<br /> ui the ProperCy and ri�l�ts wider tlus Security Tnstrument; aud(d) tal<cs sueh action as Lender may
<br /> reasonnbly require Co assure that Lcnder"s inzerest in the Property anci righfs under this Secm'ity Inst�ument,
<br /> and T3ori ower's obligation to pey the atm�s securcd by this Securitiy Inshument, sh111 oontinuo unchanged.
<br /> Lender m�,y rcquire tliaf Borrower pay such reinetatiement sums and expenses iu one or moi•e of the following
<br /> Forms, as seleoteci by Lender: (a) cash; �) money order; (c) certified chec]<, banlc diecic, t��easurer's eheck or
<br /> cashier's check, provided any suoh oheck is drawn upon an institution whose deposifs arc insurcd Uq a
<br /> fodera1 agenoy, instruinentality or entity; or(d)�leceronic Fur�ds'1'ransfer. Upon reinetatemen[by Borrowcr,
<br /> this Secuxity [neh'umcnt and obligations seeured hereby sh�ll re,tnain fully cffective as If'no accelaration had
<br /> �occurred. IIowever, Chie right Co reinstate shall not apply iu Yhe case of acoelerati�jri under Section 18.
<br /> 2D. Sale of Note; Change of Loan 5ervicer; Notice of Grievance. T'he Note�r a parci�l interest in the
<br /> Note(togetiher with this Security fi�slriunenC) cnn hc sold one or mora times without ptior notice to
<br /> Borrowar. A sale inight result ui e change in[he entity(known as the '7.oan Servicer")Chet oollects Periodic
<br /> Pay�nonte duc under fhe Aiote and this Seeurity InstrutnenE�nd per4om�s otlier mortgage loau aervicing
<br /> oblignhions under 14�e Note, ihis Scc�u ity hist�ument, aud Applicable Law. There also migl�{Uc one or more
<br /> changes of the Loan Servicer um�elaled lo a eale of thc Note. If tl�ere is a clkwge of the Loan Servicer,
<br /> Rorrower will be given written notice of the change which will etatc tha nazne and adciress of'Uie new Lonn
<br /> Servicer, fho addrexs�to whic1x payinents shauld be inade and any other inforination RLSYA requires in
<br /> conneetion wikh a notice aP t�r�nsfcr of scrvicing. If the Note Is sold and theceafCer the Loan is serviced by a
<br /> Loazi Servioer other than the piuohnser oP uhe Note, tiho morkgage loan seirvieing obligaYione to Borrower�vill
<br /> remain with fihe Loaai Servicer or be trnnsferred to a suooessor Loan Sorvicer and are not assuined by the
<br /> Note pm c1��sar Luilees oi'herwise pirovided by Yhe Note pw•chaser.
<br /> Neither Borrower nor Lender mny commence, join, or be joitied to�ny jiulicial action (ay either aai
<br /> individual litigant or tha i��ember of a class) tliaf w�ises from Yha other pnrty'e actions purauanC Co ��l�is
<br /> Security Instrument or th�t alleges�tliiC lhe o��hes party 1�a�breached any provision of, �or a�iy duty owed by
<br /> reason of, khis Security Ins(stunent, until euch Borrowea•or Lender has notiGad thc othcr•party (with such
<br /> ixotice givcn ui compliance with the reqLurements of Section 15}oPaueh alleged breacli and aPfordeci tho
<br /> other p�trty hereto s reasonnl�le period aPker fl�a giving of such notice to take corrective action. If Ap�lioable
<br /> Law pinvides a time peiiod which must elapse before cerEnin action can bc Yalccn, that time period will be
<br /> dcc�ned to Ue reasonaUle for pmposes oP this paragraph. The notice oPacoeleraLion and opportunity to curc
<br /> given to Borrower puxsuAnt to Section 22 and lh�no�ice of acecicration given to Borro�uex pursuaut to
<br /> Sectiion 18 shall be deemed to satisfy tlie notice and opporfitrity Co Eake con�c:cNvo actiou provisions of t7�is
<br /> Section 20.
<br /> 21. Hazardous Subsfances. tIs used in tlus Section 21: (a) "Hazardous Substances" are tl�ose s�iUdtauces
<br /> clefined aa�toxic or hazardoiis substana:s, pollutante, or wasfes by�nviromnenYal L.aw and the following
<br /> subsYances: gesoline, ]zeroaene, otkex flmmnable or loxi�petrolcum produots, toxic pesticides and herbicides,
<br /> volatila solvents, materials containing asbe.atoa ar fonnaldehyde, ancl radioactive matorial�; (U}
<br /> "L'n�drnnmental L�w"mcans fcderal 1aws and laws of flie juriscliotiion where the Property is locntied thaC
<br /> relate to health, safely or enviromnen��11 pirotection; (e) "Eni�ironmerztal Cleanaep" inclucies any response
<br /> aotion, reniedial action, or removal nction, t�s defined in L�civirotu��enEal I,aw; and(d) ui "F,nvironfrzental
<br /> Condition" maans a condition tl�at cau cause, contribute to, or oEherwise erigger an L�nviromncnta] Cle�nup.
<br /> Borrower shall noC cauee or permit the pxeseuoe, use, dieposal, ecornge, or rcicaso of any Fl�,�zardous
<br /> Seibstances, or threaten to release any I3azardous Substences, on or in the Proper�y. Borrowe� shall not dq
<br /> nor allow anyone olae to�do, anything nffecting tl�e Property(a) t1int is ui violatioii of ttny Etrvironrnentnl
<br /> Law, (b) wluch croates en Snvu omnentnl Conditiou, or(c)which, duc to tho presence, use, or release of'a
<br /> }fazardous Subst�ice, creates a condition tl�ati adversely affecte the value of the Pro�er[y. The preceding t�vo
<br /> 2A0031AA
<br /> RFAMSKA-Single Fomlly-Fannie MaslFretldie Mao UNIFORM IN3iRUAh ENT Form 302b 1101
<br /> vMN o vmPs(Ne)(taoa)
<br /> �.Nollers Kluwer�f-inancial Servir,es Cape 13 of 1�
<br />