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201211194 <br /> required hy it�SPA, and Botrower shall pay to Le�Tder the ainount neoeasecg Co makc up the deficiency iu <br /> a000rdanco with KR,SPA, buC in no more thau 12 monChly payments. <br /> Upon pa}nnent in full of'all smns secured by this Security Instrtiiment, Lender shell prompCly refund to <br /> Borrower v�y F�mcls 1�e1d Uy Lender. � <br /> 4. Charges; Liens. Borrower shall p�y�11 taxea, asFessn�c,�its, charges, finas, aud impoaitions aklri6uCaUlc t'o <br /> Che Proporty which can attain priority over this Seourity Inslruui�,-nt, lexsahold payments or gconnd rents on <br /> the ProperCy, if any, and Com�muiity Association Dues, Pees, and Asso.semonts, if eny. To tha extent that <br /> these items tu•e Escrow ICems, Borrowcr shall pay them iu Y1ie inumer provicled in Sectron 3. <br /> Borrower shall pcon�pCly diechargc any lian wl�ich has priorlty over this Seonri�ty Instrwnent unless <br /> Borrower: (aj a�;reee in wriCing tio the payment of the obligalion secwrod by the lien in a mumer acceptnble <br /> to Lender, I�ut only so long as Borrower is perfonning suoh agreement; (b)oonCe.sts tlie liet� in good faitli Uy, <br /> or defends againt enforceinent of the lien in, lcgal proceedings which in Lender's opiuion opetafe fo prcvci�t <br /> the enfm cement of the lien while those proceedi�igs are peuding, Uut only uaitil such procaedings �u•e <br /> oonaluded; or(c) sccures fi�om tlie holder of tha lien an ng•eement satisfactory to Lende�subordinaling the <br /> lien to Chis Security Instrun�e��t. If Lcnde�'determines tl�at anq pert of the Property is euUjeot to a lien wl�ich <br /> can attain priority over this Sacm'ily In�trument, Ler�de���nay give Rorrower fl notiee identifyn�g t'he lic��. <br /> WiUiin 10 days of tho data on which thnt notice is givcn, I3orrower shall satisfy the lien or take one or more <br /> of tho actions set forth abova in Yhis Section 4. <br /> Lender lnay reqnire Borrower Co pay a one-time charge for n re�.-tl eslatic�tax verificakiou and/or raporting <br /> seivice used by Lender in connoction wifli this Loan. <br /> 5. PropeYty Insurance, Borrower shall lceep tha improvemenYs uow existiug or her�ffer erected an thc <br /> Property irrsured againet losa by Cre, haz�rds included�vithui the tenn"extended coverage,° nnd eny olher <br /> l�azacds including, but not limited to, earthquakee a�id tloods, For whicl� Lendar reqniree insurance. This <br /> rnsLiru�ce shull Ue maintained in the aznounts (including deductible levels) avd for thc pe�iods tUnt Lender <br /> requires. What Lender reqnires pursuant to tiha preoeding seutences oan ohange duruig fho Ccrm of ihc Loan. <br /> The inai�ranoe c�riu��pmviding tho ineuranc�sl�all Ue chosen by Borrower subjecY to Lender's righC to <br /> clisapprove Borrower's choioe, which righC slaall not Uc czcrcincd unreasonaUly. Lender may require <br /> Borrower to pay, in connection with tliie Loan, eithex: (a) a ane-6iine charge for flood wne detemunation, <br /> certificatian and ttaeking sexvices; or(6) a one-Cimo charge for flood zone detennination uic�eertiflcntion <br /> services �uid subsequent chflrgea each time remappiugs or aunilar ohanges oocm�which roasot�ably nvglat <br /> aPFect such dctertnination or certification, I3orrowe� shall also Ue r8sponsible for the payment of nny fee� <br /> imposed by Che P'edernl Emergency Manage�nont Agcncy in connectiott with the reviaw o£any flood sone <br /> detarininafion rasulting froin an objection by I3orrower. <br /> If Borrower fnils to maintnin nny of the coverages described abovc, Londer n�ay oUtain iusuravice covarage, <br /> at Lender's option aud Borrower'a expenae. Lender ia under no obligalion to purchase any particular type or <br /> amount of covarage. Therefore, such covaraga shall cover Lender, but might or might not proteot Borrower, <br /> Borro��er's equily in thc Property, or tho contents of the Propexty, against any risk, hazead or liability and <br /> might provide greater or lesser covernge tihlu was previously in effect. Borrower ac1<nowledges that t7�e cost <br /> of Uie inswauce coverage so obtiained inighY eignificautly exeeed the cost of inauranoe LhnC Borrower cotdd <br /> have oUCaiucd. Any amounts disUursed l�y I,ender mider tl�is SecCion 5 shall beoome additionzd deUt oF <br /> Borrower seoured by this Security Instruinenl. These ainounte nl�all bcar itrterest at the,Note iafe froin khe <br /> da�te of disbursement uid shall be payable, with eueh interest, upon notice from Lencier to Bon�ower <br /> rcqt�esting paymenf. <br /> 2-0003210 <br /> Nf-9RASICA�SIngleFemityfannia MoslFretldieMac UMf-ORM INSTRUMENT Form 3020 7f01 <br /> VM P O VMPB(N6)(1106) <br /> Wolters Kluw er Flnonclal Servloes Nsge e ot 17 <br />