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201211096 <br /> mortgage insurance premium to be paid b_y Lender to the Secretary, or(ii)a monthly cltarge instead of a <br /> mo�tgage insurance premium if tlris Secunty lnstmment is held b}-the Secretan, in a reasonable amount to <br /> be delcrmined by the Secretary, Except for the monthly charge by the Secretaq, lhese items are ca(led <br /> "Escrow Items" and the sums paid[o Lender are called "Escrow Funds." <br /> Lender may, at any time, collect and hold amounts for Escrow Items in an aggregate amount not to excced <br /> the maximum amonnt that mav bc requircd for Borrower's escrow account nnder the Rcal Estate Scltlement <br /> Procedures Act of 1974, 12 U.S.C, Section 2601 et seq. and implemendng regulations, 24 CFR Part 350Q <br /> as they may be amended fmm lime to time ("RESPA"), cxcept that[he cushion or reserve perntitted by <br /> RESPA for unan(icipated disbursemenls or disbursemenls before the Borrowcr's paymenls are available in <br /> the account may- not be based on amounts due for the mortgage insurance premium. <br /> If the amourrts held by Lender for Escrow Items exceed[he amounts permitted to be held by RESPA, Lender <br /> shall account ro Borrok-cr for thc excess funds as required by RESPA. If the amounts of funds hcld bv <br /> Lender at anv time aze not sufficienl to pay the Escmw Items when due, Lender may notify the Borrowcr <br /> and require Boirower ro make up the shortage as peanitted bv RESPA. <br /> The Escrow Funds are pledged as additional securih for all sums secured by tlris Security InsWment. If <br /> Bonower[enders to Lender the full paymentof all such sums,Borrower s account shall be credited with the <br /> balance remaining for a11 installmentitems(a), (b), and(c)and airy morlgage insurance premium installmem <br /> ihat Lender has not becomc obligated to pay to the Secretary•,and Lender shall prompUy rcfund any excess <br /> funds to Boirower. Immediatelyprior to a foreclosnre salc of the Property or its acquisitionby Lender, <br /> Borroa�cr's account sliall be creditcd with any balance remaimng for all inslallmentsfor items(a), (b), and(c). <br /> 3. Applicationof Payments.All payments under paragraphs 1 aud 2 shall be applied by Lender as follows: <br /> First, to the mottgage insurance premium to be paid by Lcnder to the Secretary or to the monthly charge by <br /> the Secic4uy instcad of the monthly mortgage insurance premium; <br /> Seco to any ta�es, special assessments, leasehold payments or ground rems, and fire, flood and other <br /> hazard insurance premiums, as required; <br /> Third, to interest due under[he Note; <br /> Fourth to amortizaUon of the principal of the Note; and <br /> F9fth, to late charges due�nder the Note. <br /> 4. Fire, Floodand Other Hazard Insurance.Borrower shall insure all improvements on the Propeny, <br /> whether now in existence or subsequently erected, against any hazards, casualties,and contingencies, <br /> including fire, for which Lender requires insurancc. This insurance shall be maintained in the amounts and <br /> for the periods tha[Lender rcquires. Boirower shall also insure all improvemems on the Proper[5, whether <br /> now in existence or subsequently crected, against loss by floods lo the extent required hy thc Secretan�. All <br /> insurance sktall be carried with companics approved by Lendcr. The insurence policies and any renewals stiall <br /> be held by Lender and sliall include loss payable clauses in favor of, and in a form acceptable to, Lcnder. <br /> In the event of loss, Borrower shall give Lender immediate notice by mail. Lender may make pmof of loss if <br /> not made prompU}-by Borro«�er.Each insmance company wncerned is hereby authonzed and directed to <br /> make payment for such loss directly ro Lender, instead of to Borrower and to Lender jointly. All or any part <br /> of the insurance proceeds may be applied by Lender, at its opdon, either(a)to the reduction of the <br /> indebtedness under the Note and this Sccuriry lnstrument, first to any delinquent amounts applied in thc <br /> order in paregraph 3, and thcn to prepar•ment of principal,or(b)to the restoration or rcpair of the damaged <br /> Property. Am application of the pmceeds to the principal shall not exlend or postponc the due date of the <br /> FHq Deetl of TmsM1NE <br /> VMP 3 GBB <br /> V✓ulters Kluner Financial Services VMP4R(NE)(1105)00 <br /> Pepe 3 of 10 <br />