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201211203 <br /> sati�facfion,pcovided tliat such inspection sl�all be imdertakeii prompt�ly, Londer m�y pay for the repaire <br /> and reetorntion in a single disbursement or in a seriea of progress paynnenta as the work is compleYsd. <br /> Unless an agreemenC ia made in writing or Applicable Law requireF interast to be paid on suoh <br /> Mi�cellaneous Proceeds, Lender ahall not ho rcquired to pay Borrower nny intcrest or earnings on such <br /> Miscellaneou�Proceeds. If tha restoration or repair is not economically fensible or Lendar's sccw�ity would <br /> be lessened, the Misccllaneous Proceeds shall be applied Co thc sums seoured by this Securi6y H�strument, <br /> whether or not then due, with the excess, if any, paid to Borrower. Sucli M�scella�ieous Proceeds akiall he <br /> applied in theoriler provided for in Sectirn2 2. <br /> In the event of a fota] falzing, destiuction, or loss in value of Che Properry, Y1ie Miecellaneous Proeeeds shall <br /> Ue applied to the sums seoured Uy fhis Security Instrtunent, whether or not thc;n due, with the exeess, if nny, <br /> paid to Borrower. <br /> Iu the evont of a partial ta1<ing, dastraotion, or loss in valuo of the Yroperty in which the£air mnckeC vahio of <br /> tha Property irtunediaCely bofore tl�e partial fakiug, destruction, or IosG in vahie is equal Co or greater th�i Che <br /> ailiouut oF 11ae smns secured by Chis Seourity Insh��unent iiwneciiately before the partial tald�tg, destruction, or <br /> loss in value, unless Borrowar and Lender otherwise agree in vrriting, the sums seoiu�eci by(his Security <br /> Instrumant shall Ue redu�ed by the aanount of the Miscellaneoue Proceeds multiplied by the following <br /> fraction: (a)Ehe to4�l arnount o£the smns seotu'ed 3mmediately before the partial taking, deatruction, or loss <br /> in value divided by(6) Che f�ir marlcet value of the Property lrmnediatzl}�beforo tlie pa��tial taking, <br /> destruction, or loss in vnlne. Any balancc shall be paid to Borrower. <br /> In the event oP a pnrtinl tnldng, destruction, or]oss iu value of the Property in wl�ich the fair market value of <br /> the Yroperry hmnecliately before the pnrtinl Caldng, dcst��uction, or loss in value is less thnn Hxe mi�ount of tho <br /> sums secured immediate1y Uefore the partial CTking, destxuction, or loes in value, unless Borrower nnd <br /> Lender othe�•wise agree in wriCing, tho 1Vliscella�ieous Proceeds shall Ue applied to the sums eccured by flus <br /> Secw�ity Instrunlent whetlier or not the ewns are Chen duo, <br /> If the Property ie a6vidoned by Burnowcr, or if, after notice by Lender to Borrower fhaC ehe Opposing Party <br /> (as dafined in the next sentenoe) offexs Co make an award to settle a claim f'or damages, Boxxower fail� to <br /> respond to Lender within 30 daye aft�r the dnte the notioe is givcn, Lender is authorized Yo collect And apply <br /> the Miscellaa�eous Proceeds eitiher to resCoratiou or repftir of the Property or to tho etuns secnred by this <br /> Security InsYrwnent, whether or noc hhen due. "Oppos3ng Party" ineans Uia thiid pnrty that owes Bo�rower <br /> Miscellc�neons Proceeds or the party against whom Borxower has a xigltt of action in ragard to Misoellaxieous <br /> Proceeds. <br /> Borrower shall ho in dof�ult if aiiy action or proceeding, whether civil or criininal, ia begun that, in Le�ider's <br /> juclgment, eoulc1 reault in forl'eihire of lhe Property or other material impairment oF Lender'a interest in the <br /> Yroparty or rights wider this Security Instrument. Borrower ann cure such a deFault and, if acceleration hna <br /> occurred, rein�tate as provided in Section 19, by causing the action or proceeding to be dismissul with a <br /> ruling that, in Londor's,judgtneirt,preclucles forPaiiw�e ot'the Property or other mateYial impainn�nt of <br /> Lender's intereaf in the Proporry or rights under tl�is Seca�ity Instrument. Theprooeeds of any award or <br /> olAim for damages thnk are attribuCable to Che impair�noilt of Lemder's intarest in Eha Proparty are hereby <br /> assigned anft slrall be paid to Lender. <br /> All Miscellaueous Proceeds that [u�e not npplied co restoraCion or ropair of the'Property sliall Ue applied in the <br /> oedor provaded fot in Section 2. <br /> 24003236 <br /> NEBRASICA�Single Famlly-Pannle A7ae(Redtlle A7ac 11NIFORPA INSTRl1M[NT Form 3020 1/a1 <br /> VMP(y VA7PG(NC)(7106) <br /> Walters Kluwer Flnanciel3arvlces Pnge 70 of 17 <br />