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201211203 <br /> 72. Borrower Not Released; Forbearance By Lender Not a Waiver. Hxtenslon of the timefor payment or <br /> modification oP amortization of the auma secured hy this Sectuity Inatnu��ent grantied by Lender Co Botrower <br /> or uly,Suecessor in Iiitesest of Borrower shall not operate tcr release the liability of Borrower or nny <br /> Successors in [nterest of Borrower. Lendcr ehall not ba required Eo c;ntnmenee proceedinga against any <br /> Successor in InCerust of Borrower or to refiise Co cxiend time f'or payment or otherwise modify�morcizatioi� <br /> of Uie swns secured by lliis Securiry I�istrument by reason of ury demand made by the original Borrower or <br /> any Successors iu Interesf oP Bc�rrower, t�iy forbenrnnce hy Lender in exercising any riglit or retnedy <br /> includimg, withoat limitation, Lendcr'n acceptance of pnyments fi•om third persona, enlities or Successors in <br /> InCeresC of Bon�ower or in alnouuhs less than flie amounC then duo, shall uot be a waiver of or��reclude tlae <br /> exercise of a�ry right or remedy. <br /> 13. Joint and Several Liability; Co-signers; Successors and Assigns Bound. Rorrower covennnts and <br /> a�,n�ees that Borrowex's obligatiions uid liability shnll Ue joint and several. However, any T�orrowar who <br /> oo-eigns this Security Instrument buS docs not execute tlie Note(a"co-siguer"): (a) is co-sign'vig this <br /> Security Insla-��ment only to mortgftge, gran6 end convcy the co-signer'e interest in the Property under t4�e <br /> Yerms of tlus Seourity Instrnmont; (U) is not peraonnlly obligaYc:d to pay 11ie eums sec�ired Uy tlus Security <br /> Inetruinent; a��d(c} agrees thak Lender and any other Borrower can agrca to extend, modify, PurUcar or inalce <br /> any accommodations with regnrd to the Cerins of fliis Security TnstrumenC or the NoCe withont the casigner'4 <br /> consenC. <br /> SuUjccf to the provisions of SecCion I R, aiiy Successor in InCeresC oP Borrower who aesumes Borrowoe's <br /> obligations Lmder Uiis Sacurity InelriunenC in writing, and is approveci by Leuder, sliall oUtain nll of <br /> Borrower's righCs and benefits under this Securi[y Iustruuicnt. T3orrower shall not be relcased from <br /> Borrower's obligations aud liability mider Uus Security Inslnunenti unless Lender ngrees to auch rolcaso in <br /> wriYing, The covevants and agreements of flzis Security Inatrwnent ehall bind(exce}rt as provided in Section <br /> 20) and bene�t tho sLiecessors and assigns of Lender. <br /> 1 ti. Loan Charges. 'I,endei inay charge Boxrower tees for services perf'omied in connechion wiNi Borrower's <br /> default, for Cha purpaso of proteoting Lender's inYereat in the Property and rights mider tlris Sectvity <br /> Inskument, inoluding, buY not limited to, attorueys' fees, properly inspection and valuation feea In regard to <br /> any other F�ea, the absenoe of oxpress authority in t7�is Secmity Inahwi�eut to charge a specific fee to <br /> Borrower shall not be eonstrued as a prohibition on tlie charging of sueh fee. Lender n�ay not cliarge iees <br /> LhaC are expressly prol�iUited by this Seourity InaCrumant ox by Ap�licable Law. <br /> If tl�e Loan is suUject to a law which sets maximum loen otiarges, and that law is finally niterpreted so thnt <br /> the interest or o6kier loan chargav nollected or to be collec{ed vi conneciion wifh CYie I,oan nxceed the <br /> �ermitted limits, then: (a) atty auch lonn charge shall be reduced by tixe amount neaessary to reduce the <br /> charge t�� the�etznitted lnnit; and(b) viy smns Already colleoted fram Borrowcr�vhicP�e,cceeded permittad <br /> limits will be refunded tio Borrowcr. Lender may choose to uiaka thfs refund by reducu�g the�principal owed <br /> undar Ylie Note or hy making n clirecC payinant w Borrowcr. If a refund reduces principnl, the reciuction�vill <br /> be teeated as a partial prepayment without fury prepnyinenC nhargo(whether or not a prepayment charge is <br /> pr�vided for under Uie Note). Borrower's ncceptnnce of any such refund madc Uy dii�ect payment to <br /> Bonrowor will constituto a waivei•of auy right of aotion Borirower might have arising out of euoh ovaral»cge. <br /> 15. NoYices. All notices give�i by Borrower or Lender in conneetion cvith thie Security his4�ument inust ba in <br /> wriCing. Any noLrco to Bon ower in comiection with tl�is Sectu'ity Instrument shall ba deemed to l�ave Uceu <br /> given to Barrower whem m�iled by firet class mail or whon xctually delivered to Boixower's notiee address if <br /> sent Uy other mea�is. Notice to tuiy ane Borrower shnll constihite noCicc�to all B�rrowers uriless Applicable <br /> Law expressly rcqti�ires otlierwise. The�aotice adclress shall Ue Yhe Property Addcess imleas I3arrower has <br /> 24003235 <br /> NEBRASKA-Singla Famlly-Fannle Mae/Fretltlle Mac UNIFORM INSTRIJM ENT Form 3028 1 f07 <br /> VM P� VM PB(N6)(t 106) <br /> Wolters Kluwer Financinl Servlcea Page 11 of 17 <br />