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201211194 <br /> 12. Borrower Not Released; Forbearance By Lender Not a Waiver. Exte„sion of the cime tbr payment or <br /> modifieafion of amortization of the sums secured Fay'this Security Inslruinent ganfed by Lencier to Borrower <br /> or�ny Successor in Interest c�f Borrower shall not operate to release the liability of Borxower or nny <br /> Successoxs in Interest of Borrower. I,ender ah111 nai bv i-equired to cominence proceedings again5t aay <br /> Successor in Interest oP Borrower or to rehise to exteud tiine for payinent or othc�wisc modify ama�tization <br /> of the swns secured Uy this Security Iustrmnent Uy renson of[ury demand made by the original Borrower or <br /> any Successors in 1nTerest of Borrower. Any forbearance by Landar in exercising any right ox xemedy <br /> including, witho�it limifation, Lcndcr's raeceptance of payinents fi�om tl�ird persons, entities or Successora in <br /> InteresC of Borrower or in amounCs less ihan Yhe azvowiC thon due, shall not be a waiver of or preclude Uxe <br /> exerciee of any right or remedy. <br /> 13. Joint and Several Liability; Co-signers; Successors and Assigns Bound. Borrower covenAnts and <br /> agrees that 13orrower's c�bligations amd liability vhall bc joint and several. Howevei�, any Rorrowar who <br /> oo-signa thie Security Inetrument buf does not execute the Note(a"eo-signer"): (a) is co-sigiing tl�ie <br /> Secwity Inshument oi�ly to mortgage, gra�rt and coiroey the co-signer's interest in the Property under tlie <br /> tei�ns of this Security]nstr�mnent (b) is not parsoual1y obl.igafed to pay the sums secm�ed by tl�is Security <br /> InaCrumenC; and(e) agrees thaL Lender and any other Borrower aan extcnd, modify, forboar or ma1ce <br /> nny flccommocl�tions with regu•cl to the terms o£this Seeivity Inst�ument or tihe NoCe withouC Che co-signer's <br /> conseut. <br /> Subject to th€provisione oP Section 18, any Siiccessor in Interest o£Borrower who aesumes Borro�ver's <br /> obligations under tlus Security InsUwnent in writing, and is approved by Lender, shA11 obYain all of <br /> Borrower'�rigl�ts and bcnefite ui�dor this Security Inehuinonti. Borrowcr shall not be released from <br /> Boxxower'e oblig�ions and li�lZility under this Security Instrumetlt urilesa Lender agrees w suoh rele�ea iti <br /> writiug. The covei�its and agreeinents aP this Secwity Lustrtunent shall bind(except as provided in Seotion <br /> 20}and bencfit tho auccessc�rs and aesi�,n�s of I�cndor. <br /> 14. Loan Charges. Lender may charge Borrower fees for services performed in connection with Borrower's <br /> aefault,for thc purpose of protecting L,ender's interest in th�Property and rights under�t1us Secut7ty <br /> I��s6rument, inchuiing, buC noC liinited Lo, atCorneys' fees, property inspeeCion tmd valu�tion Pees. In reglyd to <br /> any other fees, the abseuce nf exprese Authority in this Security Inah•ument to charge a apecific fee to <br /> Borrower sl�all not Ue construed a4 a proliiUitiou on the charging of sucl�f'ee. Lender may not charge fees <br /> thak are expTessly prohibited by this Security Instrument or by Applicnble Law. <br /> If the Lonn is su6ject to a law which eets maximum loan eharges, and that Inw is finally iuterpreted eo thak <br /> the iuteresti or other loan charges oollected or to Ue collected in comiection with Uie Loa�i exceed tha <br /> pormitted limite,then: (a) any such 7oan cl�argo eliall bo reduccd by tho ainount nccoasary to reduce thc <br /> chatge to the pennitied limit; niid(b) any sim�a nh eaciy collected from Borrower which exceaded pennitted <br /> liniits will be refwnded to Borrower. Lender mey choose to make thie refiuid by reducing the principal owed <br /> uuder Uie Note ox by making a clirect payment to Borrowen If a reftuid recituzs principal, the reduction will <br /> be treated as a partial prepayment witlinut any prepayuwmt cl�argo(whcthu�•or not a}�ropaymcnt ch�rgo ie <br /> ptovided Por uuder the Nole). Borrower's acoeptauce o£nny auch reLund mnde by direc[pnymenti to <br /> Borrower will consYitute a waiver of a�ry righY of acliou Borrower aught liave arising out of such overchazge. <br /> 15. Notices. All notices given Uy Borrower or Leuder in comiecCion witli tlus Security Instrmnent must Ue in <br /> wri6ng. Any notice to Ron�ower ii1 oonttection wit1� tl�is Secw�ity lnstrmnent sl�all be deemed to have been <br /> given to Borrowec wlien mailed by first claas u��il or when aoCually delivered to Borrower's noCice address iP <br /> sent by othex means. Nofice to any ona Borrower eha11 constitute uotice to all Borrowers unless Applicabla <br /> Law expressly requires otherwise. Tl�e notice address sha11 Ue the Property Address wiless Borroc�er has <br /> 44003270 <br /> N�RA�SKA�Singlo Femily-Fannle M ae7Fretltlie M ac UMFORM INSTRUM CNT Wrm 3020 1/01 <br /> VM P pg VM P0(NEI(110ti1 <br /> Wolters I(luwer Ginanolal Servlcea Page i�l oi 17 <br />
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