f'ollowing
<br /> forme, as selecCed by Lender: (a) cash; (b)money order; (c) cc;rtified check, bank chwk, Creasuror's checic or
<br /> casluer's check, provided any suc11 cheok is drawn upon an ins6iEution whose deposits are insured by a
<br /> Federal agency, instxnmenCality or cntity; or(d)L�leatronic P'imds Tranefer. Upon reinst�tement by Borrowcr,
<br /> tliis Security Histrwnent nnd obligntions su;ur�ed hereUy shall remnin fully effcc;tive as if no acceler�tion had
<br /> occurred. However, this right to reinatate shall not apply in the case of ncoeleration w�cier Section 18.
<br /> 20. Sale of Note; Change of Loan Servicer; Notice of Grievance. The Note or a pa�tial interest in the
<br /> Nota(togethex with this Seeurity inst�umant) can ba sold one or more times without prior notice ka
<br /> Borrower. A sale might result in a changc iu the entity(lmown as the °Loan Servicer") tl�at collects Periodic
<br /> Paytnents due under the Note and tliis Secnrity Instrumc��t aud perf'orins other mortgage loan servicing
<br /> obligationa under the NoYc, this Security Instrument, and Applicablc Law. There also might Ue one or more
<br /> ol�aaigas of tha LoAu Servioer imrel�ted to a sale of the Note. I£there is a change of the Loazi Servicex,
<br /> }3orrower will ba given written notice oP the change wluch will state the name and address of the new Lonn
<br /> Servicer, the acidress to wluch payments should be madc and any other inPonnation RL+SPA reyuires in
<br /> connection wiCh a notice of travsf'er of seivieing. IP flie Notc is sold and thereafter the Loan is serviced by a
<br /> Loun Servicer oCher ihan tlie p�ucha5er of tlie Note, Uie mortgn�e loan servicing obligationa to Borrower wlll
<br /> remain with the Lonn Sexvioer or bc t��ausferred to a succassor Loan Seroicer and are not assLuned by the
<br /> Note purchasar unless otherwisa provided by the Noto pw�chaser.
<br /> Noithor Bonower nor Lender may corrunence, join, or Un joined to any,judieial aotion(as eilher an
<br /> individnal litigant c�r tl�o me�nber of a class)thttY nriaes from the oLhcr party'a aofions pursuant to this �
<br /> Security Instrum€nt or thaC alleges tl�at tlie other paa'ty has Urenched tmy provision of, c�r any duCy owed by
<br /> reason of, this Security Inst�umene, nnSil such Borrower or Lendar l�ns notified the other pardy(with such
<br /> vatice given in coinpliulce with the rEquireinenfs oP Section 15) of such alleged breach and �tfforded Che
<br /> other party hereto a reasonaUle periocl after the giving of suoh notice to Yal<e correctiva action. If Applicable
<br /> Law provides a tiine pc�riod w.hich nmst elapse before eertflin ection oan be talcen, that time pariod wiR Ue
<br /> deemed to be reasonable for purposes of t1�is paragraph. Tha notice of ncceleration and opporC�mity to cure
<br /> givc�l to Borrower pursua�rt to Seotion 22 and the notice of nr,celeraCion gioen to Borrower pw�euant to
<br /> Section 18 sball bc dccmcd to aafirfy tl�e no{ice and opportuuity to tnke coireotive aotion proviaions of this
<br /> SecYion 20.
<br /> 21. Mazardous Substances. As used in Cl�is Seotic�n 2L• (a) "'H'azardous SatbsP,ances"are those substances
<br /> datined as toxic or hazardous substancea, pollutants, or wasces by�nvirorm�ontal La�u aitd the following
<br /> suUstances: gasoline, lcerosene, other fluxunaUle or toxic pettroleum produots, toxic pesticides and horUicides,
<br /> volatile solvents, matevials containing asbeetos or formaldehyda, and radiotictive mnteri�ls; (6)
<br /> "Envtronmental Law°u�e�ns federal lawe and 1aws of tha,jurisdiction where Uie Property is locttted that
<br /> relate to lie�lth, safety or environmental proteotion; (c) "Erzm:ronnaental Clennu�"includes any response
<br /> action, rainedial action, or removal nction, ns defuied in Envirorunent�l Law; and(d) an "E'nvironmentad
<br /> Conditton"means a condifion H�at can cause, contribute to, or otherwise higger an Enviromnental Cleanup.
<br /> Borrower shall not cause or permit the presence, usa, disposal, storage, or release of eny II�z�rdous
<br /> Substances, or fliretrten Ca relenae any Hazardoua Suhstances, on or in tl�e Property. Borrower shall not clo,
<br /> nor a11ow anyone else to do, anytivng affecting the Propertg(a) tHaf is in violaCion�f aiiy L�nvironmcntal
<br /> Law, (b)which creates an Rnviromnental Condition, or(o)wlilch, due to the preaence, use, ox release aF a
<br /> Hazardous Sabstancq croates a condition thut ruiversely affects Uia value of the Property. The preceding two
<br /> 2A003235
<br /> NEBRqSKA-Single Fam ily-Fennle MI aelFredtlie M nc UNIFORM INSTRUM ENT f-orm 3020 1l07
<br /> VNI P(� VM11P6(NE)(1 f 051
<br /> '.Mollers KW�.v ef Flnanclal Servlces Page 13 of 1 Y
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