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201210954 <br /> sentencea shall not apply to the presence, use, or sroxage on thc Vroperry of smnll qunntities of Hazardous <br /> SubsCances thnt ere generally rccognized To Ue appropriate to narmal rosidential use9 and to m�intenanoe of <br /> the Propecty(including, bnt not limifed to, l�azardous substances in consnmer products). <br /> Rorrower shall promptly give Lendcr writtcn notice of(a) any investigelion, olaim, demaud, Iawsuit or other <br /> action Uy vry govermneutal or regul�tioiy lgency or private party involving the Ptoperfy and any H�.zatdous <br /> Substnuce or�nvironmental Law of wl�ielt Borrower has acLual know1edge, (b) any Enviromnent�l <br /> Condition, inelnding but not limitcd to, any spilling, lealdng, discharge, relcasc or tl�reat oF ralease of nny <br /> Hazazdous Subsk�nce, t�nd(c) any oondition caused by fhe presenco, uae or release oP a Hazardous Substance <br /> which adversely afteeYs the value of the Property. IP Borrower learns, or is notified by u�y govcrnmenta1 or <br /> regulatory auYhority, or any private pm�ty, thnt nny removal or other remediation of an}+Haznrdous Subst��nce <br /> alfectuig the Froperty is neoessary, Borrowar s1�a11 proinptly talie a11 neceset�ry remedial aotions in <br /> accordance with Environmental Law. Nolhing hcrcin shall create any oUligation on LenAer Lor An <br /> Fsnviromnenta.l Cleanup. <br /> Non-Uniform Covenants. Borrower nnd Leuder ooverianl and ttgrcc as follows: <br /> 22. Accelerafion; Remedies. Lcnder el�all give nolice co Bm�•ower prior to aecelerntion following <br /> Borrower's breael� of tmy covenant or agreemcnt iii this Secm•iCy vistrirment (but nut prior to <br /> ncccloration nndar Sectimi 18 unle,9x Applicable I.nw providcs otlicrwisoj. Tlie notice sliall specify: (x) <br /> the defnnit; (b) tl�o action required to cm�e tlie defaulC; (c) a date, uut less tl�an 30 dnya from the date <br /> Che notice is given tu Bm�irower, by wl�ich the defnnit mnsC be cured; and(d) tliet f:�ihu�e to carc tlie <br /> clefaulC m� or before the d.ita specil'ied Li tho notice mny resnit in lcceleratiou of the sums secm�ed by <br /> this Se¢nrity IustriunenC and sxle of the Piroperkp. Tl�e�wticc sliall Piu�tlier inform Bm�rnwer of tlie <br /> rigl�t to rcinetate after accelerxCion and Che righC to bring x com•t acUmi to asecrY tl�e non-existence of a <br /> defxult or nuy other dcfcnso of Borrower to acceleration and aTle, If the def.�ult is not carcd on or <br /> I�efore Che dntie spocit'ied in the nutice, Lender at ite optimt may reqnire inuueciiabe p:�yment in fldl of <br /> all snms secured by tltis Secnrity Instrtunent witUout further demnnd ancl ynay involce tl�e power of sale <br /> amd any other rcmedioe��crmiYtcd by Applicable Law. Lender shall be entided fo collcet all oxpenses <br /> iucarred in pm•snii�q tlie�•e�nedies providcd in tliis SecCimt 22, nic[ud°nig,.Ui�C not limited to, reasonaUle <br /> attorneys' fees and coeCs of Iitle evidence. <br /> lf tl�c power of'snle is 9nvolced, Tri�sCee sliall record a nohce of'defa�dt in eneli connty in w1�ic1T any <br /> part of Che Property ie located nnd ehnll mnil copies of snch noHce in the»ixnner prcacribcd by <br /> Applicxble Law to Borrowcr and to the otlier persous prescrlbed by Applicable Law. After the ti�ne <br /> required by Applicable],aw, TrnsYae shall givc pnblic notice af sale to tlie persons �nd in llie inanner <br /> presciybed by AppHcnble Law. 'CrasCee, witlioi�t dem:md on I�orrowor, sl�all ecll Yl�o Property at pnblic <br /> anedon to tl�o highesC bidder at the Nme nnd place and iuider t�t�e cerms designs�ted ii� the notice of salc <br /> in one or more parcels and in su�y order Trnstec deCcivtittes. Tcnstee ntay poetpmie sale oF flll or any <br /> parcel of tl�e Property uy public nmmnncement at the kiixte nnd pinee of nny provionsCy sehednled sale. <br /> Lender or its dcsiguce may purclinse the Property at nny sale. <br /> Upon rcccipf of pnyment oF the price bid, TrasCee sliall deliver Co Clie porcl�aser Trnstee's deed <br /> conveying tlie Property. The raeiinls ui tlio Trnstoo's dced shall be prima facie evidence of the trutlt of' <br /> Che alatemants made therein. Trnstee shxll xp�ly the procccda of tlia snle in the following order: (a) to <br /> all coets and expenses of exerciying l7ie power of s:�le, :md the s�ile, inclad'vag thc paymeut of tlie <br /> TrnsYeo's fecs nctn�lly incurred and rensmiable atCon�eys' fces as permitted by A��plicnblc Law; (b) to <br /> adl smns secared Uy tl�is Beca�rit,y Instrnment; ancl (c) nny excose [o tlie persmi or persona legnlly <br /> enlifled to iC. <br /> zaooa�aa <br /> NEBftqSKA�SingleFnmlly-FanniebleelFreddlebiac UMFORA4 INSTRIIMENT Form 3D28 1/01 <br /> VMP� VMPANE (1705 <br /> lNoltors ICluw or Flnenciol Sorvlma Page�4 ro(7� <br />