<br /> satiefaofioix, providecl that such inspecYion shall be t�ndertakei7 proinptly. 7 ender inay pay fox the rep�irs
<br /> and restorntion in a eii�gle disbursameut or in a series of progress plyments as Yl�e work is compleCed.
<br /> Ui�lass an agreement is made in wrifing or ApplicaUle l,aw requires inYerest to be paid on such
<br /> M,iscellaneous Proceede, Lender ehall not be required to pay Borrower any inYerest or em•iunga on such
<br /> Miecollaneous Proceeds. If the restoration or repair is not eoonomically feasible or Lender's sectuity would
<br /> be lessened, tha Misccllaneotiis Proceeds siiail be applied to the suina secured by tl�is Secm�ity Listnunent,
<br /> whether or no[[heu due, with the cxccss, if auy, paid to Borrower. Such Miacell2neous ProccodB sha11 Ue
<br /> appliad in the arder provided for in Secfioii 2.
<br /> In the event of a total taldng desteuction, or 7oss in valae of the Proparty, the Miecellaneous Praceeds shall
<br /> Ue applied to the sums secured by thia Seourity InaCriunenf, whethcr or not then dua, with Yhe excess, if nny,
<br /> paid to Borrower.
<br /> In the event of a parCial talting, deshucfioti, ar loss in value of'Cha Property in whiah the f�ir mar]<ot value of
<br /> the Property iitvnedintely bePore Lhe parlial taking, dcetruction, or loss in value is equal to or gr�ter thau ihe
<br /> amount of the swns secured by this Seourity Inahlunenl inunediatoly bcfore flie partial tzlcing, destrucYion, or
<br /> loss iu value, miless Borrower a�id Lander othenuise flgree in wtiCing, ihe sume sccurcd by this Security
<br /> Iustru�r�ent s1�all 1�e reduced by the unotuit of the Miscallaneous Proceeds inultiplied by thc follnwing
<br /> fractfon: (a} thc totial amowit oF the Nums secured iinmediately before Ylae partial taking, desk�uction, or loss
<br /> in value divided by(b) tlie fait mnrket value of the Property immediately before flie pactiat taking,
<br /> destruction, or loss in value. Auy balance ehall be paid to Borrower,
<br /> Hi the eveut of a paatial Yaking, destruction, ar lose in value of the Property in which tUo fair�narl<et ualue of
<br /> Ihe Property immcdiatcly before the partial taldng, destraction, or loss in value ie lesa than the nmount of lhe
<br /> enme secnred immeciinkely bePore Cl�ie p�rhi21 t�lcing, destruction, or 1ose in value, mdeas Borrowar �id
<br /> Lender oYherwise ag�•ee in writing, the Miscellaneous Proceeds ehall be applicd to tho sums secured by this
<br /> Security lnstrmnenC whefher or not tlie smns are lhen due.
<br /> If the Property is abandoned by Borrower, or if, flfter notice by Lencier co Borrower that thc Opposing I'arty
<br /> (as defined 'u�the next yentence) offers tio make an award to settle a claim for dxmnges, Borrower faile ta
<br /> xespond Co Lend��-wiChin 30 days after the datc the noticc is givan, Lender is authoriaad to collecY and apply
<br /> the Miecellaneous Proceede eithex to xestararion or repair oP lhe Property or to the sLuns seoLued Uy this
<br /> Sectu'3Cy Inetrwncnt, whcthcr or not then due. "Opposing Party" means the third pTriy that owes Boriron✓er
<br /> MiscellTueous Prooeeds ar the party agau�st who�n Borrower has a xight of action in regard to Miscallaneous
<br /> Proceeds.
<br /> Rorrower shall Ue in default iP uiy action or proceeding, whether civil or oriininal, is bagun Yliat, i�� 1.ender's
<br /> judgmont, could resu1t in forfeihtre of the Property or otlaer material impairment of Lender's interesC in the
<br /> Ptopetty or rights Lmder Chie Sccucity Inetrumont. Borrower can cure such a def'aulY azid, iP accelerntion hae
<br /> occun�ed, reinstate As provided in Section 19, by cau�ing Ihe action or proceeding to be dismissed with a.
<br /> ruling that, in Lander's judgmenY, precludes £orfeit�ire of the Property or othce mttterial impairment of
<br /> Londer'5 interest in the Property or rightis mider tliis Seom'ity Instrurnent. The pxooeeds of any awv$c�r
<br /> clairn Por damages Lhfll�are�tlribittahlo to tho impainnent of Lendex's intarest in tiha Property are hereby
<br /> assigned wul shall be paid to Le�ider.
<br /> All Miscellaneoua Proceede thet are not applied Eo reskorfltion or repair of tl�e Ya opea ty shall Ue applied 'ui tlie
<br /> order provided for in SecCion 2.
<br /> znooazto
<br /> NEBRASKA-Single Fam Ily-Fannle A4 aelFi�etldle M ac UNIFORl,q INSTROh1 GNT � Pofm 302 tl 1 f01
<br /> VM P C9 VM Pe(NE (11�6)
<br /> Wollers Kluw er Financlal Services Pa�e�0 0(1]
<br />