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201210954 <br /> 23. Reeonveyance. Upon payment of all stuns secured by this Secarity instrwnent, I.ender shall raquest <br /> Trustee to reco�vey tho Property and shall surrender thie Security Instriunent and all notes evidenciug deUt <br /> securecl by this Security Insf�uwent to'frustee. Trustee shall ceoonvey Yhe Property withouh warrantiy t�r thc <br /> person ar pexsons legally entitled to it. Such perFon or pc��sons sh�ll p�y auy recordation costs. Lender may <br /> chargc sucli person or persons a f'ee for reconveying the Property, but on1y if flie fee is paid tio a tlurd pa�'ty <br /> (such as Che Truetec) for services eai�dered and tha charging of the£ee is pennitted widcr App]icaU1e <br /> 24. SUbstitute Trustee. Lender, at its option, may fi�om time to time reuaove Tiuskec aud xpp��'rnt a euccessor <br /> Y�'ustee to any Trustee appointed I�eraui�der by an insL�utinent recordeci ia the eounty in which Lhis Seeurity <br /> 1nsErwnenti is recorded. Without eonveyanoa oP Lhe Properky, H�o nucoessor trLisfee shall succeed to all the <br /> tiUle, powcr and dnties conferred upon Trustee herein and by Applicable Law. <br /> 2 S. I�equest Tor Notiees. Rorrower requests iliat copies of the natioe o£default and sale bc sa�t to Bon�owei'y <br /> pddxess whiEh i� Che Prc�porty Addreas. <br /> znaoainn <br /> NEBRASKA-Single Fam Ily-Pannle M aelR�etldle M ac UNIfOftM INST2UM ENT Form 307.0 1101 <br /> VM P(y VM P6 NE1� 110ti1 <br /> Wolfers Kluwer Financiel Servioes Page 1�of 1 Y <br />