<br /> Any�tpplication of'payinants, insura�ace proceeds, or Miscellaneous Pxoceeds Co princlpal due imdcr the Nota
<br /> sl�all nnt extiend or p�stpone tha dnc dato, or change the amount, oF 11ie Pariodic Payments.
<br /> S. F'm�ds fnr L�'scrow,i#ems. Borrower sha11 pay to Lender on tha day Periodic Pay�menta ere due under the
<br /> Note, unCil the Note is paid in full, a ew��(the "FLmds") to provide for payinent of ainounfs due for: (a)taxes
<br /> and assessmenta nnd other items whioh can aClain priority over thie Sccurity lnsh�tuneilt as a Han or
<br /> encmnbrence on the Property; (b) leasehold payme��ta or ground rents on fhe Property, if any; (c) pr�emiwns
<br /> for any vid all insuraaica requireci Uy Lender under Section 5; antl(d)Mortgage Insurance preiniun�s, if any;
<br /> or any surne payavle by Bou•owc�'to l.ande��in]ie�x of tLe payment oY Mortgage Insurauae preiniutns in
<br /> accoxdance with the provisions of Seckion 10. These items 2re ealled"�scrow]tems." At origination or at
<br /> axiy Yime dw-ing the term of tl�e Loan, Lender tnay reqtxire that Coinmuuity Aasooiation Dues, Pees, and
<br /> Assessmenha, iP any, 6e escrowed by Borrower, and euch dues, fu.s aud asscssments shall be an Fscrow
<br /> Item. Borrower shall promptly Furniali to Lender all uoYicea of nmounts to be paid under lhis Seotion,
<br /> Borrower shall pay Lender the Faids f'or�scrow Iterns unless Lender waives Borrower's obligntion to pay
<br /> th�Funds for any or all F'scroW Items. ].ender mety wuve Borrowar'� obligation to pay to Lender Funds for
<br /> any or all Escrow iticn�s at any tinio. Any such waiver may nnly bc in writinb. ,ln the event of such waiver,
<br /> Borrow�r shall pay direcLly, when tuid where payable, the tunonnts due for any Escrow$ems for wl�ich
<br /> payment of Punila has been waived by Leuder end, if Lender requires, ehall furnish to Lender reoeip[a
<br /> evidencing such payment within such time period as Lendei may require. Borrower's obligation to make
<br /> such payments and to provicle reeeipts s1�a11 for all purpo�aa bo deeincd to bc a covanant and abn�eeinent
<br /> cont�nined in lhis Securily InsCitunent, as fhe phrnse"covenant end agreement" is used in 5ec�i�on 9. If
<br /> Borrower is obligatad ta pay Escrow Iteins directly, pw�suant to a waiver, and Borrower fails to pny Cha
<br /> amount due for an Escrow [tem, Lcndcr may cxercisc it�rights undcr Sectir�n 9 and pay such amount and
<br /> Bocrower shall Chen be obligated under Section 9 to repay to Lender any such amount. Lender may xevoka
<br /> the waiver ae to ang or all Escrow Items at any time by a notice given in eccordaaica wifh Seotiau 15 aud,
<br /> upon euch reeocation, Borrower shall pay to Lender all Fuuds, and in such aanowrts, thaE are fl�en required
<br /> under this Section 3.
<br /> Lender u�ay, at uiy tiime, collect and hold Funds in an amoLutt(a) sufficient to permit l,ender to apply the
<br /> Funds at the time spccifiecl undcr KESYA, und(b)not Co exceed the n��ziniuii�a�2�o�mt a lendar can rcquirc
<br /> under R�SPA. Lender shnll es[inznte the amount of Punds due on tk�e bnsis of current dAtn uid reasosklUle
<br /> oatimates of oxpendihu'es of futuro Escrow Itcros or otherwise in�ecord2nce with A�plicable Law,
<br /> 1'he Funds sl�all bc held in an inetihition who�o deposite u�e insured by a federal agency, instruv�anCality, or
<br /> en[ity(inchicling Lender, if Leuder is an instihition whose depoeits nre so insured) ox in nny FederAl IIome
<br /> Loan Bank. Lender sha11 apply tha Ftuids to pay tlia L�ecrow Iteins ixo latex tl�an Uia time speciiied under
<br /> RESPA. L,ender shall not chazge Rorrower for halding and�plying the Funds, annua1ly ttnalyzinb the
<br /> escrow accounti, or vorifying the E�crow It'ems, uules�Lender pays Borrower inCereat on tl�e.Fnnds and
<br /> Applicable I.aw pennifs Lender Co make such a charge. Unlese mi ngreement ie made iu writing ar
<br /> Applicable Law rec�uires interest to Ue ptud on the Punds, Lender shall not be requu•ed to yay Borrower�uy
<br /> interesE or aanungs on the Fimds. Rorrower and Lender can agree in writing, l�owever, thak iuCeresC,sha71 Ue
<br /> paid �n the'Funds. Lcndor sl�all give to Borrowcr, without chm�ge, an anuual accotimting of the Fands ae
<br /> required by RLSPA.
<br /> If thero is a aueplus of Tuuda held in escrow, es defined under RESPA, Lender shfl11 nccount to Borrower for
<br /> the excess Pnnds in accordanca with RESPA. If tlxere is a shortage of Ptiuids]ield iu esctow, as defiued under
<br /> KNSPA, Lender shall notify Borrower as reqnirod by RLSPA, ancl Borrower shall pay tn Lender lhe nmount
<br /> i�eoessary Co m�ke up Che aliortage in nceorclanoe with RESPA, but in no more tlien 12 monthly payments. PF
<br /> there is n deficiency of Punds held in escrow, as def'ined under RESPA, Lender shall notif'y Borrower ns
<br /> zaooszto
<br /> NE�R�SKA-Singlef-emlly-FannleMaelfreddleA7ac UNU-ORM INSTRUMENT Form 3�28 7/01
<br /> VM P p VM PB(N F)(11061
<br /> Walters Kluwer Flnanclal Servlces Bage 5�of 17
<br />