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201210949 <br /> reqLtired by RLSPA, aud Borrowcr shall pay tn,Londcr Yhe nmount necess�ry to malce np the defioiancy in <br /> aocordance with R$SPA, Uut in no more fhan 12 monthly paymenCs. <br /> Upon pnyn�ent in fiill oF all sums seeured by Chis Security InsCrmnent, Lcndcr ehall pron�ptly refiuid to <br /> Borrower any P'unds held by Lender. <br /> 4. Charges; Liens. Borrower ehall pay nll tcaxes, assessmenYs, chnrges, fines, �nd imposilions attributflble to <br /> the Property which cau 2ttain priority over tl�is Securily Instruanent, leasehold paymenCs or ground rents on <br /> the Property, iF any, anci Coii�mur�ity AnFcroittlion llucs, F'ecs, and Asnensments, if any. 7'o the oxte��t that <br /> these items ere L�scrow Items, Borrower shnll�ay them in the m�nner provided in Section 3. <br /> Borrower shall prom}�Cly diFcharge any lien which has prioriCy over til�is Seourily InetrumenY unless <br /> Borrowar: (�) agrees in�rn�iting to the pa�yinent of the obligaYion secured by the lien in a manner acceptable <br /> to Lender, but only so long as Borrower is pexfonning auch a�,reement; (U) contests the lien in good faith Uy, <br /> or defends against cnforc�mciiE of thc]ion in, ]cgal proceeclii7g�whicl�in Lendc.r's opiniov� operate to pYcvent � <br /> fhe enPorceu�ent oP the lien while those proceedings ve pending, but only nntil such proceedings nre <br /> ooncluded; or(c) secucas from the holdar of tlie lien an agreement satisFactory to Lender subordinating the <br /> lien Eo t7�is�Seci.uity Fnshwnent. If L��der determincs tha't any part c�f fl�e Property is subjcct b� tt licn� whicl� <br /> can atCain prioriCy over lhis Security Inslrument, Lender may give Borrower n no[ioe identifyisig the lien. <br /> Within 10 days of the date ou whicli that notice is giveti, Borrower sha11 satisf'y the lien or take one or viore <br /> of the actiony set fortl�above in this SecLion 4, <br /> Lender ma}�require Borrower to pay charge for a real estate tax veritication and/or reportinb <br /> service used by Leocier in connection with this Loan. <br /> 5. Property Insuranee. Borrower shalllceep the itvprove�nonts now existing or he��eafter arected on the <br /> Property insured againet loss by fira, haz�trde ii�cluded wiChin Che term"extcnded eoverage," and auy oth�r <br /> haznrds ineludiug, Uut not limited to, earthqualces and floods, for which Lender requires ineurance. This <br /> insurauca shall be mainfained in the unotuits (inclnding dedtiictib1e levels) vid for the periody that Lender <br /> requires� Whnt Lender require.s ptiusuanC fo the pceceding senfences oan ehange ciiu�ing Lhe term of Llie Lo�tn, <br /> The insurance carrier pxovidiug the insurance shall be chosen Uy Borrower subject to Lender's right to <br /> disapprove Borrower's cl�oice, wl�ioh right aliall nd be exercised unreasonably. Lender inay reqtiiire <br /> Boi�rowcr to pay, in connection wiCh this Loan, eil]ier: (a) a one-time chargc for flood zoiie dotermination, <br /> certi5cation aud tracking seivices; or(bj a one-time cl�aage for lood zone determination and certificatioii <br /> services alid�uUsenuent charges each time rem2ppings or similar cl�anges occur whicl�reasonaUly might <br /> affect such detcrmii�ation or eertifica6on. B�>rr�wer ehzll also bc rc,4ponsiblo for the payment of any fees <br /> iinposed by lhe Federal Eu�ergenay Management Agency in oonnection wiCh tihe review of nuy flood zone <br /> detennination resulting f'rom an oUjection Uy Borrower. <br /> IP Borrower f'nils to maintaiii any of Uie coverages described aUove, Lender m�y obtain insm•ance coverage, <br /> nt L�i�d�r's c�ptiou and Borr�jwc�'s ox�ionse. Lcndcr is undcn'no ol�ligafron to puYchase any particu1ar tyyo or <br /> amount of oovernge. Therefoxe, such covernge shall cover Lender, but might or might not protect Borrower, <br /> Borrower's equity in the Property, or tha contentis o£the ProperCy, against any risk, hazard or liability uid <br /> might provide greater or 1esser covereige th�n was prcviou�ly in cfFect. I3orrowcr acki�owleAges that the cost <br /> of tho insiu�anec coverage so obtained inigl�t signifiennCly exceed fhe coet of insur�nce thaC Borrower couM <br /> heve obtained. ?.�ry nmonnts disbursed Uy Lendex under thia Seotion 5 sh�ll Ueoome additionnl debt of <br /> Borrower secured by tliis Sectuity InsU•wnent. 'Phese anloeuits sha11 bear intaresY at tha Nofe raCe fiom fhe <br /> date of disUwaement and shall be payaUle, witU such interost, Lipon notice fi•om Lender to Rorrower <br /> requesting payinent. <br /> 24003152 <br /> NEBYtASKA�Single Famlly-Fannle h1aelFredtlie Mnc UNIFORfd INS'fRUMENT Form 302tl 7/01 <br /> VYI P(q VM Pfi(NG)(1705) <br /> W ollers I<luw ef Flnanolal 6ervloes Poge 8 0(17 <br />