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201211194 <br /> continue W pay to Lender thc ai�ount of the separatiely designated paymenia ChaC wcre ciue when Uie <br /> insurance coverage ce�sed Eo be in effeot. Lender wil7 ^cept, Lise aud retain these payments as a <br /> non-refundable losN reserve iu lieu of Mortgage Insur�noe. Such loss roserve shall ba non-refundable, <br /> � notwithsfanduig Che Fact that the l,oan is ultimatiely paid in full, and Lender shall not be required to pay <br /> Borrowar any inter�st or eu7ungs on such lose reserve. Lender can no longer require loss rescrve pay�nents <br /> if Mortgage Inswance coverage (in the amount and for tl�e period that Lender requires)provided by ati <br /> insurer selected by Lender again becomes nvnilable, ia obtnined, and Lender requires separately designafed <br /> payment�towand the pre�ninms for Mortgage Ineuranoe. If Lender requircd Mortgage Ivsm�auca es a <br /> condition of m�king the Loan and Ron�ower was required to make sep�rately designatui peymonts toward T7ie <br /> preiniums for MorCgnge Insurance; Borrowcr shall pay the premiwns reqtiired to maintain Mortgage <br /> I�isurancc in effcct, or Yo provide a iaon-refmidable loss raserve, ui7til Leuder's reqeiiroinenC for Mortgage <br /> Insurance ends in a000rdance with�ny writton agreement between Borrower end Lender providing for aucl� <br /> termination or mrtil terminaYion is required by Ap�licable Law. NoH�ing in tUis Section 10 a£fects <br /> Bon-ower'a ol�ligation to pay u1te��esC aC tihe rate provided in the Note. <br /> Mortgage lnett�anoe xeimbursee Lender(or any entity tl�at purohnses Lhe Note) for certain losses it may inem� <br /> iP Borrower docs not rcpay tl�e Loan as agreed. Borrower ia not to the MorCgage Insurttnce. <br /> Mortgage inswers avaluate tiheir total risk on all such insurance in fome from tiuic to time, and may enter <br /> into agrecmcnts with othcr p<u�fies that sl�ate or modif'y their ris1G or reduce losses. These agreeinenCs aro on <br /> terins and conditions thal a�e aziLisfactory tn thc mortgage ioyurer and tha otihar party(or parties) to these <br /> agreements. These egreements mny require tlie morlgnge insiver t�n�alce paymot�ts nsing any sow•ce of Yunds <br /> that the mortgage ineurer may have availaUle(whioh inay include funds obenined froni Morfgage lnsurance <br /> premiwns). <br /> As a reatflt of thceo agrccments, T�cnder, any purchaser of tlie Note, anoCher insurer, nny reinsurer, any oiher <br /> entity, or any afCilinte of any of the foregoiYig, rnay rcceivc�(directly or indirectly) amounts that derive from <br /> (or snight be characterized es) a portion of Borrower's paymenCs for Mortgage Lnsurauce, in exchanga for <br /> eharin�or modifying tha mortigage instn'er's risk, or reducing losaes. If such ag�een�enY provides that an <br /> afiiliate k�f Lcnder takey a sl�are of the insnrer's rislc in exchanga k'or a ah�i•e of the premiums paid Co Che <br /> insurer, the arr�ngemenC is pfCen tcn�mc;d "c�ptivc reinsurance." Further: <br /> (a) Any snch a�reements w➢11 not affect tlie nmomiks ChaC 13oi�rower•ha� xgreed to pny for Morfgage <br /> Insarance, or smy other terms of tl�c Loau. Saclx agreements will noE increase llie amonnC <br /> Borrower will owe For MorCgage Insurance, and tliey will not entitle Borrowcr to any refimd. <br /> (b) Any such ngreemenCa will noC flffect the rights Burrower has-if nny-with rospoct to the <br /> Mortgage Insm•nuce mider fLe IIomeowners Protec[ion Aci nf 1998 or any otl�er Ixw. These riglits <br /> may inch�do the right fo rcecivc cortain disclosures, Co reqnest and obtain cancellaCiou of the <br /> Mortgarye]nsunmce, to h�ve the NIortgnge Insarsmce tcnninxted antmnatically, and/or to receive <br /> � n refiuid oP any Mortgage I��m•ance premiame that were m�exrned sit the timc of sncl� <br /> cancellsrtion or termivatlon. <br /> 11. Assignment of M iscellaneous Proceeds; ForFeiture. All Miscellaneous Proceeds are hereby�ssigned to <br /> a�id shall be pvd to Lender. <br /> If the Property is damaged, such Misoellaneous Prooeeds shall be applied to restoratiott or repair of tl�e <br /> Properry, if tl�e restoration or repair is economically feasiUle And Lender's aecurity is not lessened. During <br /> such rcpair and restoration period, Lc�zder sha11 have tl�e right to hold such Miscellaneous Prooeede until � <br /> Lender ht�s had en opportunity to inspect such Property to enenro tl�e work has Ueen completed to Lender's <br /> 2A003270 <br /> NEBlL1SKA-Single Family-Fnnnie MaelFreddle M ac UNIFORIvi WSTRUM EN"f Porm 3�2b 1101 <br /> vn�rc� vm�Ns�ue���toa� . <br /> Wolters Kluwor Financial Swvlces page 9�of 1 <br />