<br /> in the Propetty nnd rights mider this Security Ins[tument; and(d) t��kea such action ae Lcnider may
<br /> reasonaUly require to assm�e that Letidar's ivteresY in the Property nnd righCs uncler this Security Ins�rumenC,
<br /> and Borrowcr's obligation to pay tho sums secured by this Secw�ity Ivstrwnent, shall continua unchauged.
<br /> Lendet may require thaC Borrower pay sueh reinstaCemen4 sums and oxpenscs ii� one or more of T�l�e following
<br /> forms, es selected by Lendex: (a) cAsh; (b)money ordex; (o) certified oheck, bank check, iroaaurcr's cl�ccic or
<br /> cashier's check, provided any such check ia drawn npon au institutioii whose deposits ere insuied by n
<br /> f'ederal agency, uistruinentality or enfity; or (d) ElecU�oiuc Funds Transfer. U�on reii�stntement by Borrower,
<br /> this Security Lnsftumont and ob7igations securcd 1�oreby sl�all re�»ain fiilly effective as if no acceleration had
<br /> occuxred. IIowever, Chis right to reinslnCe shall not�apply n2 fhe casa of accolorafion imde� Scctio�i 18.
<br /> 2D. Sale of Note; Change of Loan Servicer; Notice of Grievance. The Notc or a partial interest in thc
<br /> Note(togetlier with this Security B�struuienk) cau Ue sold one or more tlmes without prior noUce to
<br /> Borrowc�r. A sale might resulC in ai change in Uhe e�nfity (lmown a�the'Zonn Servicer") that collects Nciiodic
<br /> Payments clue under the Note and this Security Instrument nnd perfotms other mortgnge loau servicing
<br /> obligations under the Note, this Security Instrwnent, and Applicable Law. There also might be arie or more
<br /> chauges of the Loazi Servicer uiuelated to a sals of the Note. If Uiere is a change of'the Loan Servicer,
<br /> Borrower will Ue given�n'itten votice oF the change wl�ich wi11 stuto the name and addrees of the new l,oan
<br /> Serviccr, tihc address to which payments should be made nnd any other inforinaCion RI3SPA require.4 in
<br /> oomieo[ion with a uotice of u•fluafer of servicing. If the NoYe is sold and thereafter the Loan is aerviced by a
<br /> Loan Servicar other than the purchaser of tlie Note, the mortguge loaai servicing oUli�ations to Borrower�uill
<br /> r�naiiz with flic Loan Scrvicet�or l�x�tramsforral to a sucoeseor Loan Servicer and are not aes�m�ed by Cho
<br /> Note puzchnser utiless otlienvise provided by the Note pm•clinser.
<br /> Neifher Boxcower nar Lender may commence, joia, or be joined to a�iy judioiN action(as either nn
<br /> individual litigant or llia meinber of a class)that arises from the other pe�rty's actions pmsu�nt to this
<br /> Security Instrmnent or thaf alleges thaf the othe��part}�has broachcd a�iy provision nf, or any duty owed by
<br /> re�tson of, this Security Tustruuic�it, itn�'il such Bon�ower or Leuc�er has noCified the other parly(with such
<br /> nc�tice givcn in compliance with Che requirements of Seetion 15) of such alleged brench and nfforcled the
<br /> other perty hereto n re�souable period after�1ie giving of such notioe to Take corrective acEion. If ApplicaUle
<br /> Law provides a tiine period which must elap�e Uefore certain acti�»� can Uc t�lcen, Hiat tirno periE�d will be
<br /> deemed to be reasonaUle for pm�poses of Chie�aragraph. The notice oP aocelera[ion and opporlimity to euxe
<br /> given to Bon•ot*�er pursutmti to Section 22 and tl�e notice of acceleration given to Borrower pursuant to
<br /> Section l8 shall Uc dcemcd to satisfy Che nolice and opportunity Co take correotive aetion provisions o£this
<br /> Sec4ion 20.
<br /> 21. Hazardous Subatances. As used in thia Seetiou 21: (a) °Hazccrcdoars Substayrces" are those substanoes
<br /> defined as toxic or ht�zardous subatances, pollutents, or wastes by Enviromnental Law aud tUe following
<br /> substqnces: g�soline, karosene, other flemtnable or toxic petro1eum products, toxio pcsticidw and hcrbicides,
<br /> volatila solveuts, materials containing asbestos or fornialdehyde, �nd radiolctive mate�ials; (b)
<br /> "F.nuirronmental L�aw"n�cans fecieral I1ws nnd laws of thejurisdiction where the Propert;�is located that
<br /> rolate Co healtli, snfety or environmental protection; {a) "Tsnvr:�^onrnentrcd Cleanup" includes a�iy response
<br /> ection, remedial aotiion, or removal action, as�defiued in Eirvironmonta] Law; and(d) an "Enuir•onment�tl
<br /> Condition"mcane a conditiion 11iaC ctm cnuse, contribute to, ar otherwise trigger atn Envu•onnlentel Cleanup.
<br /> Borrowcr sha11 not cauiFe or permiC Che presence, use, dispoeal, storage, or releaae of any IIaznrdous
<br /> S`�ibstances, ox threaten to releaae any Hazardoue Substauces, on or in the Property. Bonrower shall not do,
<br /> nor allow a�i}�one else tio do, nnytliing affecfia�g tl�a l'roperty (a) Uiat is in violation of any EnvironmenCal
<br /> La�w, (b1 which creatcs ttn}?nviromncnCal CondiGion, or(o)wluch, due Co the ptesence, use, or release of a
<br /> Ha�ardous Substance, createa a condition tlinC ndaersely flfLects the velue of Yhe Property. The precediug two
<br /> zaoaazto
<br /> N EBItASKA-Single'Fam ily-F3nnie M�elFredAle M ac UNIFORld MSTROh1 f-NT form 302� i 701
<br /> VM P p� VM P6(Nf-)(7106)
<br /> Wolters Kluwor Flnanulal5erviues Page 73 of 1 I
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