<br /> All insuranoe policies rcquircd Uy Lender and renewals of such policias ahall Ue suUject to Lender's righY to
<br /> disapprove such policies, shall inolude a�tauaard mortguge clauee, and sk�ll n�me Lender as inort�agee
<br /> ancUor tus an additional loss payee. Lendex ehtill l�ave tho right to ]lold the policies and renewal certificatas. If
<br /> I,ender requires, Borrower shall promptly g�ive to Lender all reoeipCs of pttid premiums and renewttl notioes.
<br /> If Borrower obCnins 2vy foetn of insnr�nce coveraga, not otherwise required Uy Lender, for damage to, or
<br /> deshuction of, the Property, such policy eliall inclnde a standard mortgage clause and shall namo Lender as
<br /> moregagee and/or as an adclitional loss payee.
<br /> I'n Uie eventi of loss, Borrower shall give prompt notice to Yhe insuranca ca�'rier and Lender. Lende�'may
<br /> malcc proof of]oss if not mada promptly by Borrower. Unless Lender and Borrower oUierwise ngree in
<br /> writing, zny insurancc proceeds, whefher or not tlie miderlying inaurAnee wa� rc,�uircd Uy Lender, shall be
<br /> applied ta restoration or repair of the Proper6y, if the restoratiun or repair is econoinically feasible and
<br /> Lender's security is not 1eesened. During such repair And restoration period, Lcnder a1�a11 haue the right to
<br /> hold such insm-�nce procecds �mtil Lettder 1�ae�had an opporEunitiy to inspect such Property to cnsw�e the
<br /> �vork has been completed to Lender's aacisfaction, yrovided that such inspection shall Ue undertpken
<br /> proinptly. Leuder may disburse proceeds for the repairs and restoration in a suigle payment or in n aeries of
<br /> progre,�payments ae the work is completed. Unleea nn�green�ent ie madc in writing or Applicable Law
<br /> reqtures interest to bc paid on such insw�auce proceeds, Lender shell not be required to pay T�orrower any
<br /> intaresC or earnings on such proceccls. Ncati for public adjueters, or other third parties, retained'I�y Borrower
<br /> shall not be paid out of ttte iusurance prooeeda and ehall be tho sole oUligation of Borrower. If the restorntion
<br /> or repair is not economically feasible or Lender's aecurity woirld be lesaened, thc insLirance proceeds shall ba
<br /> applied Co the Fuine securccl Uy tivs SecLu ity Instrmnent, whether ox not then due, with Lhe excese, if any,
<br /> paid to Borrower. Such insurnnce prooeeds shall Uo applicd in Uze orcier provided f'or iu Section 2.
<br /> If Barrower�bandons tlie Pinperty, T,endor may 61e, negotiate uid settle auy auaileble insuxance olaim and
<br /> releted matters. If Borrowar does iiot respond within 30 claye to a notice from L ender that the insurance
<br /> c�amier has offareci to sattle a claim, then Lender may negotiete anci seCCle Che clai�m. '1'hc 30-day period will
<br /> Uegii� whei�the notice is given. In either event, or iF Lender acquires the Property under SecCion 22 or
<br /> otherwise, Borrower hereby assigns to Lci�der (a) T3on�ower's righta to auy inew�ance proceeds in an amount
<br /> not to exceed the amounts unpaid imder the Note or this Security Inetr�m�e�nt, and(b) any otl�er of
<br /> Borrower's riglits(other fhan tha right to auq refund of wietu•ned premiums paid Uy Borrower)nnder all
<br /> insur�nce policies covea•ing the Yroperty, insofnz• as such righ6�aro applioaUle to fhe coverage of the
<br /> Property. Lender inay usa the insurance proceeds eiYher to repair ar restoz•e the Property or Co pay rui�ounls
<br /> unpaid undcr the Note or this Security G�strumen2, whether or not then due.
<br /> 6. Occupancy. Rorrower shall occupy, estaUlish, and use Ihe Property as Borrower's principnl residence
<br /> within 60 daye aRer the execution of tl�i� Scc�irity Lnshument attd sha11 continua to occupy Uie Property as
<br /> Borrower's prinoipnl reaidence Por aC least one yeai �ftor tl�e dato of occapancy, unless Le�ider otl�erwise
<br /> agrees in writing, whicli consent ehnll not be unreAson�bly withheld, or imlesa exlenuating circumstanccs
<br /> exist which are be3�ond Borrower's control.
<br /> 7. Preservation, Maintenance and Protection of the Property; Inspeckions. Borrower shnll vot destroy,
<br /> damage or impair thc Property, a71ow thc l'roperty to detcriorate or commit waste on tlie Property. Whether
<br /> or not Borrower is residing in the Property, Borrowar shfl11 mflinl�ain the Property in ordcr to prove�it thc
<br /> Property from datexioratuig or deoreasing in value due Yo ita condition. Unlese it ie determined pursunnt Ca
<br /> Section 5 thak ropair xrr x�estoration is itot economically feasiUle, Borrower shall promptly rej�air the Property
<br /> if ciainaged to avoid fm•Cher cleterioratioi7 or dati�age. If insuranco or cottdemnatiou proceede are paid in
<br /> ooimeelion with d�mage to, or Che t�lcing of, the Properly, Borrower aha11 be re�ponsil�le Por rcpairing or
<br /> restoriug the Property only if Lender l�as released proceeds f'or such purposes. Lender mny disburse proceeds
<br /> 2A003210
<br /> N EBRASKA�Single Fam Ily-f-annla A7 aelFretldla M ac UNIFORId INSTRUh1 ENT Fornt 3�28 1 f07
<br /> VMP� VMP6(NE)(11051
<br /> Wollers Kluwer Financial Services Page 7 ot 17
<br />