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201211194 <br /> 23. Reconveyance. Upon paymenC of all c'�un,s accured l�y fl�is Sccurity lnstrutnent, Lender sl�all caquest <br /> Tiustee Yo reconvey the Property nncl ehall surrender this SecuriLy Inetrument and all noke.s evidencivg deUt <br /> secured by thie Seourity Instruuient to Trnstee. Trustee el��ll ceconvey Che Property without wnrran[y to tihe <br /> person or persons legally enhiCled Co it. Such person or persons shall pay any recordaGion crosCs. Lender ma�y <br /> chArge such person or persons n fee for reconveying tlie Property, but only if Ilie fee is paid to a third party <br /> (such as the Tiusfee) for services rendered and the charging of the f'ee is perimtteci under Applicable La�v. <br /> 24. Substitute Trustee. Lender, at iYs option, may from time to time re�nove Tri�stee and appoint a euccessor <br /> trL�stee to any Trustee appoinYed herauuder by an instrument recorded in Yhe oounty in whioh this Seouri�y <br /> Instrwnent is recordecl. Without conveyance of the Property, the auccessor tiiustee shall succaed fo all the <br /> titic, powcr 2nd duCies conferred upon'I'rustee heiein and by A�plicablo Law. <br /> 35. Request for No4ices. Barrower requesfa that oopies of the notice of default�nd snle be senC io F3orrowor's <br /> address which is the Propertiy AdcLess. <br /> zaooazto <br /> NFBRASKASingle Fzmily-Fannie M aelFretlAlc M ac UNIFORid INSTRUM FNT Form 3020 1101 <br /> \/M P(7n VM P6(NE�(1 I OGl <br /> WoHors Kluwer Flnancial Sarvlr,es Page 5 oi 17 <br />