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201211194 <br /> BORROWLR COVENAN'TS t7�at Boriower is lawfully seised oF thc cstate hereby conveyed ancl has the rigl�t T�o <br /> grant And convey the Property aiid that the Property is unencmnbered, except for encumUrances oPrecord. <br /> Borrower warrants and will defend generally thc title to the Property ugainst nll clain�s and demands, subject to <br /> any encwnbrances of record. <br /> THIS S�CURITY INSTRUMflNT combines unifotm covenants f'or national use nnd non-uuiform covenants with <br /> ]'rmiYed variations by jurisdic�ion to oonsflhite a uniPorm sccurity insh�mnent covering re�l prope��ty. <br /> Uniform Covenan4s. Borrower end Lendec covenant and a�ree as follows: <br /> 1. Payment of Principal, Interest, Escrow Items, Prepayment Charges, and Late Charges. Rorro�ver <br /> shzll pay wl��n due tlie privcipal of', and Interest on, the debf evidc�tced Uy the Note and any prepaymenu <br /> charges and lata charges due under the Nole. Borro��c r sl�all also pay Yunds for Escrow Ilems pursuant to <br /> Scction 3. Payments due undar tlie Note and this Security IneCrumont sl�all be made iu U.S. eurrenoy. <br /> However, iP airy cl�ccic or otl�er insfrmnent reeeived by Lender aa paymc;nt under the NoCe or tl�is Seourity <br /> Inelrument is re[urned to Lendcr unpaid, Lendar may require that any or all suUscque�rt payme�rts due under <br /> the Note azid this Seci�riCy Instrument Ue made ii� one or more of'the following formF, as sclected Uy Lender: <br /> (a) cash; (b)monoy order; (o) certifed checic, Uanle chcolc, treaeurer's chack or c,�shiex's checic, providctl aaiy <br /> such checlr is drar*ni upon��insYiiution whose depoaits are insured by a federal agency, instnunent�lity, or <br /> enti[y; or (d)�lecu'onic 1'unds"Pransfer. <br /> Paymeuts are derni7cxl roceived Uy T.ender whan received aY the locntion designatcd in tbe Note or at sueh <br /> other locatiou es may be designated by Lendcr in accordance witli the aatice pxovisions in Section 15. <br /> I,e�ider inay return any payment or pnrtial�aymenC if the payment or partial payinants are insufficient to <br /> bring Chc Loan current. Lender may accepf any pa3nnent or pt�rii�l pa3nnenti insufficieut to bring Uie Loan <br /> current, withouC waivcr of any rights lieretmder or prejudice to ite rights to refuse st[ch paymc»t or partial <br /> p�yments in the future, but Lender ie not oUligated to apply such paymenfs et tha rime suoh payinenCe arc <br /> accepCed. If eaoh Periodic P�3nnent ie npplied as o£iCe schedulcd due ciate, tlien Lender need not p�y interesC <br /> on unapplied funds. Lendar inay hold such unapplied funds unlil Borrowcn'mal<es paymenCs to bring the <br /> Lozw currenG If Borrower does not do eo wifliin a reasonable pariod of time, Lender shall oithcr apply sncU <br /> funde or retuxn them to Borrower. If not a�plicd carlic��, auch funds will Ue applied to the outetanding <br /> t�rincipal Ualance undar the Note iimnediaCely priar to forecloeure. No offsct or claim wl�ich Rorrowar might <br /> have now or in the f'uture against Lender sha11 rclicvo Borrower i'rom making paymenta due under the Note <br /> axid tUis Secm�ity Instrument or perf'onning�Yhe eovennnts and ngreemenls securcd Uy tl�is�'ecm'ity <br /> Inslrument. <br /> 2. Application of Paymentis or Proceeds. Except es otherwise described in this Seccion 2, all payn,cuts <br /> accepted and applied by Lc��der shall Uc applied in the following order of priority: (�) interest due Lu�der N�o <br /> Note; (b)prinoipal due under [he NoCe; (c)u�ioimts duo und�r Scction 3. Such payinents shall be applied to <br /> each Periodic Paymeut in the order in which it becntne due. Any remaining amounts shall Ue applied 1irsC to <br /> 1ate charges, second to atiy other a�nountis due under this Security Instrument, and khen fo reduce khe <br /> prinoipal balanoe of fhe Note. <br /> If Lander x�eceives a p��nnent from Borrowcr for a delinquent Periodic Payinent which includes a suffciont <br /> amount to pay nny]�tte chtuge due, the payment rnay be applied to tl�o dclinque�it payment a�id the late <br /> dt�rge. If more than one Periodie PaSnnent ie outstanding, Lender may apply any�apnont reooived froin <br /> Borrower to the rc��ayment of tUc Yeriodic Petiyments if, and to tl�e extent Yhat, ench pnymenC cnn be paid in <br /> full. To the e:ctent that ury excees exisCs affor tl�e payment is applied to Cha Pull pa�yment of one�or more <br /> Periodic PeymenYs, aueh excess mny Ue applied to any IaCe cl�argc,� d�ie, Volantazy prepayinants shall be <br /> al�plied first to z�iy prepayment ch�uges niid then�s described in the NoCc. <br /> -- — 24003210� <br /> N EBHASKA-Single Fam Ily-Pannle W ea7fretldle M ac UNIFORAI INSTROM ENT Form 3028 7107 <br /> VM P n VM PB(NCj(1105) <br /> Wolters Kluwer Financinl Services Page 4 of 17 <br />
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