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201211096 <br /> is evidenced by Borrowers note dated the same date as this Secunty Inshument ("Note"), which provides for <br /> monthly payments,w•ith the full debl, if not paid earlier, due and payable on Jp.rr�.T�xx o 1, 20 43 This <br /> Sccunry Instrument secures lo Lender: (a) the repayment of lhe debt evidenced by lhe Note, with interesl, and all <br /> rene��als, extcnsions and modifications of thc Note; (b)the payment of all other sums, with interes[, advanced <br /> under paragraph 7 to protect the securih� of this Security ]nstrument; and(c) the performancc of Borrower s <br /> covenants and agreements under this Securin� Instrument and the Note. For this purpose,Bormwer irrevocablv <br /> granls and wmeys to the Trustee, in trust with power of sale, the following described property located in <br /> �L Counri, Nebraska: <br /> 3EE ATTACHED I.EGAL DESCRIPTION <br /> TAX STATE[�NTS SHOUISI SE 6ENT TO: WELLS FARGO HOME MORTGAGE� P.O. BOX 11758, <br /> NEWARK, NJ 071014756 <br /> Parcel ID Number: <br /> whieh has the address of z912 W 16TH ST [StreefJ <br /> ��+TID Is� . [CityJ, Nebtaska 68903 (ZipCode] <br /> ("Proper[g Address"); <br /> TOGETHER WITH all the impmvcments now or hereaf[er erected on the property, and all easemenis, <br /> appurtcnances and fix[ures now or hereafrer a part of the property. All replacemcnts and additions shall also bc <br /> covered b}'this Security lnstmment. All ot the forcgoing is referred to in tlns Securih�Instrumcnt as the <br /> "Properiy." <br /> BORROWER COVENANTS that Borrower is lawfully seized of the estate hereby wme�-ed and has the right to <br /> grant and convey the Property and that the Propertv is unencumbered, exccpt for encumbrances of record. <br /> Borrower warrams and will defend generall9 the tiUc to the Pmperty against all claims and demands, subject to <br /> any encumbrances of record. <br /> TH1S SECURITY 1NSTRUMENT combines uniform covenants for national use and non-uniform covenants e-ith <br /> limited variations by junsdiction to constitute a uniform security inslrument covering real properiy. <br /> Uniform Covenants.Bonower and Lender covenant and agree as follows: <br /> 1. Payment of Principal,lnterest and Late Charge.Bonower shall pay when due the pnncipal of, and <br /> imerest on,the debt evidenced by the Note and la[e charges due under thc Nolc. <br /> 2. Monthly Paymentof Taxes, Insuranceand Other Charges.Borrower shall include in cachmonthly <br /> payment,together with the principal and interest as scl fonh in the Note and an�- latc charges,a sum for <br /> (a)taxes and special assessments levied or to be levied against the Property, (b) leasehold payments or <br /> ground rents on the Property, and(c)prcmiums for insurance reqtired under paragraph 4. In am pear in <br /> wluch tlie Lender must pay a mortgage insurance premium to[he Secretary of Housing and Urban <br /> Dcvelopment("Secretary"); or in any ycar in which such premium would hare been required if Lendcr still <br /> held the Security Instrument,each montlily payment shall also include either. (i)a sum for the annual <br /> FHA Deetl M Tms[-NE �8 <br /> VMP i'i VMP4RMQ(1105100 <br /> VJollers Kluwer Finanoial Servlcas Psge 2 of 10 <br />