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201211096 <br /> montl�ly payments which are referred to in paragraph 2,or change the amount of such payments. Any exCess <br /> insurance procecds over an amount required to pay all outstanding indebtedness under the Note and this <br /> Security Instmment shall bc paid to the entilv legally entitled thereto. <br /> In the cvent of foreciosure of this Sewrity Ins[rument or other transfer of tille to the ProperR�that <br /> extinguishes the indebtedness. all rigM, [itle and imerest of Borcower in and to insnr�nce policies in force <br /> shall passto the purchascr. <br /> 5. Occupancy, Preservation, Maintenance and Protection of the Property; Borrower's Loan <br /> Applieation;LeaseholdsBorrower shall occupy, establish, and use the Property as Borrower's principal <br /> residence wilhin siaty days after the execution of this Security Instrumcnl(or wi[hin si�ctp days of a later sale <br /> or transfer of the Pmperiy)and shall coniinuc to occupy the Propem� as Borrower's principal residence for <br /> at least one year afrer the date of occupancy; wiless Lender de[eanines that requirement will cause undue <br /> hardship for Borrower, or unless extenuating circumstances exist which arc bcyond Borrowcr's control. <br /> Borrower shall notify Lender of am'ex[enuating circumstances. Borrower shall not conmiit waste or destroy, <br /> damage or substantially ctiange the Property or allow the Proper[y to deteriorate, reasonable wear and tear <br /> excepted. Lender may inspect thc Property if the Propeny is vacant or abandoncd or thc loan is in defautt. <br /> Lender may take reasonable acrion to protect and preserve such vacant or abandoned Property. Borrower <br /> shall also be in default if Borrower, during the loan application process, gave materially false or inaccurate <br /> information or statements to Lende�(or failed to pxovide Lender with any matsrial information)in <br /> connecrion with the loan cvidenced by the Notc, including but not limited to,represecrtations conceming <br /> Borrower's occupancy of the Propert�� as a principal residence. If this Securit� Instrumem is on a leasehold, <br /> Borrower shall comply with lhc provisions of the lease. If Borrower acquires fce titic to thc Propert}-, thc <br /> leasehold and fce litle sttall not be merged unless Lender agrees to[he merger in writing. <br /> 6. Condemnation.The proceeds of any award or claim for damages, direct or consequeirtial, in coimecuon <br /> wi[h any condemnalion or other taking of any part of[he Property, or for conveyance in place of <br /> condemnation, are hereby assigned and shall be paid to Lcndcr to thc exicnt of thc futl amount of Ihc <br /> indebtedness that remains unpaid under lhc Note and[his Secudty Instrument. Lender sliall apph•such <br /> proceeds to the reduclion of the indeb[edness under the Notc and this Security Instrumcnt, first to any <br /> delinquen[amounts applied in the order provided in paragraph 3, and then to prepayment of principal. Any <br /> application of thc proceeds to the principal stiall not extend or postpone the due date of Lhc mon[hly <br /> payments,which are referred to in paragraph 2, or change the amount of such papments. Any excess <br /> proceeds over au amoum required to pav all outstanding indebtedness under the rote and this Sewriry <br /> Inshument sttall bc paid to the entity legally entitled thcrcto. <br /> 7. Chargesto Borrowerand Protectionof Lender'sRightsin the Property.Borrower sl�all pay all <br /> govemmcntal or muiucipal cltarges, fincs and impositions that are not included in paragraph 2. Borrowcr <br /> shall pay these obliga[ions on time direcfly to the entih-which is owed the pa�-ment. If failure to pay would <br /> adverscly affect Lender's interest in the Properly, upon Lender's request Boiro«�er sYiall promp[ly fumish to <br /> Lender receipts evidencing these payments. <br /> If Borrower fails to make these payments or the payments required by paragraph 2, or fails to perform any <br /> other covenants and agreements contained in this Securit�•Ins[nament, or there is a legal procccding that may <br /> significantly affect Lender's rights in the Property (such as a proceeding in bankruptcy,for condem�ation or <br /> to enforce laws or regula[ions),then Lender may do and pay wha[ever is necessary to protect the value of the <br /> Pmperty and Lender's rights in the Property,including payment of taxes, Lazard insurance and olhcr items <br /> mentioned in paragraph 2. <br /> FHF Deed oi TmsLNE 4196 <br /> YMP� VMP4R(Nc�ry105).00 <br /> Kblters Kluwer Financial Services Page 4 of 10 <br />