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201211194 <br /> desi�;nated a euhstifutie notice ncldress by notice to Lender. Botrower shall y�romptly notify Lender of <br /> Borrowcr's changc of address. If I,ender apecifies a procedure for reporring Borrower'a oh�ngc of address, <br /> then Borrower ehall only xeport a chsnge nf address through tUat specified ptooedtue. <br /> There may be onty one ciesigntiCed notice address undcr this Security InsUtunenti at any one time. Any uotioe <br /> to Lender ahall be given by delivering it or by mailing i6 by trrst class mail to l.euder's address staCed herain <br /> unless Lender has designated another addrese by norice to Borrower. An�no6ice in conncction with this <br /> Secutity Instrwneut shall noti be deemed fo ha�ue been given to Lender nntil achielly xeceivedby Lend¢r. Lf <br /> any notrcc rec�nircd Uy t1�is Sccnrity G�struinent is also reqnired tuider Applicable, the Applicable Law <br /> reqiurement will satisl� Che corresponding requirement mider this Sccutity 1'nstrument. <br /> 16. Governing Law; Severability; Rules of Construction. '1'his Security lnstnuncnt shall Uc governed Uy <br /> federal law and flie law of the,jurisdiction in which the Proparty is located. All rights and obligalions <br /> conkvned in this Security IneCrumont aro suUjecf to airy requiremei�ts and limitations of'Applicable Law. <br /> Applicable Lflw might expliciYly or implioitly allow [he parCies Lo ag��ee 6y contract or it might be siletrt,but <br /> such silence sha11 not Ua construed as a prol�ibition against agreement by contrnck In the event fhaC nny <br /> provision or clause of this Security Instrmnent or the N�ote contlicts with Applieabla Law, sueh eonflict sha11 <br /> not afPcct otihcr provisions of this Sociu�ity Instrun�cnt or tl�c Niito whidt cau be given effect wiUiout the <br /> con�Clioting provisinn, <br /> As titscd in tliis Scourity instrumciif: (a) words of thc masnuliuo gcndcr sha11 rnean and v�clude corresponding <br /> neufer words or words oP Che feininine gendei; (b)words in tihe eingulu ahnll mean and inahide the plural <br /> and vioe varsn; and(c) the word"may" givas sole discreYion without any obligation to take any acGou. <br /> 17. Borrower's Copy. Borrower shall be given one co�y of the Note�uid of this Securit3�Instrument. <br /> 10. Transfer of the Property or a Beneficfal Interest in Borrower. As us«l in tlus Section 18, "Interest iu <br /> tlie Property" means aaiy legal or baneficial interest in El�e Property, including, but not limited to, those <br /> be�ieficial interwts fransfcrrcd in a bond for dced, oontract for dccci, instalh�icut salcs amtract or escrow <br /> agreeinonh, the intent oP whieh is the txansfer oE title by Borrower nt 1 fiiture data to a pitrohaser. <br /> lf all or any part of the Proporty or any Interest in t7ia Property iF sold or 6r<u�sforred(or if Borrower ie not a <br /> natural person nnci 2 beneficial intexest in Bon�ower is solcl or ir�naferre,d)withoi�t Lender's prior written <br /> coneent, Iznder may require immediate payment in fiil1 of all sums sccurcd by this Security'Iusfrnrnent. <br /> However, 11iia option ah111 not be exeroised by Lender if such exeroiae is prohibited by Applioable Law. <br /> If Lender exercises Lhie opCion, Lendet shall give Borrower notioe of ncoeleration. The noriee shall provide a <br /> period of not less thaai 30 days f�om tha date the notioe is givan in accordance wi11i Saction 15 witliin which <br /> Borrower mnst pay a11 sume secured by tl�is Security Insh�umont, If}3orrowcm fails to pny tl�we stim�s prior to <br /> tl�e oxpirahion oP Clvs period, Lender may invoke�ny xemedies permitted by this SecuriLy Listrwnent without <br /> fiirther notice or demaud on Borrower. <br /> 19. Borrow er's Rfght to Reinstate AfCer Aeceleration. If Borxower meets certain condi[ions, Borrower <br /> shall have the right to hnve enforcemenY of tliis Security Instrument discontimxed at any time prior to the <br /> eaz•liest of: (a) fiva da�ys Uef'ore sale of the Property pursLtant to�zny power of esle conkaiued in tl�is Security <br /> Instrwnent; (b) sucl� other poriod as Applicablc Law mighC a�5ecify for Hia ferniinalion of Borr�wcr's righti Co <br /> reiivstate; or(c) entry of a judgtrtent enforcing this Secnrity InsLrument. Those conditione are that Borrower: <br /> (a)pnys Lender all sums which Uxen would be due under khis SecuriCy InsU•wnent and the Note as if no <br /> acceleration 1�ad occurred; (b) cures any dofatiilt of any othcr covcnants or agrecments; (c)pays all expe�isos <br /> incurred in en�Porcing this Secm'i6y Instrument, inohiding, but not limitecl W, xeaeonable nttorneys' fees, <br /> pxoperty inspection aud vehiation fees, end oEher fees inaurred for tl�e purpose of protecting Lender's iutaresC <br /> zaooazto <br /> N[[IRASKA-Sin�jle Family-Fannie A7aelFretldie Mac 11NIfo2M INST2LIMENT Porm 3028 1fo7 <br /> VMP(ry VMPB(NFl(71051 <br /> WalfeYs KluWxr Pinenclal Servloea Page 12 of 17 <br />