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201211194 <br /> eenteuces sl�atl not apply to fhe prese�ice, use, or storago on th�Property of small quv�tities of$a.zardous <br /> Su6sCancea fl�af are generally recognized to be nppro�riate to nonnal residen[ial uses and to inttinkenance aF <br /> the Propesty (including, UuY not liinited to, hazardous substa�ices in consmner products). <br /> Bon�ower ahall�aromptly give Lender written noYice oP(a) any investigation, claim, demand, lawsuit or other <br /> action Uy any govermnental or regulatory agency or�rivate party involving the Property uid any Hazardous <br /> Substaztce or Environmental Law of which Borrower has actual Irnowledbe, (U) any Enviroiuneutal <br /> �Condition, including but not limited to, any spilling, leaking, discl�aigq reloas�or thraat of rolcase�of aby <br /> Hazardous SuUstancq and(c) any condiLion oaused by tlie presenee, use or release oP a Hac��rdous Subattu�ce <br /> which ndversaly afFects the v�lue of the Property. Sf Borrower learus, or ia uoYified by any govartvnental or <br /> regulatory attthority, or auy private party, that u�y removal or other reinediation of any Ha�ardous Substance <br /> aLfeoting fhe Property is neoessary, Borrowu� shall promptly take all necessary remedial aotious in <br /> accordance with Envitouuieirtal Law. Notl�ing herein shall cr¢ataany obligati�n on Lcnder for mi <br /> Enviromnental Clcanup. <br /> Non-Unifot'm Covenants. Borrower and l;cr�dce envenant and 2gre�as follows: <br /> 22. Aeceleration; Remedies. Leiider shsdl�ivenutice to Rorrower P�9m•ta aceeleration followirig <br /> Borrowcr's breacl� of'xiry covenant or a��eeinonC in L}iis Becin•ity Instrinnent (bnt not prior to <br /> ncceleration imder Seetion IR nidess Applicable Law providea otLerwise). Tlie noYice slinll apecify: (a) <br /> the default; (b) Ct�e flcL�mi reqnired to cure tlic defanit; (c) e dnte, not Icss tlian 30 daye from kl�e date <br /> tLe notice ie given to Borrowcr, by wl�ich the def'ault most be cured; and (d)#l�at failare Co cure ttie <br /> dcfa�dt ou or befure N�e date specifled iu Ohe nocice n�ay resiilt in flcceleratimi of tho s�mis secnred by <br /> this Semn•ity InaCrnmenC nnd sale of tlie P�roperCy. Tl�e nodec sliall fiu�thor�fm�m Borrower of tl�e <br /> riglit to reinsYatc aftor aacelm�aGon a��d the right Eo bring a coart action Eo asserC tlie non-exieCeuce oF a <br /> defa�dt or any other de1'ense uf'13orrower to accelerafion and sale. If tLe default is noC cnred on or <br /> beYore the date specit`ied in Che notice, Lender at its optimi mny req�uro immediate paymcnt v�fnll oF <br /> all sams secared by CLie Secm�ity Lish•nment wiClionY fnrthor do�nand and may vivoke tlic power of snle <br /> flud any otlier remedies permiYted by ApplicaUlo Lnw. Leiider shsrll Ue entitled to collect All expenses <br /> incnrred in pnrsning the re�nedies p�rovided in this Sectiort 22, inclnding, but not limited tn, reason�lile <br /> nttorneys' fees und uosts oY Htle evidence. <br /> IF Ehe power�f eale is involced, Trnstee sLall record n noCicc of def'anit in cach cmmty in wluch any <br /> pnrt nf the Property is locntcd nnd sl�all mail copies uf snch notiae in tl�e manner prescribed by <br /> Ap�licnble LAw to Rorruwer and tio tlie otLer persons presctiUed by Applicable Law. After tlte Ehne <br /> required by:Applicable Law, TrnsCee sliall �ivc paUlic noticc of snle to thc perso��s nnd in tlie manner <br /> prescribed by Applienblc Lnw. Trnstee, without demand on Borrower, shsill sell the Yroperty xU public <br /> nnclion tu tlie highest bidder at the tinie and place and ancler the Cei�ns desiguated in Cl�e no6ice of sale <br /> in one or more parcela and in any orcler TrueCee determines. Trustee�uay post��one sflle of all or miy <br /> parcel of fhe Property Uy pnUlic nuuomicoment nt tlie timo and placc oF nnq previonsly scliednlcd salc. <br /> Lender or its dealgnee mny pm•chnse thc Propert,y at ��ny s�de, <br /> Upmi receipt of p�yment of tlie pricc bixl, Trtwtco shall deliver to Uic pm•chascr Trastee's deed <br /> cm�voy'ing tho Property. The recitals in tlie Trustee's deed sl�all be prima facie e��idence of cl�e Lrt�Cli of <br /> the stxtements made Cl�ereiu. 'It•irsCee shflll flpply the proceeds of tlie sale in tl�e following order: (n) to <br /> �ll cosls nnd expenses of excrcising thc powcr of snlc, nnd tl�e st�lc, including the gnyment of tlie <br /> TrnaCce's fces aoCnally incarred �i�d reasonxble attorneys' fees ae per�miited by Applicable Law; (h) Co <br /> all smns secured by tl�is Secm�ty InstinnrienC; and (c) nny excess to Che pereon or persons legnlly <br /> enEiCled Co if. <br /> sqooazto <br /> NEBRASKA�Single Famlly-Fannle MaelFretldle Mac UNIFORh1 INSTR�A7ENT Porm 3028 V01 <br /> VM P� VM Pti(NE)(1 M O51 <br /> Woltera Kluwer Flnanclel9ervices Pqqe 14 of 17 <br />